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Wednesday 11th December 1996

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Across the Tasman sea it appears that the New Zealand politicians have sorted themselves out at last with Winston Peters joining Jim Bolger in forming government. The move took two months and came at a high price for Bolger's National Party - who have now gained a third term.

Peter's New Zealand First Party will run the economy.

Yesterday we wrote about the Courier Mail's reporting of the police operation at the Aboriginal community of Woorabinda.

The article included a response by the Police Commissioner.

Today, in a repeat of the way the paper handled the Prof Manning story earlier this year, they have continued to look for angles in which to run the police down for the way in which they ran the operation. Today's story claims that the police took advantage of a grieving widow, yes the one who publicly disputed reported claims on television that the police had arrested people at the funeral.

The story is given credence based on a single statement by 70 year old Dulcie Dooley's daughter who said, "She wondered why they (the police) wanted her. They wanted me as well."

She (the daughter) said they came again the next day for another interview, this time to get permission to show the police video footage.

A spokesman for the Police Commissioner (yes they actually carried their side of the story this time) said police interviewed Mrs Dooley (the widow) in case there was an investigation.

Now anyone who has had any dealings with the media will know that they are like bees to the honey when a story is running. The "taking advantage" comes clearly from over eager reporters and journalists trying to catch a scoop and to heck with the feelings of those who happen to be caught up in their interview. One has to look no further than the disgusting manner in which the news hounds pursued the victims and witnesses of the Port Arthur massacre earlier this year for a story to see who does the harrassment.


Independent MP Pauline Hanson has had a torrid week. First she fired her adviser John Pasquarelli, then she got hammered by the Prime Minister for her "simplistic" view on economics and in particular Asian investment in Australia. Ms Hanson asked the Prime Minister in Parliament whether Australians would save Au$20 billion in foreign debt if they spent Au$50 per week on locally produced goods. She also claimed that 86% of foreign investment was to buy Australian-owned assets like Qantas and Peters ice cream.

Howard said in response that Australians would have lower living standards if not for large amounts of foreign investment. He pointed to the establishment of the Australian motor industry and the Queensland coal industry as areas where foreign investment had been the key.

To top it all a new alignment is reportedly being pursued by Ms Hanson and Noel Crichton-Browne who have been seen socialising together in Canberra. I see this as a really dangerous move for Ms Hanson. The alliance apparently has to do with the formation of a senate ticket on a new platform.

Crichton-Browne has been blamed for the disruption of the State Liberal Party in Western Australia - through manipulation of candidates at the state level. No longer in politics, Crichton-Browne resigned from the Liberal Party in 1995 after a row over a domestic violence order brought by his wife.


The Australian sharemarket continued to regain Friday's losses - which followed a statement by US Federal Reserve chief Alan Greenspan querying the high value of shares. The All Ordinaries closed 22 points higher to finish at 2361.8.

Personal trivia, from the global office:

Another perfect day to be enjoyed in the Global Office. Have a great day!

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