Wednesday 3rd June 1998

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Today's Headlines
an Aussie's viewpoint on Australia's first daily Internet newspaper.
Since October 1995

Pauline Hanson's speech in parliament yesterday on "The draft declaration on the rights of indigenous peoples.

Extract from Pauline Hanson's speech: (With links to the treaty etc...)

The Oxford English dictionary considers indigenous as having been born in that country.

By this definition all people born in Australia are indigenous and therefore should be covered by the provisions of this treaty as in fairness should those who have made this country their home also be covered, but this of course is not the case.

Article 3 states indigenous people have the right of self-determination.

What exactly does self-determination mean?

Does it mean self-government?

Aboriginals prepare to "evict" Pauline Hanson 'the trespasser' - are you next?

See a scan of the original document.

You might recall the recent article by columnist Peter Mackay on the Aboriginal "tent city" in Canberra... this is where the "eviction notice" originated.

The state of the major parties revealed on the ABC's Lateline

For those who stayed up last night to watch Lateline you would have seen a clear contradiction in reality and the unfounded claims made by the tweedle-dum and tweedle-dee of politics - the ALP and the Coalition.

The programme started off with coverage of Ian Petersen, One Nation's deputy leader and Gympie candidate. The support that Petersen was getting from locals was obvious.

There was coverage of the Gympie meeting last Sunday and comments by Heather Hill.

Then there was the great debate.

The ALP and the National Party tried to shrug off One Nation as irrelevant with the ALP's Queensland State Secretary Mike Kaiser and the National's Ken Crooke both making disparaging remarks about the party.... and appealing to voters to put them second in their preference allocation.

David Oldfield, for One Nation, outperformed both of the above - concentrating on the issues while the others tried to explain how they would both be damaged by voters putting One Nation first.

The contradiction in their arguments was obvious for all to see. How could both major parties be the loser if people voted One Nation?

How could the democratic right of people to make their own choice on which way to vote be wrong? The lies and deceit of the major parties are slowly coming home to roost.

Globalism and Democracy

Extract from this week's article:

This week The Australian is featuring a series of articles under the title ‘The Future File’. The same old names in journalism, with the same old views, are writing in the same old paper about what will happen to the ‘big issues’ in the 21st century. Paul Kelly took on a potentially explosive one: What hope is there for democracy in the 21st Century?

Since ‘democracy’ has a number of meanings Mr. Kelly might have defined at the outset what he meant by it. After all there is ‘participative democracy’ (rule by wealthy elites), ‘liberal democracy’ (government of the people by the people with limited government), and ‘mass democracy’ (government of the people by the people with unlimited government), ‘social democracy’ (the dictatorship of the proletariat), ‘economic democracy’ (the equal distribution of wealth), and even ‘industrial democracy’ (worker representation in management). Which ‘democracy’ is Kelly talking about? The reader has to work that out for themself.

Nationals withdraw how-to-vote cards

The National Party has withdrawn how-to-vote cards distributed in a seat, north of Brisbane, after admitting they weren't authorised.

The ALP has labelled the material as "political skullduggery".

The how-to-vote cards were being distributed by the Nationals in the Labor-held seat of Caboolture, and are labelled "How to vote for Pauline Hanson's One Nation Party".

National Party state director Ken Crooke says only three were handed out, and they have now been withdrawn because they weren't properly authorised by the party.

He says it is a simple organisation mistake.

"A bit of local enthusiasm without going through the normal proper processes, and obviously as soon as it was drawn to our attention we made sure there was no further distribution of the cards," Mr Crooke said.

Meanwhile One Nation spokesman David Oldfield says the Nationals were trying to fool voters.

"So what they'd done is they trumped up and dummied up a One Nation how-to-vote," he said.

"They had One Nation one and National Party two, so they're trying to collect the preferences from One Nation voters."

Shreddergate continues to bubble away.

Once again the disgraceful abuse of power by the Labor and Coalition parties in Queensland has raised its ugly head.

Here is an extract from a recent speech made by Democrat Senator John Woodley in the Senate:

Before I do that, I want to put on the public record something that has personally disturbed me ever since the unresolved whistleblower cases committee tabled its report in October 1995. In that report we described the shredding as `an exercise in poor judgement'. I have given that view very careful consideration ever since and I now wish to disassociate myself from that description and suggest that it was quite inadequate. In my opinion, in light of the facts and the emerging evidence, it was a very soft political view that can no longer stand. I believe that we sent our Australian community a bad signal by not facing the cold, hard facts that a so-called desirable, political objective may not always be lawful. That precise scenario is what the Howard government and Patricks may be facing in the courts in respect of the unacceptable sudden sacking of 1,400 MUA members supposedly to achieve a more efficient waterfront. I remind the Senate that Justice Wilcox said in the appeal court ruling that noble objectives cannot be achieved by ignoble means.

Making the news" -
an indepth exposé of media and political collusion at the highest possible levels in Australia.

email the editor

You say:

Subject: Comments on Australian News of the Day

Dear Sir,

I have just read the APC's dismissal of your complaint against Charlton and the Courier mail. It is obvious that that the Australian Press Council has no intention of ever interfering with the Houses of Packer or Murdoch,in any way shape or form.

