Friday 27th March 1998

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The US Government's global "Cablesplice" project, fact or fantasy? 26th March
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News Limited bucket opposition to the MAI. 21st March
The proposed privatisation of Telstra 16th March 1998
Queensland State Candidates meet the people 15th March 1998
One Nation, the First Year 12th March 1998
Pauline Hanson tackles the MAI in Parliament while the media re-writes history 10th March 1998
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Alan Jones on foreign companies and tax - Channel 9 today

Channel 9's "Sixty Minutes", ridiculed Pauline Hanson back in May 1997 for suggesting that multinationals were taking out Au$200 billion a year from the Australian economy without paying any tax.

Well here is a statement by Alan Jones on the Channel 9's "Today show". I wonder if anyone in Channel 9 will question his "tax evasion theory".... somehow I doubt it. The only thing that we can say with any certainty about mainstream media reporters is that they continue to distort the news in the interests of their bosses.

Extract from today's statement by Alan Jones:

"But where in this scheme of things do foreign companies sit? No one in government is prepared to take them on. Foreign companies take massive profits out of Australia but no one knows what tax they pay. But if foreign owned companies are making profits, as reported of Au$200 billion a year and they were taxed at just 20% well there's a nice Au$40 billion a year in revenue.

You could fix up a lot of hospitals, pay a lot of homeowner's allowances and water a lot of Australia with that money Au$40 billion, and that's only in one year. So if we are going to get tough on tax loopholes forget about family trusts for the moment, they are at least Australians trying to make a quid. Let's start narrowing the focus on foreign owned companies, or aren't we game?"

The dishonest interview in which Channel 9's Sixty Minutes in May 1997 presented Pauline Hanson as an ignorant fool for raising the same multinational tax evasion issue that Jones raised today. The Geoff McMullins interview with Pauline Hanson is a classic in media deception as this archive on the story reveals.

Extract from that archive below below:

McMullins, "Another of Pauline Hanson's claims is that all *Australia's manufacturing companies will soon be taken over by foreigners. I work for a big Australian company why would the Packer family want to sell off a company like this one?"

(See National Australia Bank - Don Argus' comment below under Business).

McMullins continues his interview with Ms Hanson, "How much do you think we are losing in dividends (to foreigners)?"

Ms Hanson, "About Au$200 billion a year."

McMullins, "The trouble is the figures Ms Hanson is using to scare people is the Ausbuy guide."
WRONG McMullins- her source is actually AUSTAND Association Inc.

*She is right - look up Austrade's comments on foreign ownership.

The Hindmarsh Island Bridge fiasco- Source: Newsweek


Journalist Chris Kenny of Channel Ten Adelaide, who interviewed all associated with ‘women’s business’ willing to be interviewed, commented:

“Sadly, it is the Christian churches who have been pivotal in stifling sensitive debate here. They have worked against the Commission, fuelling racial divisions, and argued that we should turn a blind eye rather than seek the truth.”


Banning the bridge, of course, was not divisive at all. Nor were the chicaneries employed in the attempt to impose newly invented ‘women’s business’ on the gullible. Sir Ronald Wilson, President of Australia’s Human Rights and Equal Opportunities Commission and a former President of the Uniting Church Assembly maintained:

“The Church must be involved because it follows the way of Jesus in showing solidarity with the marginalised. There’s never been a clearer case.... Such judicial examination of people’s religious beliefs is a nonsense and its attempt constitutes a breach of all people’s [sic] right to freedom of thought and religion.”


A letter written by Dulcie Wilson ought to have made painful reading to South Australian Christians:

“May I through your paper say how disappointed and disillusioned I have been over recent months to see several major churches come out in support of one group of Ngarrindjeri people who have been involved in the Hindmarsh Island dispute.

“The so-called dissident women were never consulted by any of these churches. I see this a  blatant act of discrimination against another group of Ngarrindjeri people. As a descendant of that race and a committed Christian, who was christened at Point McLeay Mission Church during the long association of the then Methodist Church, I am therefore appalled to think that some of these churches could honestly take sides with one group against another....

“It was my understanding that the Christian missionaries’ main purpose was to bring the gospel message of Christ’s love and salvation to the Aborigines. I am therefore bewildered as to why some churches have come out in favour of so-called Aboriginal spirituality.”

