Saturday 10th April 1999

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from an Aussie's viewpoint on Australia's first daily Internet newspaper.
Since October 1995

No, it is not good enough!

Well, well a week of research on the net has exposed the B'nai B'rith Anti-Defamation League (ADL) for what it is - an extremist and secretive Zionist international intelligence operation working for a small band of elite Jews (Rather like the Freemasons - who pale into insignificance when compared to the true operations of the ADL).

The great majority of Jews will have little or nothing to do with ADL and who can blame them!

ADL's uses the tags of "racism" or "anti-Semitism" to justify its assault on political targets that it singles out. Several independent references researched, supported by what B'nai B'rith say, claim that the outing of "hate" is used as a front by this organisation to push its own agenda. It has close ties with Mossad the Israeli secret police.

High profile Australian Jews like Jeremy Jones and tax avoidance specialist Mark Leibler are typical of the extremists who hang out in B'nai B'rith.

One of their recent debacles was the "RaceWatch" scam.... it pretty well typifies what a dog of an operation this organisation is. 

A summary of ADL's activities and modus operandi can be seen here. Here is an extract from this page:

ADL has been described US Senator Jack B Tenney as "The largest and most efficient private gestapo in the world today and, without doubt, the largest of its kind in the history of the world. And... amazing as it may be - this vast interlocking system of departments, sections and divisions is devoted to but one issue - and only one issue despite propaganda to the contrary - political conquest in the name of Racism."

(Jack Tenney (1898 - 1970) was in a unique position to make evaluation on the ADL as Chairman of the Joint Fact-Finding Commission on un-American Activities in the state of California. He wrote the books "Zionist's Fifth Column", "Zionist Network" and "Zion's Trojan Horse" as a result of his findings.

Below are some extracts from B'nai B'rith pages on-line:

Here comes one of the "hate" fronts used by ADL....

Extract one:

“The Internet is without boundaries and, therefore, without limits in terms of its potential for spreading hateful and potentially dangerous mis-information” added Kurz, who is the League’s national counsel intervening in the Zundel case of Hate on the Internet. Over the course of the four-day event, delegates heard from speakers in the legal, technical, educational, government and community service sectors. The overall message was loud and clear. “We can’t just keep talking about Ontario and Canada” emphasized Kurz. “We must focus our attention on the world.”

ADL is vehemently anti-Christian - strange for an organisation that is "supposed" so be fighting "hate"....

Extract two:

B'nai Brith Canada leadership, in consultation with B'nai Brith International has expressed outrage at the attempt by Chosen People Ministries, a Christian group seeking to convert Jews, to register a menorah as a Trade mark which would allow them to use this symbol for commercial purposes. B'nai Brith International has been alerted that a similar application may be in process in the United States.

And of course ADL is elitist. While all other organisations are now being forced to be politically correct and allow anyone to become members - not so ADL....

Extract three:

We appreciate your interest in B'nai Brith.

As much as you would like to know us, we would like to get to know you too. Our only membership qualification is that you be Jewish and an adult.

The investigations into ADL and their Australian extremist contacts are ongoing.

Political Correctness Comes to the Playing Field!

by Jim

Star St Kilda Football Club player Peter Everett was today(9th April) forced into a humiliating public apology to an Aboriginal player from an opposing club because of some ‘off-the-cuff’remarks during the heated exchanges and tensions of a recent important match. Agreeing to stand down for four matches, donate $20,000 to a dubious Aboriginal ‘welfare organisation’ and revoke his opportunity for Brownlow Medal consideration, one could well argue that Mr Everett’s professional playing career has suffered a serious blow.

Although Mr Everett maintained that his actions were entirely voluntary, one can only speculate as to what behind-the-scenes pressure was brought to bear. And for what? Some mild remarks about the opposing players’ ehtnicity that even a dozen years ago would have passed unremarked and un-noticed.

