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Since October 1995

Friday 27th October 1995

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Japan ban Queensland's mangoes as fruit flies spread through our tropical North. This cancellation alone costs farmers Au$4 million.


Liberal/National coalition woo workers with pledges on family leave.
On another matter, tax payers have had to fork out over Au$620,000 to pay Carmen Lawrence's (Labor Health Minister) legal bills in defending herself against the Eastman Commission into Penny Easton's death.


Media chief agrees with Murdoch (News Limited) saying that it is stupid to call the Australian economy healthy. He is quoted as saying: "Anyone who puts forward the case that its all right, I think is stupid, maybe even a donkey. (Packer lost out pretty badly in the Pay TV stakes to Murdoch's FOXTEL and blames the Prime Minister for this.)


It is reported that the Australian Cricket Board are on the verge of asking for a new enquiry into the Pakistani cricketer, Salim Malek, alleging bribery (see yesterday's headlines).


Adult average weekly earnings rose by 5.3% in the year to August the highest yearly increase for more than four years.

Personal trivia:

We had long soaking rain patches yesterday. Guess we can't win! Needed the rain but now there will be the happy little sound of lawn mowers revving up to keep the rampant grass in reign! My river looks resplendent today - at 6.28am (EST) the tide is low although we are about 40km from the river mouth and have fresh water- we are still tidal. The part-time island (about 30 metres long and 10 metres wide) is showing its crest and is covered in water birds.

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