Thursday 1st April 1999

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from an Aussie's viewpoint on Australia's first daily Internet newspaper.
Since October 1995

Australian Press Council Role Questioned

Following an exchange of email yesterday I am starting to question the role of the body charged with self-regulating the press.

The full exchange of email yesterday can be seen at this link.

Here is an extract:

Gratuitous complaints just are not counted.

If there is so much wrong with the Australian media, why do you need to hawk for complaints in this form in order to say so?

I must say this does not make it more likely that the Council will deal sensibly with your _serious_ complaints, nor take your concerns with the Australian media as anything other than confected outrage meant for partisan political ends.

Jack Herman (Email link)

What is interesting is that today we read in The Courier-Mail that the Australian Press Council has ruled out a complaint regarding the use of the word "infamous" with Pauline Hanson.

Here is what the article in today's Courier-Mail states:

The other complaint (yes there were two) related to the use of the word "infamous" to describe former MP Pauline Hanson in the first edition of the paper on January 12.

"The newspaper replaced the word with 'controversial' in subsequent editions because the original word 'was not appropriate'," the Press Council decision said.

"The article concerned the arrest and subsequent custody of Mrs Hanson's estranged son Steven for outstanding warrants and fines on the previous Sunday night.

"The Council believes that the word 'infamous' now had various shades of meaning and, as a result, its use in the article does not warrant an adverse finding."

What a load of hogwash...... no need to question the APC's position anymore - it's role as a self regulator and custodian of free speech is nothing more than a facade.

The more complaints sent about unethical reporting to the APC the better - the brighter the light that will emblazon this  Australian "regulator" of balanced reporting.

Here is how we reported the issue on 13th January 1999:


Have you seen the way in which Pauline Hanson is referred to in today's Courier mail (p3) in the article concerning her son Stephen? She is described, not as a politician, but as 'his infamous politician mother'! Such a description would seem to me to be verging on the libellous.

Kind regards
Avril Baynes

@notd readers will have probably seen the media thrashing that the arrest of Pauline Hanson's son Steven has got in the papers and on television.

The Courier-Mail again demonstrated their perfect lack of objective reporting in this short, opinion based piece which goes against all accepted norms of reporting (12th January 1999) as highlighted in the article below:

Hanson's son held in custody on warrants.

Pauline Hanson's estranged son Steven was locked up for two nights in the Brisbane watchhouse, but spurned his mother's help.

Steven Jack Hanson, 23, was arrested in East Brisbane on Sunday night after police found three warrants for outstanding fines during a credentials check at a random breath test stop.

But he was kept in custody for a second night when paperwork regarding one of his fine options did not arrive before 6pm yesterday.

Det Snr-Sgt Paul Bergin said the warrants issued to Mr Hanson for allegedly possessing a dangerous drug, failing to vote in an election and not wearing a helmet on a motorcycle.

The warrants were issued in Townsville between 1994 and 1995 and totalled $536.

Hanson had the option to pay the fine, spend time in jail or do community service.

Hanson opted for the community service.

He said he did not want his mother to contact him.

The split between Mr Hanson and his (infamous later replaced by) controversial politician mother was made public during the election.

In a magazine article, Steven Hanson alleged he did not expect his high-profile mother to support him through a life threatening illness he said he was suffering.

Leading Edge International Research Group Home Page

Here is an extract:

The purpose of this web site, then, is to make as widely available as possible my theory, work, results, and data that empirically and historically, quantitatively and qualitatively, support this conclusion about freedom. This is to invite their use, replication, and critical evaluation, and thereby to advance our knowledge of and confidence in freedom." -- R.J. Rummel

A Political Death?

A bus load of politicians were driving down a country road, when all of a sudden, the bus ran off the road and crashed into a tree in an old farmer's field. The old farmer,after seeing what happened, went over to investigate. He then proceeded to dig a hole and bury the politicians.

