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Saturday, 15th November 1997
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On-line research background to the book "Pauline, the Hanson Phenomenon" by Helen Dodd.


The plight of nations not in the pocket of the US has become of extreme concern to a growing number of people. Not because there might be very good reason to despise some of their leaders, such as Saddam Hussein of Iraq, but because the true facts behind the peoples effected by UN inspired action seldom, if ever, gets reported in the media.

Here are a few Internet links which touch on the trauma facing a nation which, before the Kuwaiti war, was relatively wealthy:

Description of local affairs in the Arab world.
U.S. Iraq Policy Fatally Flawed
A collection of articles
UN Suspends Review Process for Sanctions Against Iraq and Threatens New Sanctions

Here is an extract from one of the links:

"If 800,000 people had died in some country of the world because of the direct action of outside powers, would this not be headline news? If 4,500 children, and almost as many adults, were perishing each month as a result of this international crisis, would not world leaders be anxiously huddling and showing great concern to find a solution?

"But when the people dying are residents of Iraq, suddenly all kinds of walls and excuses arise in our minds. Suddenly they are less human. It's all too complicated - or so our leaders would have us believe."

The UN is continually referred to as a "toothless tiger" by those who believe the treaties that mainstream Australia know nothing about will never or cannot be enforced. Yet it is the UN decisions which are decimating Iraq. Why is so much time being spent on preparing the UN Draft Legislation on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples? Who are the Australians involved in this process and what is their political agenda? No-one knows. What we do know is that the whole process is undemocratic.

One of the links above refers to the "Arab Games". Well here in Australia we wake up to discover that the 2002 Gay Games and Cultural Festival will be held in Sydney.

Organisers expect more than 10,000 queers and lesbians from around the world to attend the event which will include 30 sports and 6 demonstration sports as well as a series of lectures on gender and sexuality in sport.

And I am sure that Cheryl Kernot will be a guest speaker for the cause.

The event will cost more than Au$10 million to hold and take up 70% of the venues used in the Sydney Olympics.

Gay games spokesperson Gillian Minervini spoke to the ABC from Denver yesterday saying, "The actual event is a bigger event than the Olympics in terms of the number of athletes. There will be 12,000 athletes and 5,000 cultural participants."

Now did I get that right.... "cultural participants".... isn't it funny how queers always seem to associate with multiculturalism... it is like a stamp legitimising their unnatural behaviour by dragging in a "normal" cultural event.

In the Weekend Australiannewspaper the reporter, Jennifer Foreshew, describes the successful bid as part of a "double win" for Sydney - New South Wales minister for Sport and Recreation Gabrielle Harrison announcing yesterday that the city would host the World Lifesaving Championships in the year 2000. The article has a picture of two spikey haired lesbians kissing in Sydney's Banana Bar.


Making the news"  -
an indepth exposé of media and political collusion at the highest possible levels in Australia.


The vilification of John Howard and his cabinet for their refusal to bow to the media ownership laws sought by Packer and Murdoch is now starting to seed.

The News Limited papers are reporting in a more and more biased manner finding Howard to be guilty of "racism" because of his ten point plan on Wik.

Yesterday, it appears, Howard tried to censor Patrick Dodson's (the fellow who resigned from the Aboriginal Reconciliation Committee a few weeks ago) eulogy for H C Nugget Coombs. Howard felt that some of the remarks should be cut as "the more political comments seemed inappropriate for a eulogy at a State memorial service for a great Australian", a spokesman said.

Howard was clearly not happy when Dodson presented his eulogy at the funeral at St Mary's Cathedral in Sydney. The audience of 800 included a number of the elites, Governor General Sir William Deane, Paul Keating and Gough Whitlam.

Dodson said, "I think he (Nugget Coombs) would be profoundly disappointed. I think he would be wondering if after a lifetime of working with governments of all kinds to push the country forwards, at the end of his life, it appears to be going backwards.

"This (the recognition of Aboriginal rights) is what Nugget understood and old age couldn't stop him living by that understanding and fighting for what was right.

"Nugget Coombs would grieve to learn that at the end of the Australian century he did so much to define - and to define in terms of justice and equality and courage and vision - indigenous Australians are going to be denied the right to negotiate over land that was stolen from them and which even now they are willing to share."

About 20 Aboriginal dancers including the chairman of the Northern Land Council, Galawarruy Yunupingu, performed the Yolngu funeral rite before the opening prayers.

Yunupingu is central to indigenous land claims in the Northern Territory and has real problems in relation to his credibility with his and questionable free-spending of ATSIC money...

Somehow these issues get forgotten, lost, become irrelevant in this world of political correctness.

Can you imagine a "white" public servant working for any state government continuing to hold such a high position after these issues had been revealed!

email the editor

You say:

Subject: Comments on Australian News of the Day

Date: Sat, 15 Nov 1997 10:11:50 +1100

I would just like to share with you an incident that happened last night.

My girlfriends sister had her year 10 formal. Her mother asked me and my girlfriend to go and pick her up from the party after the formal about 1am. As we walked down the side of the house, a lot of young people came running towards us yelling and screaming. We could hear banging on the fence dividing the house from the back yard. I asked one boy what was happening and he replied " F***ing black c**ts just came in and started belting everyone".

I had a look out the back and here was around 8-9 islanders from another part of Newcastle just walking up to males and females and just belting into them.

A group of partiers had locked themselves in a garden shed and these islanders smashed the windows to get into them. When I went in there was two females with blood all over their faces. The whole yard was a mess by the time the police arrived.

I was standing out the front when I heard a boy about 16 say " I've never been racist but I f***ing hate niggers now."

I wonder what would have happened if it was a group of white Australians doing the attacking at a indigenous party.


Personal trivia, from the global office:

Another beautiful day in paradise... rain and storms - but hey, we need them.

Tonight we are having a bar-b-que with our Aboriginal neighbours.

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