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Since October 1995

Tuesday 28th November 1995

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Deputy Prime Minister Kim Beazley blunted Labors attack on the Liberals over "discriminatory" Asian policies of the Liberal party by warning that Australia faces unprecedented uncertainty in the Asia-Pacific region.


Seems like the Liberal party election stratehgy has been leaked to the Labor party. Pretty ordinary stuff - attack the Prime Minister Paul Keating while keeping their own policies under wraps. Think I have heard that one before.. many times.


CRA mining group closed at Au$21.40 a share as the company issued a 352 page information memorandum on the merger, which will create the world's largest mining house.


Well known golfer Peter Senior has suggested that Greg Norman could do "a hell of a lot more" for the ailing Australian golf circuit by putting in a couple of appearances without charging appearance money. Greg Norman won his fourth Australian Golf Open yesterday.


There is a push for uniform sex assault laws throughout Australia. Currently the rape victims are compensated better in some states than others.

Personal trivia:

A very quiet day yesterday with sunny skies and a parade of splendid birds and parrots brightening up the sky with their song. (I must be feeling poetic today.) Oh, and the neighbours mangoes on his massive mangoe tree are becoming ripe. I will have to work out a plan of attack!
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