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Friday 25th April 1997

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Pauline Hanson's One Nation Official home page.
Pauline Hanson's Offical Home Page.
Extracts from Pauline Hanson's book "THE TRUTH".


Carleen Bryant, mother of Martin Bryant who massacred over 30 men, women and children in cold blood at Port Arthur nearly a year ago has written about her own heartache.

"To all humanity affected by the agony resulting from the horror inflicted on the innocent at Port Arthur, one deeply traumatic year ago.

"Of all people, I weep with you - with your bitter tears, with our suffering tears and with unique, unshareable tears of my own.

"With you, I am worn out of grief. But we can try to live above it. Let us encourage one another by showing love. God is like that, He gives us the love we want to share.Hate can be overcome with love. as we have compassion and express it in practical ways, we will feel ourselves being healed.

"To overcome tragedy, our best chance is to look forward with hope and overcome evil with the goodness which comes from God.

"Seeking healing with you.

"With all my compassion and love. Carleen Bryant."

Hundreds of victims, friends and families are expected to converge on Port Arthur on Monday for a rememberance service in the old convict church.

Bruce Whiteside, one of the co-founders of the Pauline Hanson Support Movement on the Gold Coast who was fired for speaking as a spokesman for Pauline Hanson without authority is now looking for revenge.

It is widely known among leading lights in the movement that Whiteside has approached Channel 9's Sixty Minutes programme to be interviewed on what has gone wrong with the party since he was given the hoof.

How do they know? Because he has gone blabbing to just about anyone who will listen about his grievances and how he is out to destroy her... including the comment that Sixty Minutes might take up his story.

The Chinese community in Queensland are lodging a formal objection to the registration of Pauline Hanson's One Nation Party with the Australian Electoral Commission. In what has to be the most racist politically motivated action of the year the exclusive Queensland Chinese Community Voice which claims to represent 30,000 Chinese people has decided to act - to oppose the spread of racism said their legal advisor, Lawrence Ma.

"If we can establish that some of her policies are formulated based on race, colour or ethnic background, then we will challenge the registration," he said.

A spokesman for the Community Voice, Anthony Lee, took up the old "cannibalism bit" in Pauline Hanson's book, THE TRUTH, saying that all fair minded Australians should condemn the "unfounded bias" in her book.

He continued saying the book was political propoganda feeding on fear "a kind of mental cannibalism that feeds on human ignorance".

Isn't it funny how often that word gets trotted out when it is the mainstream media that are keeping us in the dark....

"As Asian Australians we raffirm our solidarity with Aborigines in opposing this type of abuse," Rev Choy said.

What was it that has been said about politically correct minority groups trying to wield their power over freedom of speech in Australia?


Queensland State Premier Rob Borbidge has become sick and tired of waiting for the Australian Prime Minister to come up with goods on native title following the High Court's decision on Wik and has embarked on a high risk strategy to use the State Paliament to wip out native title on pastoral leases.

The move will leave Queensland isolated in its rejection of Howard's 10 point plan to resolve the problems resulting from Wik.

In 1994 West Australia's Premier Richard Court tried a similar move only to have it overturned by the High Court after they ruled the legislation was invalid.

Borbidge decided to take this action after an 11th hour bid by Howard to get him to the table - with Howard saying that the Senate would not approve the passage of blanket extinguishment of native title on leasehold land.

He would not reveal details of his plan yesterday but conceded that it would leave Queensland vulnerable to a "ticking legal minefield".

"I need to explore some avenues with legal officers, but certainly what is clear is that the (Federal) Government is not going to deliver on the 1993 commitment in respect of native title being extinguished on pastoral leases," Borbidge said.

Extensive political commentary and links can be found on Palmer's Australian Politics page.

Internet related:

Think Australia is the only country where the media distort the truth? Think again....

email the editor

You say:

Subject: Launch of Pauline Hanson's One Nation Party

Dear GWB,

Well done on an excellent Pauline Hanson website.

I'd like some colour photos of Pauline for the house. Do you have any idea where I could purchase some? (Either yours or those of others?)

Best Wishes,
John Macgregor

Subject: News of the day

Congratulations on the best web page on Australian news that I have seen to date!!!! Keep up the good work.

Maybe you could ask your detractors a question:

Why do they try to justify the continuing existance of the Aboriginal Industry by listing its failures? (ie high aboriginal infant mortality, low aboriginal income levels, high aboriginal unemployment etc. etc etc.)

Maybe the billions of dollars could be better utilised by people who know what they are doing, and who direct the money where its needed. I'm convinced that the ATSIC commissioners are worried that they would do themselves out of a extremely well paid job if they ever did succeed. If aboriginees weren't over-represented in "disadvantaged" groups, why would Australia need ATSIC?

Subject: Pauline Hanson's One Nation

Kindly pass on my best wishes for this ambitious woman and her prospects as a true blue, salt of the earth true Australian. I agree with her in every regard. It is time the political correctness of this nation was made accountable for the misdeeds of the past which has drgaaed this country to it's knees.

We are about to celebrate ANZAC Day.... What a farce!!!!

Those who paid the ultimate sacrifice would now be turning in their graves to see the disgraceful antics of our so-called leaders actions. I personally consider some our their decisions as tantamount to being traitorous to this country and our future.

There could have been many lives saved if their forefathers had simply surrendered, however THEY had the belief we had a country worth fighting for.

GOOD ON YOU, Pauline! It is about time we saw a light at the end of the tunnel.

I wish you and your party every success and please keep me informed as the progress, you're a National Treasure.

Best and sincerest regards,

Ray Schmidt

Hate Mail:

Subject: The world is small

I cannot believe that you are a supporter of Pauline Hanson's quest for an Australia that is cut off from its neighbours because of her barbaric views.

As a user of the Internet I feel comfortable with everybody in the world, whether they live next door to me or 15000km around the world. I am Australian and my family has been here for the last 150 years, it is one of the greatest countries in the world because it is composed of unique people from throughout the world, I love this place, and welcome the world to come and enjoy this great land with me.

I wish that Pauline would take her fish & chips and fly back to where people like her come from!!!


Brett Hales

PS She also thinks that aborigines where cannibals, how ridiculous.

Subject: Launch of Pauline Hanson's One Nation Party

I wrote this just for Pauline Hanson

If you don't believe in reincarnation,
You should now, as Hitler is back,
To rule the world as he told before,
He has called for people,
And they have come,
He calls them the master race,
And they believe they are,
They believe they deserve the world,
Not any yellows or blacks or gays or jews,
Or anyone else but him

Pauline Hanson I know who you are,
I know what your planning,
But you will fail,
Cause only the dumb can think like this

-Monkey Miller of the group that believes this country would be made better if all Austrlians were shot.


Who would want to be a professional sportsman today? You can no longer exchange a few harsh words with the opposition in the heat of the moment...

In what is supposed to be a man's sport like the Australian Football League (AFL) and Super League you have to watch your tongue. AFL chief executive officer Wayne Jackson said that clubs who allowed racial villification by way of players "racially abusing" their opponents during a match would be fined Au$5,000.

This after Melbourne's David Cockatoo-Collins, an Aboriginal sportsman, accused Western Bulldogs player Todd Curley of making a racially inspired remark.

Jackson said, "If we don't come down hard it will be with us in 10 years time and in the next generation."

Pity the police don't see reverse racism in the same light when Aboriginal protesters barrack guests to a private function.

Personal trivia, from the global office:

Another beautiful day in paradise.

Have a good one - I will be going canoeing later on today down the Brisbane river.

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