A few days later, the local sheriff came out, saw the crashed bus, and asked the farmer where all the politicians had gone. The old farmer said he had buried them. The sheriff then asked the old farmer, "Were they ALL dead?" The old farmer replied, "Well, some of them said they weren't, but you know how them politicians lie."

Kosovo: Last Stop Before Jerusalem

(by Barry Chamish)

JERUSALEM, Mar. 28 - Since we have already published before articles by the Israeli journalist, Barry Chamish, we'll skip the introduction and cut to the chase. For those who wish to find out more about him, search our Web site under his name (you'll find out, for example, that he also wrote a book about the murder of Yitzhak Rabin):

"Barely a few days before the EU and the US, collectively called NATO, sent their flying dogs of war against Serbia, Israeli prime minister Binyamin Netanyahu was in Berlin meeting with the leaders of the European Union. You would think with the attack on the Balkans pending they'd be too busy to have time for a little tete-a-tete with Bibi... But, no; they organized their most fateful meeting with an Israeli leader since the beginning of their continental unity. They told him he'd better not stand in the way of a PLO state with East Jerusalem as its capital or watch out.

The watch out part was Kosovo. Netanyahu got the message and like the Yugoslav president Milosevic before him, flew to Russia for some counterweight. And lo and behold, the Kremlin greeted him like visiting royalty. When the meetings were over, Bibi and Boris agreed to make a united stand against "Islamic fanaticism." What they meant to say, but could not, was that both Israel and Russia were sick of the New World Order plots against their nations and they were forming a, probably futile, little alliance against the Trilateral Commission, Council On Foreign Relations (CFR), Bilderberg group and all those who were now heating up the Balkans, and Chechnya, and Turkey and everywhere else where ethnic tensions could be turned into massacres.

Undoubtedly, both leaders are well aware of how it's done. Take a busload of Christian Lebanese children, blow it up, blame it on the PLO and before long you've got perfectly civilized Christians killing Moslems out of raw bloodlust. Or take a Serb village, or more if necessary, have some Bosnian Muslims kill every living being within and before long, you'll get just the right kind of savagery from the Serbs.

Then you make the Lebanese Christians the bad guys, with a stage-managed media campaign portraying them as bloodthirsty fascists determined to wipe out the hapless, innocent Palestinians who tried to carve out their own fiefdom out of Lebanon. Apply the same formula to Kurds, Tutsis, Israelis, Afrikaners and Serbs. The important thing is to back Marxist Moslems over democratic Christians and Jews. And once the world has been indoctrinated enough to think there is an issue of right and wrong to be dealt with, send in the planes followed by the ground troops of the New World Order armed services.

And once the white Christians and Jews are out of power in Africa, it becomes so much easier to take control of the wealth and resources of a whole continent. All you have to do is install more Marxist dictators, stir up wars, spread epidemics of incurable diseases and now you're talking real easy pickings.

Around 1992, the CFR decided to begin a campaign of worldwide "peace processes" all formulated to result in ghastly wars. After manipulating the fall of the Soviet Union a few years before, innumerable opportunities awaited them behind the former Iron Curtain. After such NWO personalities as Henry Kissinger and Lord Carrington eliminated the last bastions of wealth and security in Africa, it was a piece of cake for them to initiate bloodbaths in Somalia and Rwanda. Soon the NWO planners will turn their attentions to other "peace processes" they started in Northern Ireland and Israel, but first they must dispose of Yugoslavia.

It all began a long time ago, when the CFR sent Kissinger Associates partner Lawrence Eagleburger to Belgrade to corrupt and worm his way into the Yugoslav leadership. He bought a controlling interest in the country's largest bank for his bosses, he even introduced the Yugo car to America, bankrolling a large chain of dealerships.

Once the ruling classes were corrupted, the standard methods were employed to stir ethnic rivalries and force the Serbian hand. As usual, peoples who had drifted to historical Serb lands to seek improved economic opportunities were propagandized and heated up enough to declare their desire for independent breakaway states. This, no sovereign nation could tolerate. And like the Russians in Chechnya, or the Israelis in Jerusalem, the governments had no choice but to draw the line to save the souls of their nations.

