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Since October 1995

Wednesday 1st November 1995

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At least 12 exotic diseases have entered Australia, it is claimed, since funds for quarantine services were cut by the government two years ago.


Prime Minister Paul Keating fanned the flames of controversy over Richard Court's recent comments about state taxes.. In a Keating classic comment he said: "I bet he (Liberal leader John Howard) wished Mr Court had a case of lockjaw.


The improving Australian current account deficit is taking the heat off interest rates.. at the moment!


The Salim Malik bribery affair is continuing to do cricket's good image damage with the ICC's lack of action now being questioned in Australia.


A statistics bureau study found that Australian women spend more than twice as much time chatting to friends on the phone.

Personal trivia:

Yesterday we had the fearsest storm that I have experienced in Queensland since I arrived here over a year ago.. There was little lightening but the rain fell out of the sky in buckets. We had hail the size of golf balls and at least an inch of rain in about ten minutes. It was a doozy. Guess the Brisbane river doesn't look so drained today!

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