Today's Headlines
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Sunday, 28th December 1997
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Hanson calls for the death penalty.

Yesterday Pauline Hanson called for a referendum to be introduced on the punishment meted out over crime.

The "bleeding heart society" of social do-gooders so dominate the Australian bureaucracy now that the criminal gets more attention, aid and support than the victim in Australia.

Hanson said that the death penalty should be re-introduced on crimes like kidnap, rape and murder of young children and that a prison term should stand for what it is. ie If a criminal is given ten years he or she should stay inside for ten years - not get paroled after three.

This on a day that we here that two New Zealand brothers (Opetaia) who had committed a number of serious crimes in Australia tried to return knowingly to this country without visas (a requirement for past criminals from New Zealand) on Christmas day to see their mother who is dying from cancer.

One brother, Earl, was allowed an eleven day temporary visa to spend time with his mother while the other, Ralph, was sent packing by the immigration departing resulting in a scurry of bleeding heart representatives scurrying to be seen on television slamming the Australian government's decision.

Why they did not do the right thing and apply for visas on emotional grounds in the first place was their decision. I personally fully agree with the immigration department's decision to take a stand on the issue.

Aborigines committing sacrilege?

A rather interesting outlook on native title appears in today's Sunday Mail:

Aborigines are claiming native title over land in the Central Burnett with a clause to include commercial purposes and mining rights.

If Aborigines are so pent up about being one with the land, then how can they claim native title then mine the land?

I didn't know Aborigines of old mined the land. If they value it so much now, then surely this would be sacrilegious?

Making the news"  -
an indepth exposé of media and political collusion at the highest possible levels in Australia.

email the editor

Personal trivia, from the global office:

Another beautiful day in paradise.

Must be off - going to a champagne breakfast at the Broncos Club.

Have a great day.

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