So, armed and organized challenges to the government had to be funded. And like the PLO, Afghanis, half a dozen Latin American rebel groups before them etc. etc. the European drug trade was opened to the Kosovo Liberation Army. Today NATO is fighting on behalf of one of the largest heroin suppliers of Western Europe. But that's par for the NWO course.

Once the fighting began, in came the NWO "peacemakers:" Vance, Christopher, Holbrooke, Albright, every one of them a loyal CFR member, to impose conditions the Serbs could never possibly accept. Milosevic's unforgivable crime was standing up to the NWO and refusing to allow its army to roam his land at will.

And for this he is being punished. And Netanyahu has got the message. If he doesn't play ball, he will be demonized just like Milosevic, the world will be primed to despise him and in will come the NWO's air force. If he doesn't give the PLO its state on historical Jewish territory this year here is what will happen:

The PLO will unilaterally declare a state and Israel will annex the remaining West Bank territories in her possession. A wave of Arab terrorism will force Israel to retaliate and a cycle of violence will begin which will duplicate that of Yugoslavia. The "peacemakers" of the NWO will arrive and insist that Israel accept every clause of the Oslo Accords, give up its history and heritage to the PLO and divide Jerusalem. Then Israel refuses to relent, it will be painted quickly as a mortal danger to the peace of the planet. In order to "save" Israel from itself, the NWO forces will attack and impose its solutions on her.

And to most of the world, the events that lead to this war will seem totally logical. Like, in Kosovo today, the media will stage-manage every step of the war and a world under televised anaesthesia will believe the broadcasters, generals and military experts. And this world will simply sleep through Israel's destruction. When it awakes it will change channels."

Ethnic Albanians Protest NATO Bombing

reports by Bob Djurdjevic

BELGRADE, Mar. 31 - Ethnic Albanians held a noisy protest rally in front of the deserted U.S. embassy in Belgrade today, CNN has just reported. They claimed to be have been driven out of Kosovo by the KLA terrorists.

Serbs Claim NATO Using Banned Shells with Depleted Uranium

BELGRADE, Mar. 31 -- Serbian state media last night accused NATO of using cluster bombs in its attack on Kosovo. Belgrade TV reported that the bombs, which are banned under international conventions, had killed and injured a number of civilians in Kosovo. State television broadcast a correspondent report which allegedly showed debris from four cluster bombs found in the Kosovo villages of Vrbovac and Mogila, populated by ethnic Serbs.

Separately, Command of the Second YU Army announced yesterday that one person was killed and two were wounded in NATO's raid on the village of Besnik near Rozaje (Montenegro). According to the statement, an investigation by the Ministry of Internal Affairs revealed that in this assault British made cluster bombs with radioactive (depleted uranium) and chemical contents were used, prohibited by the international law. The victims are young boys.

The hands and forearms of the officials who had been in contact with the bomb's fragments during the investigation, after a short time got covered with edema, rash and reddening.

Well, prohibited or not, unfortunately it is all too familiar. When NATO bombed the Bosnian Serbs in 1995, there were similar reports. We first reported on it in June 1996, citing a Pale TV report, which aired at 19:30 GMT on March 11, 1996. It alleged publicly that NATO had used some depleted weapons against the Serbs (see TiM Fax Bulletins 96-22, 3/31/96 and 96-42, 6/08/96 - not available at the Web; this was in TiM's pre-Internet days).

We did it November 1997 (Truth in Media's GLOBAL WATCH Bulletin 97/11-2, 3-Nov-97), after Belgrade's independent weekly, NIN, also said that cases of the "Gulf Syndrome" were evident among the population in some Serb parts of Bosnia, including the Sarajevo, Doboj and Foca areas. NIN quoted Dr. Zoran Stankovic (then 43), a pathologist who heads the Institute of Forensic Medicine at the Military Medical Academy (NIN, Oct. 30, 1997).

