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Thursday, 27th November 1997
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On-line research background to the book "Pauline, the Hanson Phenomenon" by Helen Dodd.


Following extensive media coverage of the formation of a breakaway party called "The New One Nation" by Peter Archer the past convenor of Pauline Hanson's One Nation in the Hunter Valley, we are getting a number of email like the one below:

Subject: Breakaway NSW (One Nation) branch

What is going on in NSW? I have checked news of the day but find no mention of what I saw on channel 7 news this morning. perhaps this could be included in the later news of the day ? Thanks and regards --

Rob Rae

The answer to the question is that the move by Peter Archer is a non-event according to One Nation head office in Manly. He is no longer a member of One Nation and if he tries to form a party using Pauline Hanson's trademark One Nation he will be stopped in the courts. The move by two or three One Nation members in Queensland to set up One Nation, Queensland was squashed a few weeks ago and since the report on the Hervey Bay meeting, which I attended and covered, I am happy to say that a new branch President has been elected and that the branch is once again fully behind Manly head office and David Ettridge.

Let me give you yet another example of how the Packer/Murdoch media distort everything - yesterday's example was not enough!. Because a few One Nation members got up and grand-standed about an alleged split in the party, members who were subsequently identified, in Queensland, as belonging to Graham Campbell's Australia First party on a recruitment drive, the media ran the story for days as a major break-up.

Now regular readers of this on-line paper, Australian National News of the Day, will be aware of Stephen Jolly and his violent party known as "Militant".

Here is an extract from an article that he ran in June this year about ALP members "deserting that party in droves to join his "New Labor Party": "Yet socialist ALP members and supporters should not despair. Socialists from a wide variety of backgrounds - including the ALP - have formed the New Labour Party. Despite a blackout on the NLP in the mainstream media, the party's numbers are steadily swelling and include workers, students, professional people, and academics. There is a growing number of union officials in its ranks. We can expect that the party will grow into a broad-based multi-tendency socialist party."

Guess what? The media never covered this event as Jolly laments "Despite a blackout on the NLP in the mainstream media"... guess why? It would make their mates in the ALP look bad. It's not news if it does not fill Murdoch or Packer's agenda.

Have you ever heard of the "New Labor Party" before? If you haven't it is because of the media blackout! Ever heard of Militant and Stephen Jolly? Yes, you probably have because they were seen, rightly so, as an extreme left wing and violent socialist party on the fringes... now the same leader, Stephen Jolly, has established this New Labor Party which he claims is attracting a whole range of traditional ALP members... says something about the ALP doesn't it? No wonder the media have kept this firecracker under wraps - it would make the likes of Beazley and Evans look bad for a change. Can't have that after all when the collective might of Australia's media barons sweeps Labor back in at the next Federal election who knows what deals are being done right now by the ALP to further advance the blatant power grab of Packer and Murdoch... when they get in.

Perhaps the most telling comment in this news that is not to be is the following comment Kerry Barlow the Convener, New Labour Party Sydney Branch who says:

Why, one might wonder, did the ACT Branch of the ALP apply to the Electoral Commission to change its name to the New Labor Party? Was it to signal big changes in ALP policy that might address past wrongs and win back the heartland?

"Was it their intention to re-regulate the banking/finance sector and replace industry protection policies which have so badly affected the rural sector and other struggling Australian industries? What about recognition of the state of our hospitals, schools and other ailing public infrastructure and the real effects of privatisation and corporatisation? Would the problem of unemployment, closely related to the destruction of the public sector and the demise of Australian industry be tackled in the new ALP vision?

"Alas, such policy changes are not the intention of the ALP.

"The name change is nothing more than a cynical attempt to thwart the democratic process by preventing a new party, the New Labour Party, from registering its name. This new party does indeed want to reverse the tide of economic rationalism and give Australians a real political choice where none currently exists. The ALP is attempting to deny that choice and protect itself from the threat of a real labour party.

"If the ALP is to change its name, might we suggest the acronym, ALP, should stand for Another Liberal Party. The New Labour Party could then simply become the Labour Party and a more accurate reflection of the political scene would be presented."

Another Liberal Party - ALP - I like it like that!

