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Since October 1995

Tuesday 31st October 1995

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Foreign Minister, Gareth Evans hammers China and France about nucleur testing in the International Court of Justice in the Hague.


West Australian Liberal State Premier, Richard Court, embarrases Federal Liberal leader John Howard by cintradicting him on state tax issues.


Victoria sells off its electricity for Au$1 billion helping to reduce the state's debt burden.


Pakistani cricketer Salim Malik braves out the bribery affair claiming that there is no truth in the allegations raised against him by Australian cricketers.


A report just released reveals that single Australians and Australians without children spend more time watching television and listening to music than they do earning a living.

Personal trivia:

It was a very hot day yesterday, the grass withered, the plants screamed to be watered even the river looked drained. I spent most of my time at the fridge downstairs drinking cans of cool drink..

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