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Saturday 13th September 1997
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The fragmentation of Australia into select minority groups has taken a turn for the worst. A new affirmative action body called the Women's Equity Bureau (or WEB) has evolved with the backing of New South Wales affirmative action legislation.

This at a time when the Supreme Court in California has just passed Proposition 209 which recognises that affirmative action fails and that it is discriminatory.

The steps being undertaken by WEB in New South Wales include:

Australia is, sadly, following the move of California into affirmative action - a move which has failed and brought about the voter referendum in the US's most populated state disbanding the whole bangshoot through Proposition 209 just weeks ago.

An Ipswich mother and father sold their daughter to a 67 year self-employed businessman for Au$20.

They even delivered the eleven year old girl to the house of her now convicted child molester, Roy Schloss, of North Ipswich.

All three were yesterday convicted to twelve years jail in the District Court of Ipswich. Judge John Robinson said that the case represented "conduct at the epicentre of human depravity" when passing his sentence.

"In all my years of having to read victim impact statements, I can't recall one where there seems to be less hope - almost no hope," the Judge said.

"The child is entitled to be protected and nurtured at birth and by your (the parents) actions you've deprived her of that birthright. That places it in the worst cases of offence in this nature.

"If there are parents or carers of children... that are engaging in or planning to engage in sexual exploitation of their children then they should consider these sentences and think again."

Making the news" -
an indepth exposé of media and political collusion at the highest possible levels in Australia.

email the editor

Personal trivia, from the global office:

Another perfect day in paradise.

Have a good one.

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