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Since October 1995

Monday 6th November 1995

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A Canadian Communications giant has threatened to beam televisaion signals into Australia from Fiji. CanWest simply put a satellite up from Fiji - so it is claimed. We will watch this development with interest.


Seems like the naming rights from a new microscopic worm which were auctioned off yesterday have been bought by prominent Liberal politician Ian McLaughlin for Au$1,000. He promptly named the worm PK - conicidently the initials of Labor Prime Minister Paul Keating.


The Victorian Government has now raised Au$4.6 billion from the sale of its first three power distributors reducing the state's debt to about Au$28 billion.


The Australian horse racing event of the year, The Melbourne Cup, takes place today. Favourites are: Double Trigger (5-1); Doriemus (7-1) and Jeune (9-1).


A report just released indicates that 14,000 Australian's die each year while in hospital because of errors in the way they are treated while in hospital care.

Personal trivia:

Another powerful storm struck South East Queensland yesterday. It hit Karana Downs at about 5pm. An image that I will remember for a long time is a magnificent white sulphur crested parrot stretching its wings on the branch of a gum tree in the failing sun just a few yards from my window. It was framed by a rapidly approaching and menacing dark green storm cloud rolling down the Brisbane River valley. Just before the storm struck a powerful wind bent back then literally shredded branches from the gum trees in the valley.
The storm the night before brought about two inches of rain and washed forty tonnes of topsoil down the street from a newly established garden in this suburb. One can only wonder damage what the storm last night did to that poor homeowner!

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