Dr. Stankovic was a member of the committee which investigated the war crimes in the Bosnian Serb Republic in the fall of 1995, immediately after the bombing by NATO forces. He told NIN that NATO used radioactive projectiles whose penetrable armor contained depleted uranium, just as the U.S. forces did against Iraq, during the operation "Desert Storm."

In what is possibly the most damning evidence of NATO's crimes against humanity in Bosnia, NIN cited a warning issued to the NATO (S-FOR) troops in Bosnia "not to drink the local water, and not to touch the grass or the ground with their hands."

"In light of the above data, a question can be posed: Who should actually be standing in the face of justice at the Hague War Crimes Tribunal?", the NIN report asked.

Finally, in June 1998, TiM reported that, "increased incidents of leukemia, cancer and baby deformities in the last two years in the bombed out Serb areas, such as Hadzici, near Sarajevo, attest to that, according to some doctors with whom this writer talked during his latest visit to the Balkans. The 'Gulf Syndrome' in the Balkans? You bet. Except that it's the Serb civilians, rather than the Gulf War vets, that are its victims" (TiM GW Bulletin 98/6-4, June 15, 1998, available at our Web site).

Nine Refugees Killed as NATO Bombs Hit Refugee Center

PRISTINA, Mar. 30 - Steve Pratt of CARE Yugoslavia was quoted by Australian ABC radio as saying that his staff could confirm that nine refugees died when NATO hit buildings in Kosovo near the agency's refugee centers, according to a Mar. 30 Associated Press report.

German TV Reports Albanian Refugee Paid to Lie

GERMANY, Mar. 30 - Our European sources report that the first program of German TV (ARD) showed a replay of its day-time show BRISANT, during which its reporter at the Kosovo border said, "unfortunately, many (refugees) are using this difficult situation to make money. There are people here at the border crossing who are offering the refugees money if they agree to tell stories about supposed massacres, tortures and other misdeeds which the Serbs are allegedly committing. A number of people (refugees) are taking up the offer."

Kosovo: Srebrenica II? (From TiM's Bosnia Travel Diary, 1995)

PHOENIX, Mar. 31 - If true, this report makes Hitler's propaganda minister look like a PR amateur by comparison. This writer can add his own experience from Bosnia which could lend some credence to this, otherwise, totally "off the wall" story for an average American.

In mid-July 1995, just as the Serbs took the eastern Bosnia Muslim enclave Srebrenica, I happened to be there (July 13-15). As my driver and I drove from Belgrade to Pale, or Serb Sarajevo as it was also called back then, we had to drive along the roads which the Muslim soldiers were trying to cross, as they retreated from Srebrenica and trying to fight their way north to Tuzla, a Muslim stronghold (see the map in the Travel Vignette section of our Web site, "On the Run..." story).

Luckily, we got through to Pale without any major incidents, though we heard that some fighting broke out along the route we had just taken right afterward. Several times along the way, we saw trucks and buses full of women and children, heading in the opposite direction, toward Tuzla.

"What's that?" I asked my driver.

"These are the convoys which Gen. (Ratko) Mladic assembled for evacuation of Muslim civilians from Srebrenica to Tuzla," he replied.

The next day, among others, I also had a meeting with Dr. Radovan Karadzic, the former president of the Bosnian Serb Republic. As we sat in his office, on the two TV monitors on top of his credenza, CNN and (British) SKY network were broadcasting continuously the news about the Serb takeover of Srebrenica. And just like now in Kosovo, they were calling it "ethnic cleansing."

Occasionally, the two networks would show interviews with the women and children from the refugee camps set up for them around Tuzla. And again, just like now in Kosovo, they were talking about the alleged Serb massacres and atrocities.

"They are all lying," Karadzic, who speaks English, muttered. "There were no massacres or atrocities in Srebrenica; only battlefield casualties."