Doubtless, he hoped to avoid the Star Chamber of the AFL Tribunal wielding their new ‘racial villification legislation’ researched and formulated in the Kremlins of the Thought Police (the mainstream universities). And not without reason. The Thought Police have before today made and broken governments and destroyed the health and well- being, if not the lives, of more doughty and hardened individuals than Mr Peter Everett.

Is this what we have now become? Do grown men playing a physically rough, tough ‘man`s’ game now have to mind their ‘Ps’ and ‘Qs’ like the students of some girls’ school? How ridiculous, how ludicrous, how absurd! Perhaps they should be wearing tutus instead of footy boots? To what lengths will these jerks go? Start monitoring the speech in Army Barracks, Navy ships,prisons, the waterfront for the slightest hint of political incorrectness? Maybe we will end up with children informing on parents, husbands on wives(and vice versa!) and neighbours making anonymous ‘phone calls to a Thought Police Hot- Line!....a la East Germany and North Korea!

Correct me if I am wrong but didn't Everett's lawyer claim that the AFL player's 5 year old daughter was vilified at school.. and yet no media interest?

Can you imagine how mamzer Jew Murdoch's hounds would bay if the reverse had been true!

I also heard that the racial comments were just one way either - but the law only operates that way... as Everett found out...

Russia to enter Balkans conflict with Serbs?

Here is an extract:

Yugoslavia is about to sign an international treaty to unite with Russia. This essentially means that, once the contract is signed, any aggression against our country will be considered an act of war against Russia. That narrows the set of options: either NATO stops the bombing before the treaty is signed or it's a World War III. Either way the problem is solved.

Kosovo updates from Bob Djurdjevic

Truth in media

NATO to Target Serb Media

BRUSSELS, Apr. 9 - NATO spokesman, Air Commodore David Wilby, said yesterday that NATO would consider the Serbian media part of Milosevic's war machine if it did not report what NATO considered to be accurate news. He added. "Serb radio and TV is an instrument of propaganda and repression. It is therefore a legitimate target in this campaign." French armed forces chief, General Jean-Pierre Kelche, also said: " are going to bust their transmitters and their relay stations"

And CNN, BBC, MSNBC, SKY and other NWO Big Brother networks are not "instruments of propaganda and repression?" Give us a break, NATO. Everybody knows that in a war, both sides lie and exaggerate. But with the above statement, NATO has finally showed its ugly face. And proved to us that it is actually waging war on truth and freedom everywhere, not only on the Serbian people. Who, by the way, do have access to the western media. There are 300,000 satellite dishes in the country, and some 500,000 Internet users. So by combining their domestic and the western propaganda sources, the Serbs probably have a more balanced view of the truth than do most Americans or Britons. Maybe that's what NATO is finding so irksome?

America's "Kosovo's": What Goes Around Comes Around (By Mary Mostert)

REDDING, CA, Apr. 7 - Mary Mostert was involved in politics before she was old enough to vote, and was writing articles for national magazines at the age of nineteen, says the bio for the author and publisher of Original Sources, an Internet newsletter ( She organized one of the first interracial youth groups in Memphis, Tennessee in the 1940s as a teenager, and was involved nationally and internationally in the civil rights movement and the peace movement. Here is an excerpt from her Apr. 7 column about the Kosovo situation:

"...The U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees said nearly 400,000 refugees have fled Kosovo since March 24, and that "An estimated 831,000 of the 1.8 million ethnic Albanian population of Kosovo, many of them still on the move inside the province, have been displaced from their homes."

The figure of 1.8 million people being Albanian is consistently used by the Administration. Where did it come from? I called the State Department and asked how many of the refugees were illegal aliens and how many were citizens. They didn't know and were surprised I asked. The 1998 World Almanac says the population of Kosovo is 2,000,000 people. Ninety Percent of them, the State Department says, are Albanian, which would, indeed, mean an Albanian population of 1,800,000.