The glorification of the all-conquering hero Wayne Goss, who returned to parliament nine weeks after having a malignant brain tumour removed in hospital, is running rampant in News Limited's Courier Mail today with commentary like "The word went around the (Queensland state parliamentary) galleries: "He's coming in at 11.20 during question time."

"At 11.20am, the door of the chamber opened, everyone looked that way in anticipation - but, alas, it was only a whiskered backbencher Len Ardill, a stand-out in the House if only for the startling effect of his Al Grassby-ish light blue suit amongst the boring clerical grey of other honourable male members.

"Mr Goss entered a minute later and took his seat to a burst of applause from the Labor side."

There's more of this sort of media-glorification which fills most of page two of today's paper with comments such as "The Member for Logan had become bored with reading and "pacing up and down the back garden, phoning people" so, with the doctor's OK, it was time to get back to work."

It's the sort of drivel reserved for the media-mates... while the truth about men like this is quietly concealed as not-newsworthy.

Making the news"  -
an indepth exposé of media and political collusion at the highest possible levels in Australia.


An interesting point was raised by the National Party member for Capricornia, Paul Marek, yesterday who said that Aborigines receiving payouts under Wik native title compensation should be denied further welfare.

He said that once compensation bills were paid, "Do we then continue to pay the amount... we do in relation to aid in building small satellite communities for them? We spend hundreds of millions of dollars of putting infrastructure into these communities... and the people just go and live there. They don't have to work... they don't have to do anything."

Yesterday was also the day that Deputy Prime Minister Tim Fischer came under fire in Parliament after writing a letter that suggested that if the High Court's Wik decision was not challenged freehold land could be the next to be claimed by the indigenous peoples.

"We don't yet know for a fact that native title can't revive where there has been freehold," Fischer wrote. "We understand from the High Court that freehold extinguishes native title but there hasn't been an actual test case."

In the letter to a woman in Victoria Fischer's senior policy adviser, Terry Ryan, said the same principle involving Wik could be applied to her home.

"Your title, which you purchased in good faith and with certainty, can also be thrown into doubt," he said.

Opposition legal affairs spokesman Nick Bolkus said in response, "To attempt to scare people by making them think that their backyards are not safe is the most despicable distortion of reality I've seen in a long time."

email the editor

You Say:

Subject: Reverse Racism?

Dear Sir,

When compiling your excellent news reports you can save a bit of wear and tear on the typing hands by eliminating seven key strokes. Simply type RACISM as there is no such thing as reverse racism. Then again if you like typing, perhaps you could place acts of racism into a clearer perspective by describing them by colour, ie WHITE RACISM or BLACK RACISM or any other appropriate coloured RACISM. At least then we would know who was saying what. You may not be then politically correct, but hey, you can't please all of the people all of the time.

Keep up the great work and let's keep on urging all true Australian patriots to stand up and be counted.

Allan W. Doak

Subject: Pauline Hanson's Prosper Australia rally
Organization: Dept of Civil & Env. Engineering

To whoever responsible for publishing this sick web site,

Honestly, I do not see much difference between what you say and what Mr Howard's governement does! the only thing is that you say it clearly in advance (ie before you take over, if you will ever do!). However, motivated by your claimed video message I believe that you should see a Psychiatrist, before it is too late! It is not your fault. It is the media which made you look like a public figure with ideas, policies and targets! I feel so sorry for you and those who waste their time and money chasing you!

All the best, madam!
Hussein Khalaf

Gee, Pauline Hanson is a remarkable woman if she has time on top of her busy agenda to build web sites....



Tokuyo City Bank became the fourth Japanese financial institution to collapse this month... with a deepening financial crisis appearing in the country. Tokuyo has the equivalent of Au$678 million in non-performing loans - not bad for what is described as "just a regional bank"... what happens when a big one collapses?

The price of gold fell below Au$300 yesterday as the precious metal continued its slide following the sell off of two thirds of Australia's gold reserves by Treasurer Peter Costello earlier this year.

This was gold's lowest price in over twelve years with analysts predicting that it could fall as low as Au$280 an ounce.


Personal trivia, from the global office:

Another beautiful day in paradise.

Have a good one.

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