The MAI - proof why it is a secret treaty exposed.

Received 27th March 1998.

On February 9th, 1997, the Pacific Environment and Resources Center (PERC) submitted a request to the Office of US Trade Representative pursuant to the US Freedom Of Information Act. The request sought documents in the agency's possession relating to the development and support for the Multilateral Agreement on Investment.

After a nearly 12 month delay, USTR has finally released over three hundred documents.

Enclosed is an index of documents received to date.

Indonesia to Place Strong Rupiah First In New Reform Plan

Extract from Washington Post

JAKARTA, Indonesia, March 25—Indonesian officials say they expect to be able to unveil as early as next week a new and improved economic reform package -- the third here in less than five months. They hope the plan will not only stabilize the volatile currency but also revive the ailing banking sector and tackle massive private-sector debt.

The past two reform plans, forced upon Indonesia by the International Monetary Fund as the price for a multibillion-dollar financial bailout, failed to restore investor confidence here and resulted in further steep and debilitating falls for the battered currency, the rupiah. The new plan would make restoring strength to the currency a primary objective, placing somewhat less emphasis on IMF-mandated changes to immediately abolish monopolies run by President Suharto's family members and political cronies.

The previous two plans also were criticised because they failed to address the problem of private-sector debt, estimated at around $74 billion. The new plan likely will include, according to officials, a "kind of scheme" similar to the Mexican bailout, in which companies with dollar-denominated debt can go to a central government agency for foreign currency, and foreign banks agree to roll over the debt for a period of perhaps two or three years.

Making the news" -
an indepth exposé of media and political collusion at the highest possible levels in Australia.


National Party senators threaten to revolt against Howard over Wik

Members of the National Party Senate have threatened to vote against John Howard's ten point plan on Wik if it watered down in any way. Party president Don McDonald was speaking out after the Coalition continue their talks with the Liberal Party on the plan.

"National Party senators won't be just agreeing with some compromise. They would have great difficulty in accepting why that (sunset clause on native title claims) should be dropped - there would have to be a significant reason."

Government and Labor negotiators in Canberra are now saying that the sunset clause is irrelevant because common law native title claims will be available after six years.

Howard responded to McDonald's comments by saying, "I regard what the president said as the normal comments which you would expect in a Coalition which has a lively relationship."

Premier Rob Borbidge moved against John Howard yesterday saying, "The ten point plan must not become a nine or and 8 1/2 point plan. The sunset clause simply cannot become a bargaining chip."

email the editor

You say:

Subject: Carl Kenner--Resistance


It's good to hear that you agree with Pauline Hanson's position against racism and the M.A.I. However many of your comments against Pauline Hanson and her supporters suggest that your views have been moulded by the same capitalist media you condemn. Can I suggest that in the future Resistance could ask Pauline Hanson's One Nation party what they stand for instead of finding out from the mainstream media propaganda machine.

Who knows, perhaps if you understand and support what the One Nation party stands for you too will get the media coverage you want.

Peter. W

Subject: Cablesplice - news of the day

Found your articles on cablesplice and garden plot to be very interesting. It reminded me of Pastor Barry R. Smith ("Final Notice" 1989).

In his book he talks about the capital punishment of Born Again Christians who refuse to accept the New World Order.

A definite good read for anyone who is the slight bit interested in what's 'just around the corner'

N. Daniel

Subject: "Cablesplice", "C3CM", & etc


One of the best sources if not the best, source of information on these subjects would probably be Evans Ambrose-Pritchard, investigative reporter par-excellence!.

You have probably heard of him, but to refresh your memory, he is the most skilled, dogged investigative reporter on the USA horizon for the last many years. He functioned additionally for an extended period, from the platform of The London Telegraph's Washington bureau chief.

He has returned to London from where he continues to be heard of on subjects related to the above from tie to time.

john hamilton, usa

Subject: Prt Arthr

scott!....jes' read the stuff on PrtArthr! Wow! Awesome! Howz about posting it to aus.politics and a few other sites(preferably as many as possible!)



Personal trivia, from the global office:

Another perfect day in paradise.

Have a good one.

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