Yet, World Almanacs show that in 1961 Kosovo had a total population of 963,565, of which only 642,000 were Albanian. By 1983, when Yugoslavia was still united, with a total population of 22,826,000 people, only 8% of the entire population was Albanian, a total of 1,826,080. Then four ethnic groups seceded, Croatia, Macedonia, Bosnia and Hercegovina, and Slovenia, leaving Yugoslavia with a population of less than 45% of the land, and 10,337,000 people. The 1993 World Almanac showed that Yugoslavia still had only 8% Albanian population, which would indicate that there were 826,960 Albanians in all of Yugoslavia.

Somehow, the State Department claims, there are now, a mere 5-6 years later, 1,800,000 Albanians LIVING IN KOSOVO ALONE! That doesn't count the 100,000 Albanians that are living in Belgrade. In fact, the apartment houses NATO bombed yesterday were occupied by Albanians. There was a million MORE Albanians living in Kosovo and 112,000 FEWER Serbs living in Kosovo and were are told that Serbs were mistreating the Albanians? Why, then, did so many of them come into Kosovo illegally?

Members of Congress need to pay close attention to what Bill Clinton and NATO plan in "escorting" what appears to be close to 1,000,000 illegal aliens from Albania back into Kosovo and forcing, at gunpoint, the Yugoslavians to give up a piece of real estate which contains the cradle of their Serbian Orthodox faith to a group of Albanian Muslims. If that happens, it will only be a matter of time before some ethnic group in America wants ITS own seat in the United Nations and goes after it with the same determination as the Albanian, Macedonian, Croatian, Bosnian and Slovene minorities.

Should the Cubans have part of Florida as their autonomous nation? Or should African-Americans have Mississippi? Or Hispanics be given San Bernadino County for their ticket to the United Nations? And, what about the Cherokees and the Apaches? Shouldn't they have their own country?

Do we really want to set a precedent that would allow a United Nations or Chinese army at some future time to bomb Miami or San Diego or Washington, DC until we Americans agree to give every disgruntled minority in America their own nation-state and seat in the United Nations?

Yugoslavia and Slobodan Milosevic have been very harshly judged by NATO, led by Bill Clinton and a vigorous propaganda campaign by people like Geraldo Rivera are working overtime to convince the American people that their judgment authorizes an incredibly harsh punishment - the destruction of their nation.

At this Easter time of year, perhaps those who believe in Jesus Christ might want to remember that he finished the Sermon on the Mount by saying, "Judge not, that ye be not judged. For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged; and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again."

For the non-Christians, that translates into: What Goes Around Comes Around. If we do what Clinton is planning, we better never, EVER try to get rid of California's 1,000,000 illegal aliens, if the State Department figures are correct - and not merely figures, to later accuse the Serbs of slaughtering people who never existed in the first place."


TiM Ed.: Also see the TiM article, "Illegal Immigration: Flipside of Ethnic Cleansing," (Day 9, Update 1, Item 5, Apr. 1), which the same point as Mrs. Mostert.

Also, check out this writer's Washington Times column, "When Cultures Collide..." which talked about the upcoming break-up of the U.S. along demographic lines

Making the news" -
an indepth exposé of media and political collusion at the highest possible levels in Australia.

email the editor

Dr Toben and the Adelaide Institute

I hope the arrest of Dr Toben focuses attention on countries who practice suppression of free speech like Germany and Canada.

Toben accepts the results of scientific investigations by Fred Leucter and Germar Rudolph (among others) that refute the claim that "gas chambers" existed at Auschwitz. For expressing this view he has been gaoled like many others in Germany in recent years.

Maybe we should start throwing everyone into gaol who denies the existence of God . Or how about certain groups who deny that Jesus was the son of God.

I believe certain atrocities were committed by Germans during WW2. I do not believe on the current available evidence that these atrocities included the use of "gas chambers". I don't expect you to agree with me. I don't even expect you to check the evidence "for" or "against". But should I be considered a criminal for what I have just written? Germany says "Yes"!

I guarantee Australia is not too far behind in the very serious game of censorship and prosecution of the politically incorrect.

