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Wednesday 2nd July 1997

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Extensive report on launch of Pauline Hanson's One Nation Party on the Gold Coast...
more to follow later today.

The Chinese President, Jiang Zemin, called on over sixty million Chinese who live in lands afar from the motherland to join in "as a single nation".

"Let the entire Chinese people, our compatriots in Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan and the overseas get united," he told a gathering of about 4,000 people in Beijing yesterday.

"This is not only to celebrate the start of a new era for Hong Kong, it is also to celebrate a major victory in the peaceful reunification of China.

"The 'one country, two systems' formula works for Hong Kong and Macau. It can also work for Taiwan."

A government spokesman for Taiwan, David Lee, replied yesterday, "The Republic of China Government (on Taiwan) will never accept such a formula."

Jiang also warned Chinese officials not to interfere with Hong Kong and reassured foreigners that they could still co-exist there "in peace and contentment".

US President Bill Clinton went to a Broadway show rather than sit through a John Howard speech. I guess that is what you call "being put in your place".

Pauline Hanson's One Nation Official home page.

Personal trivia, from the global office:

Long night as you can probably guess, but here is the outcome of a story that I reported on several weeks ago.

Remember the nude on the bill board "that would never be allowed"...

Well here she is! Picture taken while returning from the launch of Pauline Hanson's One Nation party on the Gold Coast last night.

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