Thursday 16th April 1998

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Recent stories exclusive to  (how to) subscribe/rs of the Australian National News of the Day:

One Nation Birthday Party on Pauline Hanson's farm 10th-12th April
One Nation state and federal candidates meet in Toowoomba 4th -5th April
Hindmarsh Island Bridge case thrown out by High Court 2nd April
The Hindmarsh Island Bridge farce revealed 31st March
UN agrees to make our fresh water a "global commodity".... beware farmers - your fresh water dam WILL cost you! 28th March
Courier Mail's national affairs reporter Peter Charlton attacks MAI concerns and breaches ethics guidelines 28th March
The US Government's global "Cablesplice" project, fact or fantasy? 26th March

Current topical links (available to all readers):
[Links to the MAI]
[Queensland One Nation State Election website] [One Nation Federal Web Site]
Archive of weekly features (available to all readers):
[The Canberra Column] [Economic Rationalism]

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Since October 1995

Quotable Quote:

"There is a general sense that our civilisation is in a long term crisis. It can be seen from its political or social or economic aspect. From each angle, the same crisis can be seen differently... we have drifted further out into a cold, unfriendly, confusing sea. The new certitude of those in positions of authority, those out of the water, is that the certain answer is to cut away the life preservers."

--John Ralston Saul, 1995 Massey Lectures--
(The Unconscious Civilisation)

Patrick win first round in the courts

Patrick Stevedores won its first court battle last night when it was granted an injunction preventing sacked workers from blocking the access of trucks into three major ports.

The action follows days of picketing on the docks following the firing of 1,400 Maritime Union of Australia (MUA) workers. Justice James Wood granted Patrick the injunction in Sydney after a seven hour Supreme Court hearing - with the order coming into effect at 5pm today.

Meanwhile the MUA took Patrick to the Federal Court claiming that the company had moved Au$300 million of assets from its employer companies before sacking its workforce just before easter.

The MUA is seeking an order for the workers to be immediately reinstated.

The only violence yesterday occurred when rocks were thrown at a bus and windows broken while non-union workers were being taken to the Newcastle wharves. The wharfies later claimed that the bus driver had tried to drive over them.

Gulf Aboriginal Development Company (GADC) soaks up Pasminco's Century Zinc native title fund.

In typical Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Commission fashion (ATSIC) GADC is projected to cost Au$490,000 per annum to operate before it distributes the annual Au$750,000 secured under a native title deal which allowed the mine to proceed.

A consultant to the GADC project has produced a "long term financial projection" which itemises expenses as follows:

Now the real fruity part of this story is that in reality the expenses will create an annual deficit of Au$197,750 because the total identified funding in the report is just Au$292,430

The document reveals that the GADC received Au$150,000 from the mining company and the State for running expenses between July to December last year.

Peter O'Keefe, a GADC board member and president of the traditional Waanyl Aboriginal Corporation (the native title claimants) said yesterday that he was "blooming unhappy" about the costs. He said that the money should have been directed to the Waanyl, Mingginda and Gkuthaarn/Kukati people.

The aboriginal industry at its very, very best - create a business to manage the funds claimed - a management structure that costs more than the funds received!

Letter by Bruce Whiteside in today's Courier Mail

As founder of the Pauline Hanson Support Movement which gave rise to One Nation, I am deeply concerned for Hanson's political survival. It is my reading of the situation that David Oldfield is plotting the rise of One Nation and the demise of Pauline Hanson. Oldfield has had his hand on the Hanson tiller since her maiden speech.

Hanson's spokesman says One Nation will pick up several seats in the Senate (Courier Mail April 13) and also expects to win seats in the lower house.

As Hanson's adviser, Oldfield should put her political survival first. I suggest he has advised her to run for the House of Representatives, knowing she cannot win. Unless Hanson runs for the Senate, it will be Oldfield and not Hanson leading One Nation.

Making the news" -
an indepth exposé of media and political collusion at the highest possible levels in Australia.

email the editor

You say:

Subject: One Nation Birthday Weekend

Dear Sir,

This was a brilliant coverage of the weekend.

I want to make a few framed copies of the pictures you have placed on the net. I then want to raffle them at our next Branch meeting.

Can I have your permission to use these pictures?

Ron from Swansea

Subject: Workplace Relations

I find it doubtful that the Minister for Workplace relations can show such enthusiasm for one workplace and utter contempt for so many others.

Peter Reith has taken a personal interest to get the waterfront dispute settled, but what about all the industries that would suffer with an efficient waterfront. An inefficient and lay-back waterfront is the only protection that some of our industrial workers have against losing their jobs. If our docks worked at 100% 24 hours a day, why would we need to produce anything at all?

The minister should take a step back, and suggest that Australian workplaces try now to win back the Australian consumer. Maybe after the dispute is over the Australian consumer will stay with the Australian company.

Surely the potential for keeping existing jobs and probably gaining a few thousand more should be the primary concern of the Government. With an overstaffed waterfront, the situation is win-win for Australian workers, because we have heaps of people on the docks instead of the dole queues, and we also have industrial workers who get to keep their jobs. If the docks are rationalised (downsized), there will be a stack of unemployable people on the dole queues rather than paying taxes, and the jobs of industrial workers are put in greater jeopardy.

Where do our loyalties lie?

Peter Cook

Subject: Re Coincidence or what

For a long time now, the Townsville City Council has been trying to get money out of the state government to refurbish the old Supreme Court building in Townsville. All requests have fallen on deaf ears with the latest rejection coming only two weeks ago. The last rejection was accompanied by stories on all local news services. Those new services also carried interviews with "prominent" people who stated that the building was in dire need of repair.

Two nights ago, the building burned to the ground in what can only be described as an inferno that was visible for miles around.

As a matter of interest, the land the old building stood on has been reported as being some of the most valuable real estate in Townsville.


Organization: Monash University


I was extremely interested in how easily I found anarchist web pages from your site. I initially went to your web page to read Pauline Hanson's parliamentary speeches (something from the other side!!) The point I'm trying to make is that you gave me links to a whole new world of LOCAL anarchist websites( I'm an anarchist you fools!!!!). So thankyou you infantile petty-bourgeois reactionaries!!!!!!

Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha

Hope you all grow brains soon!!!!

Your Pal,

Personal trivia, from the global office:

Another perfect day in paradise. Rain and cloud starting to clear.

Have a good one.

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