Today's Headlines

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Sunday 22nd December 1996

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What the "professional" Australian journalists say about (Australian) News of the Day


The mainstream Australian media recently launched a direct attack on this on-line newspaper.
It has resulted in a sudden growth in readership and a lot of positive feedback.

Before being bashed and robbed a group of Aborigines asked a man if he was a Pauline Hanson supporter. The blond hair, blue-eyed man, Duane Daniels, 24, was walking alone through King George Square in Brisbane in the early hours of Friday morning.

The unprovoked attack happened as he walked home. The group confronted him demanding money and questioning him about his allegiance to Pauline Hanson before king hitting him and then beating him up while he lay on the ground.

No media outrage or cries of racism about this tory in the mainstream media.


Mining companies have pledged Au$500,000 to Pauline Hanson's new political party in return for her support in fighting the Native Title act according to sacked advisor John Pasquarelli.

Mr Pasquarelli said that more than eight mining companies were involved in the deal aimed at neutralising the Act because of its effect on mining and employment in that industry.

An Ipswich accountant has been briefed to set up and administer a fund-raising account called the Pauline Hanson Movement Fund with the banking account being located at the Ipswich office of the First National Building Society.

You say:

Subject: The Pauline Hanson Bullshit

I thought I'd just say that the aborigines (blacks) of Australia should be thank God that It was England and not Spain that took over Australia; the English won a fight - too bad we had guns - the Spanish would have annihilated you from the face of the Earth, as they did with all the native cultures they encountered. The English should have exterminated the natives as well, but Christianity and MORALS (something no black has I'm sure) intervened, and so they are around today to give honest tax paying citizens the shits.

I am all for giving the "aborigines" (I use the term loosely because I haven't seen a BLACK one complain yet) their land back - as long as they live on it the way they did before white man came - which means:
1. No Social Security.
2. No government support at all.
3. No iron, no steel (no manufactured goods at all).
4. No drugs, no acohol, no medicine.
5. No guns or any other firearms.
6. No contact with white people at all.
7. No vote and no rights in a white society.
8. No control at all over what happens to them.
- which is exactly how the blacks in Australia lived on "their" land before white man came.

I hope you can speak English so as to understand what I have written, if you need a translator, then you are already dead.

I only say this because I know that there are no "native" Australians, unless the ability to speak the Queens' English and the fact that I was born here and being able to scab off the government makes me a native as well. I say this because either you want to be treated as blacks or you want to be treated as whites - the only difference between me and you (apart from our skin color) is that you are able to get more social security benefits (from your enemies) than I am - so either you want to be treated as equals, or you want to be treated like heathen.

These are not the views of the Australian News of the Day.

The Charles Mannington mystery.

Cedric has run away with a female University student who he met through the Internet.

Personal trivia, from the global office:

Another beautiful day today. Heckel and Jeckel (two of the long-beaked Corellas) are currently feeding and "clucking" away at the feed table.

Have a great day!

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