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Since October 1995

Sunday 19th May 1996

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Radical shooters across Australia have warned that underground militia groups would take on the Federal and State Governments in a bid to overturn Australia's tough new gun laws. Predicated by the Port Arthur massacre the new gun laws will outlaw all military style weapons in Australia.

It has been reported that ASIO (the Australian secret police) have stepped up security around Prime Minister John Howard as well as Premiers and Police Ministers.


Premier Rob Borbidge yesterday rated the chance of the Au$1.1 billion Century zinc mine proceeding as "borderline". On Tuesday the board of the mining giant CRA-RTZ meet to discuss whether to proceed after a small group of Aboriginal radicals have disrupted the plans and the economic growth that it could have brought to the north west of Queensland.


Natal took out the first semi-final against Queensland by a large margin of 43-25. In a free-running match in which the New Zealand referee was outstanding Natal ran in several tries against the Reds. Yesterday I predicted Natal would win and today I predicted an Auckland win... we'll soon know - but Natal, at least, are in the Super 12 final.

Personal trivia, from the global office:

Lovely relaxing day yesterday with Barry and Liz Corrick joining us for a meal of stew and potatoes at lunch time. Barry joined the Internet community after we got his notebook computer into gear. Today it is once again sunny and warm. The Brisbane River below has returned to its normal course, although some considerable damage has been done by erosion on the bank opposite us.

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