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Monday 8th September 1997
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For those of my regular readers who missed yesterday's news, The Sunday Mail, a wide (Queensland) circulation News Limited publication, ran a carefully edited article denigrating my company Global Web Builders (GWB). The article had two clear objectives in mind:

While not suggesting that damage will not be done to our company in the short term let me assure you that the long term reputation of the journalist involved, Sid Maher, is under question and the reasons for that statement together with his politically-motivated article can now be seen in our perpetual archive. Long after The Sunday Mail article has ceased to wrap fish and chips the on-line link will remain a sought after example of how the mainstream media manipulate the news.

Here is an earlier example of negative reporting on this on-line newspaper by Brian Toohey in the Australian Financial Review nearly a year ago - now the fish and chip wrappers of that original article disintegrated long, long ago.

Welcome to the World Federalist Association's "Campaign for Global Change" - this is how the United Nations would run Australia. If you think the crimes against democracy by The Four Pillars of Australia's Trojan Horse are bad they fall into insignificance when you consider what the United Nations would have in store for us...

On Friday night we had the election of the executive at the Ipswich branch of One Nation. The meeting was attended by Pauline Hanson who gave an inspiring off-the-cuff speech for a full thirty minutes... not bad for a woman who is labelled by her detractors as being dumb and ignorant.

At the meeting she spoke about several things including the trumped up charges brought against her and to be heard today, in her absence, by the Human Rights and Equal Opportunities Commission.

"I am not answering them. They have the transcript. I have nothing to answer for."

Hanson called for the commission to be disbanded.

In today's Courier Mail another bit of artistic cutting and pasting with the following extract of the "controversial statement" leading to her being called to appear before the Commission being recorded in an article "Hanson boycotts hearing":

Reporter: "So you're fighting for all the white community generally?"

Hanson: "Yeah, look the white community, the immigrants, the Italians, Greeks, whoever, it really doesn't matter you know, anyone apart from Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders. I just want everyone to be equal and... I think there's a racial discrimination out in the community and we might start to get on to work together as one."

Hanson's comments don't make sense in the context that they are portrayed in the Courier Mail quite simply because this is what the paper left out of Hanson's statement was a comment along these lines "... that the indigenous people of Australia already receive social services that no one else does but should..."

So the reporters statement recorded above re-read means: "So you're fighting (on this issue) for all the white community generally?"

Makes a big difference in the interpretation of the story by the "ethical" mainstream press (or should I call that "filtering" Mr Toohey?).

Making the news" -
an indepth exposé of media and political collusion at the highest possible levels in Australia.


The National Party have threatened to force the Federal Coalition into a double dissolution election if the Government's native title legislation is blocked or softened in the Senate.

Last week the 400 page Native Title Amendment Bill was introduced into the lower House and immediately sent to a committee for scrutinisation.

Mr Don MacDonald, the National Party's Federal President, said yesterday, "The National Party hasn't resigned to anything yet.

"We just want to make sure that in the Senate there will be no backing away from it.

"If that happened, the National Farmers Federation, everyone, would then withdraw their support for it because it's critical that the landholders will be able to get on with their life and run the business.

"We believe that if it has to be tested in a double dissolution at some stage then we would support that because those things are not negotiable."

email the editor

You say:

Subject: My Country Too

When I was a kid racism wasn't the question on everybody's lips. In fact I don't think I've heard so much about racism in my life as I have in the last few years. The thing that really does confuse me is that everyone seems to be using the word racist in the wrong context. A racist is a person who believes that their race or culture is superior to that of everyone else's. Not a person who feels they are getting a bad deal because others in their country are getting better or more privileges. Speaking out in defence of your race is not racism but free speech something that a lot Australian soldiers fought and died for us that we would be able to keep. Free speech comes with freedom.

Why is it a crime for someone white to call a black, black and yet it's not a crime for a black man to call a white, white, that really seems to be wrong to me.

When an aboriginal or Asian stands up and declares the plight of his people he's using "Free Speech" but when a white man does the same thing he's called a "Racist".

Sure the aboriginal has had a pretty hard time in this country since the British settlement, but it wasn't me or my family that committed those atrocities, so why should my family be made to answer for it. What sort of country do we live in when the "Sin's of the father have to be answered for by the son and ALL his descendants."

Why should someone get more because he comes from a different racial or cultural background, the disadvantaged in Australia come from ALL races not just one or two.

Most aboriginals that I have spoken to about this subject state that they feel they deserve more because they were in Australia first, the term I have heard a few use is "Johnny Come Lately".

I was born in Australia, in fact my grandfather was prepared to lay down his life for Australia in WW2. So why am I treated as 2nd. class citizen in my own country.

It is not the other races and cultures in Australia that are responsible for this situation but the people we have been consistently voting into power in government, how many of our MP's are aboriginal or Asian, not many I would guarantee.

What is wrong with wanting Australians citizens to be Australian, if immigrants want come to our country and want live here as Australian citizens, do they adopt their citizenship in name only. Iether your Australian, Italian, Greek, Asian or whatever, not this Australian-Italian or Australian-German and so on.

Conway Neivandt

Subject: Interdependence

Many people seem to be "knocking" Pauline Hanson because she has some ideas about what Australia should BE and DO as a nation.

Read what ideas the World Federalists have for countries like Australia.

I don't want a country that's interdependent on some New World Order, set up by the U.N.

I'll have Pauline Hanson's independent Australia anyday.

S.E. Wagger.

Personal trivia, from the global office:

Another magnificent day ahead of us in paradise.

Have a good one.

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