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Thursday 31st October 1996

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Both sides of the Federal Parliament bowed to the intense media coverage being given the Pauline Hanson debate yesterday by reaffirming their commitment to "racial tolerance" by adopting a charter of unity against racism.

The charter's main points were:

Ms Hanson was not in Parliament at the time, but spoke from Melbourne saying that "They (Parliament) are trying to censor me and the Australian people.

"They are holding the Australian people in contempt."

She also added, "I have never run away from anything in my life."

Prime Minister John Howard was in Brisbane last night presenting the winners at the Ethnic Business Awards.

Howard spoke of the "rich, indispensable and invaluable contribution" that the communities of Australia had made to the fabric of this nation.

The Internet and pornography was the subject of a test case in the Ipswich District Court earlier this week when a 22 year old man was tried for allegedly obtaining child pornography through the Internet. The Judge, John Robertson, ruled the State Government's Classification of Games Interim Act did not prevent Internet users from viewing any type of pornographic material, including graphic child pornography on the Internet.

The Crown had allreged that the young man had obtained 55 files from the Internet containing the pornographic files.

Queensland Council of Civil Liberties president Ian Dearden , also the young man's solicitor, said it was outrageous that the Crown had used a young student to test the legislation.

"Dragging someone through the courts for something like this is emotionally scarring," Mr Dearden said.

He said yesterday's ruling in the Ipswich District Court could see an immediate end to further prosecution of between six and twelve people charged over similar offences.


The state Labor Party will attempt to topple the government today following the refusal by State Premier Rob Borbidge to resurrect the Carruthers inquiry.

Borbidge called Labor's ultimatum that the inquiry proceed or the minority Government would face a no-confidence motion "untenable and outrageous".

Despite the ultimatum without Independent MP Liz Cunningham's vote the move is destined to fail. Ms Cunningham said yesterday that she would side with the Coalition Government went the vote was taken.

Several prominent people spoke out against Carruthers for resigning, with Borbidge calling on the QC to return the Au$400,000 in fees paid to him to date...

You say:

Subject: Pauline Hanson should not represent Australians

I would be ashamed to be represented by Pauline Hanson. Not only she had down graded her own personal and credibility, but along with all the Australian People.

No body could never ever take away my job or any other things if my personal and credibilities are remain.

The world would not progress, the people would not get smarter without competitiveness.

Meng Ung (an overseas respondent)

The trouble is Meng that Pauline Hanson does represent the views of a lot of free thinking Australians. This is a fact we cannot get away from. Killing the debate will only create greater angst and frustration in this country...

Is it the media that have misquoted her and branded her unfairly as a racist, and if so what is the media's hidden agenda? Perhaps the comments raised below will give us a clearer picture.

Yesterday we had a response looking at the role of the "media" in setting the agenda in Australia, and today (below) we have a question levelled, correctly I believe. at the mega-rich in this country... here is an extract...

Why aren't we directing our rage at those "white" rich folks who are earning mega bucks by dodging tax and re-directing work from us, rather than people who are residents and citizens of Australia and who are in the same economic position we are in?

Perhaps the simple answer is that "they" control the media and what we think... what do you think?

For example why do the super rich in this country, who dramatically increase their wealth year after year, not even flag a mention in the media about some of their business dealings? If they were reported on in the media with the same vigour that comments made by Pauline Hanson are we might have a far more relevant and interesting debate about tax avoidance (for example).

Why do the super-rich have this obsession about controlling the media (or what we think)?

Here is the response received in full....

Perhaps it is true that Asians are more racist in Asia than Australians (whoever you want to define "Australians" as being) were. But the problem with the Hanson line and Howard's comments to the effect that we can now breathe free of political correctness, is that it places people who are of Asian descent, living as citizens of this country in an awful position. These people are being spat on, jibbed at, treated like they don't belong here... and many of them have been here longer than my family or the family of the people living around me.. but we are "white" , so we blend in. It's pretty sad really, that because of the activities of greedy multinationals, and the effects of globalisation, we are losing jobs here in Australia. Why aren't we directing our rage at those "white" rich folks who are earning mega bucks by dodging tax and re-directing work from us, rather than people who are residents and citizens of Australia and who are in the same economic position we are in? This Hanson stuff is just about racist dogs fighting over the employment bone: there's more bone if you make a group of dogs ineligible to fight.

This debate makes me ashamed to be an Australian. I thought we had a liberal progressive democratic country? Certainly we should be able to discuss these issues, but the fact that some sections of the community see it as a call to burn (aboriginal) children, spit on (asian) kids in playgrounds, taunt Asians who have been here for 5 generations, and refer to the product of inter-cultural marriage as mongrels certainly reveals their desperate belief in the (threatened) superiority of the white man.

Yvette Bockisch

Cyber feedback:

Do you think the media debate in this country being manipulated to take the "heat off or hide" the sins of the mega rich?

Do you think the super-rich should be prevented from controlling the on-line media (such as the Internet) in the future where the man in the street can currently have an equal say?

Please email any views or related information on the above.

Australian (only) feedback as at 4am AEST:
Do you think that the immigration debate has got out of control?Yes: 131No: 8
Do you think that Pauline Hanson should shut up about immigration?Yes: 103No: 9


The manouvering within the halls of power at News Corporation Limited continue with American executive Peter Chernin effectively appointed as Rupert Murdoch's deputy.

Lachlan Murdoch, who was recently appointed managing director of the group's Australian arm, will also join the board of the parent company.

In the latest reshuffle Chernin becomes president and chief operating officer of News Corp. He is also chairman and chief executive officer of Fox Filmed Entertainment. In this role he will become second in command to Rupert who owns an effective 30% of the media empire.

Personal trivia, from the global office:

Another day to be enjoyed in the global office... have a good one.

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