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Friday, 9th January 1998
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What next? Hundreds of Kerry Packer clones?

It was announced today that a US scientist by the name of Richard Seed intends to produce the first human clone within 18 months and then start a production run of 500 artificial humans per year.

What will young James say!

The Weekly Canberra Column:

The security guard

"As a security guard, he had more access to Pauline Hanson than the rest of us, he told the branch members over coffee and Anzac biscuits after the meeting. We hung on his words as he explained that Pauline Hanson had been allocated one of the smallest and most remote offices and there was very little room for volunteer helpers, but that he had gained special permission from Black Rod to do some work and research for her in his spare time."

One Nation's National Director's Salary Package.

The Courier Mail today carries a front page report under the heading, "Hanson man in party windfall", claiming that David Ettridge, Pauline Hanson's One Nation national director gets 12.5% of all funds raised in return for running the party.

The paper then states that this is "without the knowledge of Hanson supporters". The paper then states that One Nation is reported to have already raised Au$1 million - and therefore - that Ettridge has received Au$125,000 as his percentage.

When the paper questioned Ettridge yesterday he said that his package was "private". However, the paper concedes that Ettridge's claimed cut is capped but "he would not reveal at what level".

Apparently David Oldfield confirmed that a 12.5% commission was paid saying, "I don't think it's as high as 12.5%, but it might be. It might be for the first million of funds raised."

Oldfield added that the more money One Nation received the lower the commission paid to Ettridge.

"He's not money hungry and he's not overpaid," said Oldfield.

"His pay structure only works out to be a reasonable wage for what he does. Ettridge actually funded the setting up of the (Sydney) office in the first place." (Ettridge did not receive any financial support in establishing the Manly office and worked for three months without pay when One Nation were gathering funds).

Today I spoke to David Ettridge who refuted the Courier Mail story as absolute rubbish stating as follows:

In effect there is no risk to Pauline Hanson to guarantee a salary and all the risk is being carried by David Ettridge.

Good on ya David.

What a beat-up... a private financial arrangement to be publicised! Who the heck do the Courier Mail think they are demanding details? They should go check out Paul Keating - getting fat off the public purse - but of course you won't because Murdoch will make sure such an expose costs you your job!

 The international Financial Services Agreement (FSA) and Australian banking

You might recall the Wallis Report into Australia's banking industry.

Basically the report called for Australian banks to be opened up to foreign ownership.

Why? Well with MAI consider the FSA which is aimed at:

(1) that Big Banks (and even Australia's are not big in the great scheme of things) will be free to "compete" i.e. to do business on a "most favoured nation" and "national" basis, and to either buy or undercut smaller nation's banks, which means that we will probably end up with one or a handful of worldwide banks who will control all private finance. I don't know whether or not they will be able to take over central banks like the Bank of Canada and the Fed. That really seems too preposterous, but so did the idea that multinationals would run prisons and public schools...

(2) The boundaries between insurance, banks, and investment brokerages, which were established for very sound reasons but which have now been broken down in Australia (and Canada), will be broken down worldwide, so that the (few) global banks will also monopolise insurance and investment brokerage world wide.

As the Egyptians pointed out, the FSA is declares open season on the banks and financial services of all smaller countries, with no compensatory benefits whatsoever.

Let us remember that George Soros has already made his intentions clear....

Finally while Soros cuts a swathe of devastation across Asia the Indonesian rupiah crashed 20% yesterday - or 75% against the US dollar since the Asian meltdown. There are now 10,000 rupiah to one US dollar.

The so-called "stolen" children (generation)

While the media are baying for the Australian government to apologise on behalf of the Australian people for the "treatment meted out" on the so-called generation, a report by former Aboriginal minister Peter Howson tells a very different side of the story.

Here is an extract:

"In and after the war, the number of single white men in the NT increased dramatically and the number of babies born as the consequence of illegal unions (both from a tribal and a formal Australian perspective) likewise increased. Les Penhall, a welfare officer in the NT from 1941 to 1983, reported:

"“If the child was of light colour, the Aboriginal midwives just grabbed a handful of ashes out of the fire and placed it over the nose and mouth of the child so that it didn’t live.”

"Some light coloured babies were not killed in this way. But as the babies grew, the tribal elders often continued to bash the mother until she was prepared to abandon the child."

Sir Ronald leader of the Uniting Church... one of the politically correct who lead our community by the nose down a trail of destruction while the media cheer from the sidelines is the author of the "stolen" children report. One of the politically correct whose open cheque book approach to the detriment of the taxpayer has led to billions of dollars being wasted.