"I suspect so," I replied, explaining that I just saw the day before possibly these same women and children with my own eyes being transported by the Serbs in buses and truck into safety of the Muslim territory around Tuzla.

A few weeks later, Madeleine Albright, then the U.S. ambassador to the U.N, presented to the UN Security Council some satellite pictures which she said were "evidence" of Serb massacres in Srebrenica. Knowing that these photos proved nothing except that the U.S. was trying to whip up hatred against the Serbs, Albright already provided a way out of having to produce the real evidence - the remains of the 5,000 to 6,000 Muslim soldiers which the Serbs had allegedly executed. Note her comment about how the Serbs WILL supposedly moved the bodies:

"On Aug. 10, [1995] the chief United States delegate to the United Nations, Madeleine K. Albright, showed selected photos of the two sites to a closed session of the United Nations Security Council. She then said, 'We will keep watching to see if the Bosnian Serbs try to erase the evidence of what they have done.'" (The New York Times, Aug. 11, 1995).

The same NY Times article added the following speculation about the upcoming "vanishing corpses:"

"American officials said today that they suspect Bosnian Serb soldiers may have tried to destroy evidence that they killed thousands of Muslim men seized in and around the town of Srebrenica in July. The Serbs are suspected of pouring corrosive chemicals on the bodies and scattering corpses that had been buried in mass graves, the officials said."

With the absence of any traces of a "corrosive substance," when it came time to dig up the "evidence," the entire legend fell flat. So another explanation had to be found. The bodies were simply dug up, and moved someplace else.

And then even that "explanation" fell flat. Bosnia, including the Serb part, has now been under NATO occupation for over three years. Yet there is still no physical proof of the alleged massacre. No wonder no one is even talking about it anymore.

Meanwhile, both Karadzic and Mladic were indicted in the fall 1995 for this "crime against humanity" by the War Crimes Tribunal in the Hague. And the number of the alleged Srebrenica victims most often quoted by the media rose to 8,000.

After learning this, the TiM editor wrote to Judge Goldstone at about the same time (Nov/95), offering to testify about what he had seen in Bosnia, in the vicinity of Srebrenica, at the time of the alleged massacre in July 1995. No takers from the Hague for this angle of the Srebrenica truth, as it turned out, even though TiM has proof that an official at this UN kangaroo court did sign for the registered-return-receipt letter we had sent. Too busy manufacturing the evidence, rather than collecting it?

So in February 1996, we wrote a letter to the Wall Street Journal about all this. It was published on Feb. 9, 1996, at the top of the editorial page under the headline, "Bosnia: What's the Full Truth?"

A colonel of the Bosnian Serb army, a native of Sarajevo, summed up during that July 1995 trip the present era rather philosophically, though cynically:

"Every 50 years or so, wise men shut up, fools speak up, and criminals rise to the top."

Guess that would count TiM among the fools. But we are in good company here. For, that's exactly what the George Washington and his comrades did in 1776 when they did a lot more than just speak up against the British oppressors.

Making the news" -
an indepth exposé of media and political collusion at the highest possible levels in Australia.

email the editor

Role of Australian Press Council questioned

Good on you, Scott -

my wife, Judy and I went to listen to Pauline at the Leichhardt in Rockhampton last year, with the media trying to do a sensationalised beat-up as people came in.... bright lights poked up your nostrils, etc. Typical moronic performance.

The footage of what went on, with appropriately distorted excerpts, was then used in subsequent references to other meetings that occurred later and in other places.... I was told a number of times by people that I knew that they had seen me on TV again......even when there were One-Nation meetings hundreds of miles away. So much for accurate reporting. The whole coverage is indeed a farce, as - I would hazard a guess - are the educational standards of the buffoons that pose as media reporters.

Nothing like a bit of good Aussie fair play for the underdog, as the dingos capitalise on the herd instinct of the dozey Ozzie Norm. It's worth reading Frank Hardy's "Outcasts of Foolgarah" on this subject, by the way....No wonder it took him about 12 years all up to get the book published.

