Wednesday 15th April 1998

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Recent stories exclusive to  (how to) subscribe/rs of the Australian National News of the Day:

One Nation Birthday Party on Pauline Hanson's farm 10th-12th April
One Nation state and federal candidates meet in Toowoomba 4th -5th April
Hindmarsh Island Bridge case thrown out by High Court 2nd April
The Hindmarsh Island Bridge farce revealed 31st March
UN agrees to make our fresh water a "global commodity".... beware farmers - your fresh water dam WILL cost you! 28th March
Courier Mail's national affairs reporter Peter Charlton attacks MAI concerns and breaches ethics guidelines 28th March
The US Government's global "Cablesplice" project, fact or fantasy? 26th March

Current topical links (available to all readers):
[Links to the MAI]
[Queensland One Nation State Election website] [One Nation Federal Web Site]
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Today's Headlines
an Aussie's viewpoint on Australia's first daily Internet newspaper.
Since October 1995

Globalising the bush

Extract from today's article by Graham Strachan:

As part of the ‘globalisation’ process, the policies of successive Australian governments have helped foreign-owned agribusiness multinational corporations (MNCs) increasingly take over the farming sector. During the early 1970s, Australian family farmers found themselves competing with huge foreign-owned MNCs with massive capital backing. To make the contest ‘equal’, the federal government began removing tariffs, something it committed itself to do by signing various trade agreements, such as the Lima Agreement.

Farmers looked to their traditional champion, the Country Party, for support, but it too showed signs of deserting them. It renamed itself the National Party and sought to broaden its electoral base by courting mining industry MNCs and others. In a bid to protect their interests, farmers formed what they hoped would be a representative body, the National Farmers' Federation (NFF) in 1979. But something happened. The NFF began reciting the slogans of economic rationalism and requested the dismantling of tariffs, subsidies and other mechanisms which enabled the family farmer to compete. If the truth be known, from the very beginning the NFF really represented agribusiness multinationals, not the Australian family farmer (1).

Patrick Stevedores friend or foe?

Patrick Stevedores are a key player in the new world order. In the article above by Graham Strachan the author explores the manner in which the NFF have been used by multi nationals under the guise of representing the "mum and dad" farmers. The reality is very different and the manner in which the wharfies have been treated has got to be condemned.

As I have said before the violent Maritime Union of Australia (MUA) have been as un-Australian as the Australian Labor Party's Brisbane Anti-Racism Committee but the MUA employees of Patrick have families. These families are Australians. They have homes and bills to pay. When Patrick closed down the company to which these employees were contracted they simply stripped it of all assets leaving it unable to make any payouts.

1,400 wharfies working one week were unemployed and unpaid the next. No notice, no payout, as yet, nothing. In the backrooms the Coalition did a deal with Patrick guaranteeing to organise a payout to the wharfies costing about Au$250 million. When the wharfies demanded their jobs back and protested the Coalition government threatened to retract from their guarantee of taking over the company's payouts to employees.

The brother of Patrick boss Chris Corrigan spoke out against him yesterday calling his actions un-Australian.

Meanwhile Lang Corporation, the "owners" of Patrick experienced a major jump in the share price - up to Au$2.60 with reporters claiming that mum and dad investors doing most of the buying.

Isn't it funny how "mum and dad" claims come into the picture to justify something no matter how crook it really must be. I question the claim as what "mum and dad" investor would take a punt on something so risky. What "mum and dad" investor even knew until a few days ago that Lang Corporation owned Patrick? The real winners will only be revealed after the MUA has been crushed - when the multinationals walk in and take over our docks.

Yet another critical pillar of Australia's sovereignty splintered, broken and taken away and the Coalition think that they are smart.

Murrandoo Yanner at his old tricks again

Murrandoo Yanner, the sleaze bag who burnt the Australian flag outside Parliament and who has been at the forefront of stopping the mining industry proceed with projects that employ Australians, is up to his old tricks again.

Once again he is at the centre of a Federal Court Action brought by the Carpentaria Land Council against the Au$1.2 billion Century Zinc project. His claim is aimed at stopping the mine from putting a bridge across the Gregory River. He wants the courts to stop the Burke Shire Council from erecting the Au$1.3 million bridge unless it "acquires the site in accordance with Native Title Act requirements or native title holders consent".

Last Thursday the Federal Court ordered that work on the bridge should stop.... starting to sound rather like the Hindmarsh Bridge fiasco?... Well here we have Henry Aplin (one of the signatories to the agreement with Century Zinc) stirred on by Yanner now seeking an injunction restraining the Burke council from proceeding.

It is well known that Murrandoo Yanner is running a campaign to stop the mine because he got left out when the company cheque book was pulled out to coax an agreement with the "native title holders". New native title claims have been lodged against the mine despite a Au$90 million settlement package after five years of delays.

The owners of Century Zinc, Pasminco, expressed concerns about the development but said that the mine's construction was on schedule.

For Australians there is a two edged sword here. Let us remember that under MAI multinationals like Pasminco will be able to take our Federal Government to an international court if they are "financially prejudiced" through legal actions taken at a "national" level. (ie Native title claims are an "Australian" problem - claims like Yanner's will result in Pasminco (post MAI) taking Australia to the international court for compensation.)

I can't believe this!