Take this fact, for example, the 1979 Henderson report chaired by Professor Ronald Henderson, looked at the condition of Aborigines in rural New South Wales. He found (on page 157) that if money being spent nationally on Aborigines had been directly allocated to the people themselves, then the average household would have received TWICE the basic wage in Australia!

The report concluded that "poverty is being professionalised and bureaucratised. In the process, it is becoming a lucrative business - for professional welfare workers, administrators, researchers and consultants."

Please explain ATSIC, please explain.

In conclusion, consider the current Worldvision television advertising campaign calling for donations to support their quest to feed children "who have been abandoned". By doing so, in years to come, can you be sued by future "stolen" generations who can easily track you down through your credit card number?

Just food for thought....

Making the news" -
an indepth exposé of media and political collusion at the highest possible levels in Australia.


email the editor

You say:

Subject: Re: Financial Services Agreement

Thanks for this "information" on the FSIA.

I am beginning to wonder why all these agreements are concluded in frenzied late-night sessions. What are they putting in the coffee to make everyone cave in? And what's the rush, anyway? If these are such great deals for everybody, why do they have to be browbeaten?

I get a fear stomach when I read about these mighty triumphs of our noble leaders. I fear that we are all being sold into slavery. More and more I wonder what will happen after the crash, when Casino Earth declares a bank holiday to tot up the losses...

And how long will the victims around the world sit still while their hopes are dashed and their children go hungry? Do these "leaders" really think they're invulnerable? The Greeks called it 'hubris,' the manic pride that goeth before a fall.

I guess I've always been a pollyanna, but when I read the history of the robber barons and the suffering of the Great Depression those many years ago in school, I really thought we'd learned not to repeat them. But here we go again, just like gravel down a chute.



Subject: (no subject)

Can anyone answer two questions for me:

  1. How many Aboriginals are there in Australia?
  2. How much money was allocated to what has become known as the "Aboriginal Industry" in the last federal budget?

We have all seen the TV reports that show Aboriginals living in what amounts to squalor in our country. What we all must remember is that the average Aboriginal family is just the same as the average white family. They battle to just get through the day. The money given to the "Aboriginal Industry" obviously does not reach these people. Where does it go? Who gets it?

The "average" Aboriginal is a decent sort of bloke. He gets kicked in the arse by the fat cats, trouble makers and do-gooders just the same as his white counterpart. Black and white, we all want the same thing. Security for our families and to be able to live, in peace, in a country where everyone is equal.

I remember vividly a book called "They're a Weird Mob". To me, this one book shows above all else the strength of character of the true "Aussie". (I discount rednecks, trouble makers and born again do-gooders). The "true Aussie" doesn't care if you are black or white, or purple with green spots. He doesn't care if you talk funny or dress funny or eat strange food. He might laugh and make a few jokes at your expense, but all he really cares about is if you are prepared to "give it a go". If you are, then you will get a "fair go", and in the end, "she'll be right mate".

Thinking people of all races in Australia should get behind the One Nation banner if only because One Nation has dared to utter the three words that all other political parties in our history have considered to be heresy......"EQUALITY FOR ALL"



The Chinese swimmers competing in the world swimming championships in Perth are on the ropes following allegations that not only are their performances drug enhanced, but that they were caught bringing the drugs into Australia.


Private schools are growing twice as fast as public schools in Queensland. This, as government funding to public schools is being withdrawn and parents are forced to pay the high school fees charged for a private education.

Growth in student enrolments:
System 1997 1998 % Rise
Total State Schools 450,000 455,100 1.10%
Total non-government Schools 159,768 163,875 2.57%
State Primary Schools 266,050 267,650 0.60%
Non-government Primary Schools 80,475 82,150 2.08%
State Secondary Schools 146,900 150,000 2.10%
Non-government Secondary Schools 79,293 81,725 3.07%

Personal trivia, from the global office:

Another beautiful day in paradise.

Yesterday afternoon I was able to catch the dramatic Queensland Ambulance Service rescue of a teenage boy, Jake Clarke, from Karana Downs who slipped and fell about 6 metres onto rocks while climbing Johnson Rocks. Johnson Rocks are about 400 metres from the global office on the other side of the river.

Johnson Rocks, overlooking the Brisbane River is a popular diving spot for young people. Clarke broke a leg and an arm in the fall and sustained other injuries.

In the exclusive pictures below the boy can be seen being rescued. Minutes after the helicopter carried Clarke away the boys, believe it or not, returned to diving off Johnson Rocks.

Map of Karana Downs

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