Ian and Judy Turton

G'day Scott,

Thanks for the e-mail re APC, I have had constant running battles with this "Shower" and would be happy to get stuck into them anytime.

Jenny and I are about to shoot off to New Zealand for Easter but will be in touch as soon as we get back.

I also have a similar plan to "Get up" the Human Rights and Anti-discrimination Board.

Cheers for now.
Maurice Horsburgh


I am somewhat surprised that the Australian Press Council shrugs off criticism of the apparent political bias of the press just because you alerted the people on this list how to make complaints.

Is their motto to keep us uninformed and only receive complaints from those few who they want informed of the correct procedure???

Are the organisation of rallies, like those organised by the OSW and other political groups, necessary for the Australian Press Council to believe that complaints have good reason or cause???

In the last state election out local paper, The Central Coast Express Advocate, gave several full page/ front page stories to Labor election promises [under the guise of "news"]. They gave somehat less, but still a substantial amount of space for election promises from the Liberal Party, again under the guise of "news". No such space was provided for One Nation - only criticsm and "news" of party dissaray etc.

The media bias is so obvious that they can hardly justify it.

Prior to the NSW election I spoke to the One Nation represenatives for Peats and asked why there was so little in the media about their policies. I was told that they had given the media a number of news releases about policies but our papers apparently were not interested in publishing them.


"Our Democracy is just like Russia's, we must vote, we get a choice of two Parties, we get a choice of One Policy, but are bribed by promises of what is going to be spent."

Dear Mr Herman

Dear Mr Jack Herman

I am not a one nation member nor a particular sympathiser but one thing IS certain and that is the raw deal and shabby treatment the media give them. It is one of the very reasons that I like to follow their progress.I find your reply to Scott Balson arrogant in the extreme.On the strength of that who on earth could trust your body to "self regulate"??

John G Burton


I think you are fighting the good fight but are likely to find the APC will behave exactly the same way as every other body of similar ilk eg: Motor TradersAssociation, AMA, Law Council etc etc. They are there to defend their members against crictism not to seek fairness. Of course occasionally they throw someone to the wolves but these usually turn out to be members who are critics of the association concerned.

How did you go with Dymocks?

Rob Herron


Good work Scott.

This is part of a world wide trend I fear. CONTROL THROUGH THE MEDIA.



I just read your response to Scott Balson and I am amazed at your flippant and ignorant reply, if you are the guardian of freedom and democracy in the press then god help us. For the last year the Australian press and tv have lied about and denigrated a political party to the point of disgust and I know that hundreds of thousands of One Nation supporters that have also seen this barbaric treatment. I realise that the press is owned and run by greed and power and I understand that the two major parties are afraid of any party that amasses 10 % of the toatal vote but that is no excuse for your attitude. If this is your attitude to One Nation then you shouldn't hold the position that you are pretending to hold.


APC Questioned


I'm Col Hubner and I'm a member of a loose group we call the JUSTICE GROUP up here in Cairns, We help others who Can't offord lawyers and even if they can we can show them how to keep tabs on their lawyer just in case he is getting a secret comission to shaft one instead of helping one, I'm fighting the Anz bank and the same culture and virus as exists in the press council infect our courts,but I guess you already know that.

Scott I was wondering how many people you communicate with because one day I will start publishing about the FRAUD involveing the ANZ as Banker to the Reef Casino and their attempt to get the casino licence for themselves through their front man (Name Removed).

What proof I don't have, I know where to suponea it.

If you know of anyone being raped by a Bank please let me know. I will gladly help them and give them a few clues, give a little peace of mind and hopefull stop them blowing their brains out, God knows with the pressure they put on you it takes a lot of inner strength to controll the urge to escape.

I was lucky to find help around Australia when I needed it , I'm reasonable in my understanding of banking law and learning all the time, I have a reasonable law libuary plus the net so the justice group is reasonablly equipted to help.

