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Thursday, 13th November 1997
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After all his grandstanding on the issue of native title and Wik the leader of the Australian Labor Party (ALP), Kim Beazley, showed what an outright liar he is when he was yesterday forced to admit that the Keating government had assumed that pastoral leases wiped out Mabo styled native title claims - such as Wik.

John Howard responded to Beazley's backdown by challenging his credibility in the native title debate. He demanded that the ALP leader now crush claims that his ten point plan on Wik was racist.

Beazley's forced admission came after Packer stooge, Graham Richardson (the ALPs former numbers man) claimed that the entire Keating cabinet believed that native title could not co-exist with pastoral leases.

In an incredible turn around, common to the ALP, Beazley said yesterday, "Yes, we thought, along with the pastoralists, that in all probability, native title was extinguished on a pastoral lease."

Howard said in response, "Nobody in 1993 was accusing (former prime minister) Paul Keating of racism for asserting that the grant of a pastoral lease extinguished native title.

"Yet our legislation does not go as far as that assertion.

"They can't say it is racially based, they can't allow a smear campaign to be run against me."

Following the ALP turncoat trend Opposition Aboriginal Affairs spokesman Daryl Melham said yesterday that there was no doubt that legal advice to both the Howard and Keating governments was that pastoral leases extinguished native title, but that that legal advice was wrong.

Carl Lewis yesterday advised Kathy Freeman to go for gold at the Sydney 2000 Olympics and that she ignore the calls by the Perth-based Nyungah Circle of Elders to boycott the games.

Freeman told the media that she was not prepared to talk about the boycott call - which is an obvious embarrassment.

Here is a web site that I strongly recommend that you visit. The web site by Frank Andersen looks at aspects of indigenous life from first hand experiences.

Making the news"  -
an indepth exposé of media and political collusion at the highest possible levels in Australia.

email the editor

You Say:

Subject: Re Communism

Dear Editor,

>The communist newspaper L'Humanite responded to [The Black Book of Communism] by saying, "This is not a history of communism, but a perspective on the crimes and forms of repression committed in its name."<

The crimes and forms of repression committed 'in the name of' communism were possible only because of the nature of communism. Trying to divorce the two is nothing more than a play on words.

The worry is that while 'communism' is no longer regarded as a threat to the West by the media, the word 'globalisation' in fact means 'global communisation', the creation of a Union of Global Socialist Republics. So we're not finished with this evil yet, and the 100 million dead is just an interim figure.

Graham Strachan.

Subject: >Professor this, professor that

Dear Editor,

Another professor, this time an "Adjunct Associate Professor" Peter Jull, here to help reorganise our country. Hardly a day goes by now without some professor-of-this-or-that preaching to us, advising us, reorganising us. And underlying all their pronouncements are the now-familiar elitist arrogance and conceit, the idea that all it takes is a bit of scornful name-calling from the professorial mouth to put the impertinent masses, who dare to question their activities, back in their place.

WELL HEAR THIS, PROFESSORS ALL! Your record is clear. Throughout history you and your ilk have always crawled to whoever wielded the political power. When Caesar was king you invented the ideology that he was god. When Popes ruled the Middle Ages you became the 'handmaidens of theology'. When monarchs reigned you invented the 'divine right of kings'. When parliaments usurped the power you deified the State. When it looked like Marxism was 'historically inevitable' you were Marxists. When big business took control you miraculously converted to 'economic rationalism'. Now the centre of power looks like going global you are falling over each other to serve your new masters, and to invent ideologies to prop up their sordid and dishonest grab for power.

Throughout history you and your ilk have behaved like skulking sychophants, willing to lick the spittle of any power-monger who looked like guaranteeing your parasitic existence. Yet now that you've effected your latest alignment, with the globalists, you expect us to accord you newfound respect and hang on your every word. And while all your previous 'utopias' have ended in Inquisitions and bloodbaths, you expect us to believe your latest fad, the 'global village', is going to bring about 'world peace'.

Professors, to borrow a word from the masses, who are infinitely your betters: Piss off!

Graham Strachan.

Personal trivia, from the global office:

Another perfect day in paradise.

Have a good one.

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