I suppose its only to be expected of loyal employees though.

One thing that did come out of it ,was that the APC was forced to include Pauline Hanson's name as a prime motivator in the forcing of the Govt. to hold off on the MAI.

This is in stark contrast to any report i have seen in the Packer Media Cartel, yet!

In the West Australian today, they ran the JSCT , Bill Taylor story, on the MAI.....with a picture of Pauline...(a NICE one)! across the colomn head ...but without mentioning her in the story !!! I would just love to know what happened there!!!

May be they have been told to start being nice to her, but they aren't sure just how to go about it...without being seen to be doing Herculean backflips so soon !

The newspaper bosses are most certainly aware of Pauline's rise and rise and will be keeping a weather eye on which way the wind is blowing...commercially speaking. You never know.. after the Election might be a good time to re-submit your complaint to the Australian Press Council. It could be a whole new ballgame then.

Steve Nichols

Subject: How to vote???!!!

Being a Labor supporter all my voting time, the main comments I have to make are as follows.

The two major parties have forgotten the average JOE BLO.

The last Labor government we had was the most liberal government we have ever had in this so called lucky country.

Now this Liberal government we have, just want to make rich people RICHER PEOPLE.

The way I see it, there is nothing that Pauline Hanson has ever said that is racist. Everything that has been said by Pauline has been on the tips of everybody's tongues for decades. The problem is there are to many do-gooders in this world today that need to spend a little bit of time with the causes that they fight for. This would really test out the hearts and minds of them. Most of them only ever get out of the office long enough to have a smoke, and they wouldn't know if a shark bit them or not. Anyway I am losing the plot here, I get to wound up at times and tend to prattle on for hours and hours.


Ken Bannister.

Subject: Proposition 227 on the California ballot

Dear Editor,

The following is quoted from the 2nd June '98 editorial by Wesley Pruden, editor in chief of the Washington Times:

"If the melting pot survives, California will deserve the credit.

The great assimilation that made America possible is on life support, but a crucial transfusion to be administered today may save us, or at least delay the day of reckoning.

The transfusion is called Proposition 227, and the immediate effect will be to end bilingual education in the public schools throughout California. Such a dramatic result should apply the brakes to the accelerating national slide towards ethnic, sectarian and pressure-group anarchy that threatens to splinter the land of the free and the home of the trial lawyers.

Nobody describes Proposition 227 in such realistic terms. As on so many other important topics in American life today, the protocol prescribes evasion, euphemism and obfuscation. Proponents cast the campaign as one of how best to educate children ("the child" having replaced "the woman" ass the flavour of the season), and foes of Prop 227 are trying to cast everyone else as racists."

Does it sound familiar?

john hamilton - USA

Subject: Good News for One Nation.

To the Editor
Dear Sir

Now that One Nation have obtained the services of Robyn Spencer, they have not kicked one goal, they have kicked fifty.

I have seen Robyn on stage at the Heidelberg Town Hall in Vic, in front of hundreds of people and I can tell you she is sincere, capable and a great speaker with the facts to back everything she says.

Good Luck to One Nation.
Best Wishes

Subject: Re: MAI Dead

Dear Sir,

Without firing a shot, Pauline Hanson has scored her first victory! Please give her my congratulations! But,

Keep your powder dry
john hamilton

Subject: Petition

This service is great in that it gives people like myself the opportunity to express my views.

In the past I have voted conservative because there has been no options when it came to immigration, racism against whites and the inequitable system that allows small ethnic groups a disproportionate say in the affairs of State.

Now there IS an alternative and if the Liberals put One Nation last on the ticket behind the hated socialists then I will give Labour my preferences believing this will help in a small way to put them in power. Better the enemy you know......

Be warned Mr Howard.... the worms are turning.

Personal trivia, from the global office:

Another perfect day in paradise.

Have a good one.

Recent stories exclusive to  (how to) subscribe/rs of the Australian National News of the Day:

Queensland candidates gather in Gympie - 31st May 1998
Political Correctness and "racism" exposed.- 30th May 1998
Taking on News Limited at the Australian Press Council in Sydney.- 23rd May 1998
Launch of One Nation's Queensland leadership.- 22nd May 1998
Protest over closure of National Australia Bank branch in Ipswich - 21st May 1998
Pauline Hanson meets the people of Blair
- 20th May 1998
Unethical trifecta expose Courier Mail's intellectual prostitutes - 9th May 1998
MIGA - son of MAI exposed - 8th May
Just me and Pauline
- 5th May
One Nation breakfast - 4th May
Just who are the Mont Pelerin Society - 3rd May
The Internet and the DEATH of the MAI - 30th April  
Launch of Pauline Hanson's re-election campaign - 29th April  
Second One Nation protest surprises Bob McMullan - 28th April  
Sultan of Brunei buys up big tracks of Australia - then negotiates Indonesian "settlements" 25th April
Maritime Union of Australia win in the Federal Court 22nd April

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