I know most of their tricks they use to drive you nuts and was lucky enough to be informed by others so when things happened one was't taken by suprise.

Keep up your frustrating GOOD WORK


Who appoints the Australian Press Council?

Who pays Jack Herman?

Anyone who thinks that an industry sector can be self-regulating should go looking for an example of one that is.

How much of Dennis Pearce's budget is picked up by the Australian Newspaper industry and where does the rest of it come from?

Can anyone answer these questions?



Another "nice" Asian email message from a government employee



Anh Nguyen Send Nguyen and email - not me - don't want The Courier-Mail calling me the racist.....

Nguyen works at the government's Australian Employment Services Inc in Victoria... perhaps they should be alerted as to this person's racist un-Australian outloook? If you think so, then send the department an email.

Borbidge to join One Nation?


A few quotations attributed to QLD National Party leader Bob Borbidge during the party meetings recently held on the Sunshine Coast QLD. I think some of these ideas may sound very familiar to ON supporters.

Quotes from Sunshine Coast Daily 27/3/99

Coast could decide government.

" How people vote on the Sunshine Coast could determine the outcome of the next [QLD] election......

The coast, as the state's fastest growing region could expect to gain one or two more seats in the current electoral redistribution.

He said it was vital that the coalition rebuild its bridges to the community and regained the support it had lost to One Nation at the last election.

He said that if One Nation gained as much as 15% of the vote it would return another Beattie Government.

He urged party supporters to be ready for an election as early as late this year."

A bit too late to discuss preference swaps now, isnt it Rob ? However Borbidge then goes on to say....

Retail giants cop flack :

Former Premier Bob Borbidge vowed yesterday to fight for small retailers he said were being destroyed by Australia's big three retail giants.

'' It was time Australia had anti-trust laws similar to those overseas to stop big companies dominating retail markets."

'' The Local Government Act needed changes to require developers to submit comprehensive community impact assessments before gaining approval for major new centres."

The three major supermarket groups, Franklins, Coles and Woolworths , already had 87% of the market share in Queensland, compared with a maximum of 45% in the United Kingdom, while the United States allowed a maximum of 25% by law.

Borbidge said " it was time politicians took control of the state again, rather than leaving it in the hands of unelected authorities such as the Criminal Justice Commision, National Competition Council and the economic rationalists of the 90's. "

Borbidge on Nats push for full jail terms:

Former Premier Rob Borbidge admitted the Coalition had " made a mistake " in not pushing for serious violent offenders to serve 100% of their sentences.

Borbidge said the Coalition hoped to make amends when truth in sentencing legislation went to the Parliament next week, though he acknowledged it was likely to be voted down by the Labor Party.

During the last term, the Coalition changed the law to make violent offenders serve 80% of their term. '' We made a mistake,'' he said. " Ten years ( jail ) should have been ten years."

Gee Rob, anymore ON policies you would like to borrow. After all we have already broken the ice with the abovementioned ones. How about distancing yourself a little bit further away from the Laborals while your still in the groove.

Have a good day
Steve Milson


congratulations to one nation for doing so well in the nsw elections and putting the fear back into the national, liberal and labor parties.

your local candidate in this area, marie mathews did extraordinarily well and at some booths, outpolled the major party candidates on primaries.

keep up the good work. there are many out there who support you.


Bombing and genocide

The Editor.

Much has been said of late about bombing and genocide. Yet no amount of wars and bombs, even including Nuclear, could equal the toll of human life that has fallen to cancer; (leukemia is cancer) for no other reason than the greed of big business cartels.

Who among you doesn’t know someone close that has died or is dying from this malady.

Yes, war and weapons can be traced back to this same greed. I am not going to mention here the PRIME MOVER behind this greed which exploits base human nature to its own ends.