David Miller

Martin's history

I would like to thank Martin Essenberg for his wonderful outline of Balkan history. Everyone should print it and pass it around to counter the appalling propaganda being churned out by the mainstream media who stupidly and shamelessly have reduced it to bad guy Serbs and good guy Albanians.

Simply put, this war is nothing more than a ham-fisted attempt by the globalist socialists Clinton and Blair to destroy independent nations for once and for all. It has nothing to do with humanitarianism, or caring about people.

Rather than condemning the Serbs, patriotic people should be honouring them for fighting for their freedom.



For a change I have to agree with comments made by John Pasquarelli in his latest contribution (apart of the usual claptrap expressed in a couple of sentences) and I hope, that John Pasquarelli submitted that contribution to every other on line newspaper.(If not there is still time to do it) Maybe he could share the response (if any) he received from them with us on this forum.

That contribution only proves that if John Pasquarelli concentrates on the actual problem and not on himself, he is a great supporter of Pauline Hanson's One Nation.

Martin Lebedinsky

The wretched "D" word again

Hi Scott,

So if Singapore is so much fun to live in Jeremy, why a' ya here in drug ridden Oz! ?.

When I let that cat out of the bag as Jeremy Beck put it, I was only trying to say I have some experience to offer and some answers to contribute on this one. Really you answer most of your own contradictions and it's down to what You "read into the words". Perhaps it was naive of me to think I might get at least one question?

What I said in that letter was not so much an admission, or a loosing of a cat out of any bag, as a desire to reach out and say, "hey I want to help stop the suffering too" it's just that I do have answers on this, and my being vilified, persecuted, lampooned or whatever because I choose to show my vulnerability is nothing to me, compared to how I feel when I see an old woman, or an old bloke, beaten up or worse, just because some junky put his selfish needs first, it makes me cry. And you know what Jeremy, I need an extra handkerchief for the irony of people like you and Barbara because deep down we're not so different, but you have fallen under the spell of the enemy propoganda factory.

I am not sure yet if there were any questions in your response to me and I could spend half my evening dissecting your letter and answering it point by point but you disqualify yourself in my view under my third question. Unless of course you wish to claim a moderate alchohol consumption and a brief flirtation with Nick-O-Teen as "drug experience", which I doubt because that in itself would shoot your argument down in flames.

I'd love to be able to tell Barbara and anyone else who'd listen, just what is going on in Kosovo.!

How the North Antlantic Terrorist Oligarchy is attacking a small sovereign white Christian nation. I could talk about the lead, the zinc, the silver, and the Gold in Kosovo, and lets not forget the 17 billion tons of coal. Hmm.. lets see, there's the KLA too, although you don't hear too much about them in the mainstream media do you?. Because of course, they are busy fighting a drug war of their own, which is understandable seeing as they have their own European "Golden Heroine Triangle" to protect.

Of course I could go on and on, I could tell you that the C.#.&. sponsers the KLA, but no damnit, enough already, find out for yourselves. I tried to throw in a diamond, but you seem to want to turn it into a stone!

No need to shoot the Messenger.

Have a Nice Day.
David Morgan.

Civil Prosecutions

'Barbara', in yesterday's @notd, wrote(amongst other things[!]):

>Also we have had numerous attacks on OLD WOMEN by packs of them.One
>lady being dragged by her handbag stap for a considerable distance,
>She died soon after. My daughter had her locked car jemmied open and
>stolen. Only the quick action of the police helicopter and ground
>cars managed to stop them with Only a few thousand dollars damage (
>plus her suitcase full of her best clothes, her video camera and
>several other valuable items including six hundred dollars worth of
>tools) Police said they knew the offenders but couldn't arrest
>them.Why? Because they are Black.