After years of being called a racist party by the Australian Labor Party because of One Nation's call for all people to be treated equally we now hear that ALP voters have taunted guards on the wharves with racial taunts...

Apparently an employee of Advanced Patrols, Mick Passi, has claimed that picketing trade union wharfies at Townsville have called him "dog, scab and black" and asked him what "tribe" he was from.

Passi said, "They told me to go back to my own country - I'm from the Torres Strait but I was born in Townsville.

"They said, "If you feel good now, wonder what you will feel like when you find someone standing over you and your family with a gun pointed at your head."

Now that's starting to sound more like the ALP I have got to know.

Will have to organise a rent a crowd mob to go and picket that racist ALP party next time they try to hold a meeting in Ipswich.  

Elle McFeast is sick

Many people have enquired why I have not reported on Elle McFeast the "presenter" of McFeast on Australian Broadcasting Corporation TV.

The answer, quite simply, is that Elle McFeast is sick, crazy, a fruit loop. In many ways this sums up some of the ABC's politically correct programming.

Making the news" -
an indepth exposé of media and political collusion at the highest possible levels in Australia.


Prime Minister John Howard to visit marginal seats in Queensland

That new slave on the internationalists, John Howard, will mealie-mouth his way around marginal seats in Queensland over the next two days.

Howard is expected to try to thump his little chest in well-rehearsed excitement as he tells the farmers about his determination to bring them a fair deal under Wik. Personally I will never forget Howard's hypocrisy when he kicked Pauline Hanson out as the Liberal Party candidate for the seat of Oxley in 1996 because of a "racist" letter then mimicked her "racist" comments in her letter in his breast thumping speech at Longreach. Thankfully the farmers are not stupid and the latest issue of making fresh water a "commodity" - to which Australia is a signatory under his government won't be lost on those out in the bush.

Despite being a hypocrite Howard did the country a favour by being part of a remarkable chain of events that have seen Pauline Hanson rise from a small business proprietor to the leader of the third biggest party (Pauline Hanson's One Nation) in Australia - a party which will hold the balance of power after the next election and will have a good chance of gaining power in the next. Check out the party's remarkable first historic year.

email the editor

You say:



Warren Truss Member for Wide Bay has excelled himself in his letter S.B.T. 24/3/98 in which he makes ridiculous claims as to his knowledge (or lack of) of the M.A.I. Let me put a few things straight about the meeting that Mr. Truss refers to (a) It was a meeting of peanut growers and when asked about the M.A.I. he said that Australia was not considering it and (b) that it was not even on the agenda. That was the detailed answer. Nothing about the text of the treaty being unacceptable or that the negotiations had begun in 1995.

Let me introduce myself, I am one of those RIGHT WING EXTREMIST CORRESPONDENTS that Mr. Truss referred to in his letter, Well I would rather be one of those than a LEFT WING PARTY YES MAN. Anyone who has the audacity to criticise the government is a right wing extremist in Mr. Truss’s eyes.

I wonder where he released those press releases he mentioned. It seems strange that if the negotiations were not secret, then how is it that the very same allegations are being made in other parts of the world, Vis, the U.S. and Canada. In the U. S. there are serious allegations of a conspiracy on the part of some parliamentarians and the same could be said about some of our own.

Mr. Truss sent me draft copy of the treaty along with a letter stating that the government is not hiding anything with respect to this piece of chicanery. Anyone can make a submission to the treaty committee so long as it is in by 30th April 1998, a bit over a month. No one could make a submission on what is contained in that draft mainly because the whole thing could be altered and one would have to be a pretty smart lawyer to understand it.

This treaty WILL be signed by the government if we don't stop them. They have done it before. Over the years there have been over two thousand treaties signed, HOW MANY DID YOU HEAR ABOUT before they were signed ???

The Joint Parliamentary Committee on Treaties; sounds impressive doesn’t it? and that is all, it only sounds impressive. Guess who the chairman is? None other than the Member for Groom, Bill Taylor who does just what Honest John tells him.

This august mob of pollies are the ones who are going to examine this final sell-out of our country and I’m game to bet that none of them would understand it any better than the average man in the street. I wonder how many Treaties this committee has tossed out.

I have heard people ask, “ Why haven’t we heard about the MAI”? You haven’t heard about it because the Murdock controlled media didn’t want you to know and neither did Mr. Packer but there is no conspiracy, oh dear no.

To conclude Mr. Truss is up to his old tricks again with red herrings by the dozen and, if that is not enough, downright lies.

Alan Esson

Subject: A Current Affair

Dear Sir,

I am sure you watched the hour special Ray Martin did on Capital Punishment , Truth in Sentencing etc. I saw no results from the program so I called the channel a couple of days later. I was told the following facts.

On the Death Penalty question: 122,000 persons returned calls to the number. 96% supported the reintroduction of the death penalty.

On the Truth in Sentencing question: 94,000 responded with 99% in support of the concept of Truth in Sentencing. Get 10 years - do ten years.

I am passing this back to you in case you had not heard the results. Excellent. Pauline is certainly on a winner here.

Mark Smith

Subject: good work

Keep up the good work! It's time to go to work.

You must win the next election or AUST will be lost.


Personal trivia, from the global office:

Another perfect day in paradise. Light rain started falling yeterday, has fallen all night and continues today.

Have a good one.

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