Cancer began to be a major cause of death in the western world when we moved to white bread first, and then the other denatured processed foods that have followed since. This processing removed the naturally occuring nitrilosides. As the developing worlds, so called, follow in our footsteps, so is their cancer rates increasing. That was the first greed.

Next and by far the most criminal and immoral has been the concerted and willful suppression of all information concerning the above, and the amygdalin "cure" (really a control) revealed to the world by a Dr. Beard of the Edinburgh University around 1910. This suppression continues to the present day in the interests of the large Drug Cartel monopoly; as does of course the denaturing of all of our foods.

Anyone doubting that this control of the media even way back then existed, there are many proofs, but suffice here to remind the reader of the much published "Swinburn Statement" concerning the "intellectual prostitutes" of the press in the ‘50’s.

Meanwhile ever increasing millions are dying, and I say unnecessarily. Just consider this LOGIC: We have Dr. Death in Darwin being allowed to administer a poison to kill a suffering person whilst at the same time preventing this patient from having access to another poison, according to them, which would in all probability cure their illness; if not, at the very least would stop the suffering, and enhance their life.

Many today, thanks to the Internet, discover the truth, often too late, and after having been mutilated by chemo or the knife, at the very least are grateful for a major natural bi-product of laetrile: NO PAIN. A RESPECTABLE LIFE BEFORE DEATH THAT IS NOT LIKE BEING PUT OUT OF YOUR MISERY AS A MONGREL DOG.

The Cancer funds of the world were set up as, always have been, and still are, a massive vacuum cleaner of money from a gullible public. They produce only band-aid remedies, none of which are cures, and sometimes worse than the "cure" advocated by Dr. Death. Meanwhile they maintain themselves in luxury producing jobs. I will be the first to apologise for that statement if they give me a personal guarantee that they will spend just a little of their funds on checking out Laetrile. They wont. They have run from every challenge I have ever offered them to debate this. Classic answer from the then Minister of health QLD Dr. Edwards. "We abide by and follow the USA FDA, no matter what evidence you have to the contrary. The matter is closed."

Oh yes! Do I hate them? I pray they receive the forgiveness of God, they wont get mine.

Philip Madsen.

Confidence in One Nation

I voted for you last Saturday. I felt a bit stupid because these days it's "not" trendy to support One Nation. I even hid my how to vote when I was voting, because I didn't want others to brand me as a racist. Fact is that this country is going stupid. It's going stupid to the point where I feel intimidated because of my viewpoints. Anyway, it seems that an enormous number of other Australians feel the same.

I want you, as my representative in the Legislative Council to re-establish "freedom of speech". What is happening in this country is dangerous, very dangerous. "Politically correct" is a euphemism for "according to the mind police", and people even joke satirically about being "politically correct". It is no joking matter... it is very serious.

This week, I saw a ridiculous debate over whether or not a television personality should be allowed to darken his face in order to do a theatrical impersonation of an aborigine.

I remember the days when a Chinaman was a Chinaman, and an Abo was an Abo. A rose by any other name is just as sweet, and sticks and stones may break my bones, but to sacrifice our freedom over this ludicrous pursuit of behaving "according to the mind police", stifles individual opinion.

Your future in the "Senate" will arouse much debate about "sleeping" issues. Please carry this opinion forward.


from the global office:

Another perfect day in paradise.

Have a good one.

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exclusive to  (how to) subscribe/rs of the Australian National News of the Day:

Inverell 1999 - 15th March 1999
Pauline Hanson in Penrith - 5th March 1999
One Nation 1999 AGM - 28th February 1999
"Murder by Media" withdrawn by Dymocks bookstores - 13th February 1999
One Nation "split" - 6th February 1999
Paff and the red light - 3rd February 1999
Launch of "Murder by Media, Death of Democracy in Australia" - 22nd to 24th January 1999
One Nation's Queensland State Conference - 27th to 29th November 1998
Dual Citizenship and politicians- 20th November 1998
Where Prize Turkeys Gather - 17th November 1998

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