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Since October 1995

Friday 24th November 1995

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Canadian businessman Conrad Black, a major shareholder in the Fairfax media empire, has made a timely request for 10% more of the company. With a Federal Election pending early next year and questions already raised about Paul Keatings political deals with Black in the past one wonders what is happening in the corridors of power or should that be media manipulation?


Prime Minister Paul Keating used the parliament and the legal protection it offers to slam the royal commissioner into the Penny Easton affair, Kenneth Marks QC. He called Marks: "a hired gun", "a cat's paw", a "hanging judge" and a "lackey". Labor Health Minister lying (MCPE) Lawrence has come under enormous pressure to resign. In an amusing sideline Liberal senators are telling Labor senators to stop "pulling a Carmen" when they allegedly lie in the Senate!


Conrad Black has warned that Fairfax will have sharply lower profits because of the rise in paper costs.


Seems like that Channel Nine and Channel Seven are to share out their free to air spoils on Australian Rugby League and Australian Football League matches with live viewing on Fridays and Saturdays..


A Queensland state parliamentarian is under fire for saying that Australian Aboriginals need to be controlled and disciplined.

Personal trivia:

Its another glorious morning in paradise. The Brisbane river is still murky brown and high, but the sun is shining, the birds are singing and life is great! My Mum arrives from Perth by plane very early tomorrow. She is a wonderful, sprightly 74 year old who will be laying down some motherly laws and advice during her two week stay I am sure .
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