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Since October 1995

Sunday 29th October 1995

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Prime Minister Paul Keating finds yesterday's third nucleur blast in the South Pacific a welcome diversion from the troubles at home regarding conflict of interest issues relating to his business mate Warren Anderson. See yesterday's headlines. Keating went on to blast French Prime Minister Chirac.


Recent polls have the Liberal/National coalition extending their lead on Labor in the lead up to the next Federal election.


The Australian Securities Commission are to target companies set up by individuals who let them fail, close them down without paying their bills, then set up another company to repeat the process over and over again.


A Superleague depleted Australian team still beat England 16-8 in the World Rugby Cup final.


During 1995 there have been over 80 armed hold-ups in South Brisbane. Some party goers in some of Brisbane's popular night life areas now fear the violent actions of drunken individuals in the early hours of the morning.

Personal trivia:

Our 14 year old daughter had a party with about twenty of her boy and girl friends here last night. It was all we could do to keep the hormone driven teenagers from wandering down the bluestone path to the more secluded grassy deck near the Brisbane River. We succeeded, and the party was a great but somewhat noisy success.

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