Unfortunately, the police have discretionary power[s] to charge or not to charge whoever they feel like. That does not preclude justice being done, however(even in a society suffering under the Dictatorship of Political Correctness). If there is sufficient evidence available,you can launch your own prosecution. In most states, you can apply to have the matter heard by a sitting magistrate. A 'grand jury' of 23 is convened and they decide whether or not the charge is substantiated. If the matter _is_ substantiated, then the DPP is usually obliged to lay formal charges. The matter can then be brought to trial in the regular manner, completely by-passing the cops. Obviously, there would be a fair bit of work involved in gathering and collating the necessary evidence. A Private Investigator may have to be hired. If you can get a solicitor to help you, pro-bono, such matters can be expedited. If in doubt, consult your local solicitor:the first couple of consultations are usually free (avoid mentioning the race of the characters involved, if possible[!])

**fiat justitia, ruat coelum**
("Let justice be done though the heavens should fall")


Barbara re: Jews and Muslims

Hi Barbara,

After your comment in yesterday's @notd regarding Jews I thought I'd quote Romans 2:28,29 which says:

"For he is not a Jew who is one outwardly, nor is that circumcision which is outward in the flesh; but he is a Jew who is one inwardly, and circumcision is that of the heart, in the Spirit, and not in the letter;...."

This scripture shows that "Jews" such as Jeremy Jones and those from the country of Israel etc are those referred to as only having the outward appearance of being Jews. A true Jew, i.e God's people, are those who have "circumcision of the heart, in the Spirit". In other words, Christians.

Regarding your comments about Muslims I have heard complaints from people in several countries about the Muslim goal of converting foreign countries to Islam. This is done by having more children than the rest of the population in the hope that they will eventually become a major force within those countries.

As their numbers grow they have been known to demand changes to traditions and laws to suit their religion. One example I found was in a European country where the Muslim community demanded that Christian crosses be removed from school classrooms. In this European country they have already succeeded in becoming the second largest religion through large scale immigration and having many more children than those indigenous to it.

Peter W

Proposed preamble

Scot do you realise that if the new preamble gets through, in my view it will change the lean of the constitution to multi racial, the constitution now mentions God Almighty which is the Christian God. Where as Mr Howard's (with hope in God) can be any God or your God (moon sun whatever) I feel this is part of the becoming of a republic because the current Parliament and Legal systems are all based on Christian Values I would be interested if any body shares my views

Mighty Gods Blessings
Trevor Post

One Nation extremist?

Its amusing how One Nation is described as an extreme right wing party by those pressure groups that dont like One Nation.

The terms lunar right and stellar right are used.

Seems to me that in many ways One Nation is actually a party of what today passes for the extreme left.

One Nation wants to keep public ownership of telstra and banks, and to have strong unions.

This aligns us with the socialist left of the labor party, doesn't it?


NSW Elections

Hi Scott,

Thanks for the email.

Nice to see that One Nation featured well in the NSW elections. Tell David Oldfield to give them hell!

One Nation appears to be fairly quiet at the moment, is there a reason for this or is it a strategic move?

There is enough going wrong in Australia at the moment, also this shocking media coverage and biased reporting should be addressed full on, what about cheating Keating surely David has a mass of material to insist on an enquirey? Also the figures relaesed on immigration were miss reported, do you know that asian immigration was broken up into Northern Asia, Southern Asia and Asia, adding that lot togeather the result went right off their scale!!!

Anyway keep up the good work.

from the global office:

Another perfect day in paradise.

Have a good one.

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exclusive to  (how to) subscribe/rs of the Australian National News of the Day:

Inverell 1999 - 15th March 1999
Pauline Hanson in Penrith - 5th March 1999
One Nation 1999 AGM - 28th February 1999
"Murder by Media" withdrawn by Dymocks bookstores - 13th February 1999
One Nation "split" - 6th February 1999
Paff and the red light - 3rd February 1999
Launch of "Murder by Media, Death of Democracy in Australia" - 22nd to 24th January 1999
One Nation's Queensland State Conference - 27th to 29th November 1998
Dual Citizenship and politicians- 20th November 1998
Where Prize Turkeys Gather - 17th November 1998

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