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Monday 21st April 1997

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Pauline Hanson's One Nation Official home page.
Pauline Hanson's Offical Home Page.


There is a looming split between the National Party and the Liberal Party following delays in resolving the Wik decision over Aboriginal native title claims on pastoral land.

The National Farmers Federation (NFF) have just about had enough with their views echoed in a joint statement prepared by Queensland Liberal President, Bob Tucker, and National Party President, David Russell, which states:

"The history of the past two decades proves the Aboriginal industry has an insatiable appetite for this nation's public lands, its pastoral estate, mineral fields, rivers and sea coast.

"We trust the Prime Minister will demonstrate the leadership shown on previous occasions and not fail Australia by trying to appease all parties, and allow a running sore to develop on the national fabric."

Howard responded by refusing to be hurried to a quick solution on native title - this despite the comment by NFF executive director Wendy Craik that pastoralists wanted a decision in the next couple of weeks.


The Clerk of the Senate, Harry Evans, yesterday advised that a Senate probe into the affairs of Mal Colston would not interfere with ongoing police investigations.

Labor used the advice to put the heat on the Coalition government over its refusal to support a probe into alleged travel rorts.

Evans comments contradict the preliminary advice to the Government by the Director of Public Prosecutions. Labor has joined the Democrats in the call for a Senate privileges committee to investigate statements tabled by Senator Colston last month in which his staffer Christine Smith initially took the blame.

In a letter to Labor Senator John Faulkner, opposition head of the Senate, Evans said, "There is no doubt that it is lawful for the Senate to conduct an inquiry even where the same matters are under police investigation or before the courts.

"It is difficult to imagine an issue more important to the integrity and proper operation of the legislature than ensuring that statements deliberately made ti it are truthful."

Extensive political commentary and links can be found on Palmer's Australian Politics page.

You say:

Subject: Pauline Hanson Being miss Quoted

I was born in Mt Isa went to school with a lot of Aboriginals and a lot of them are great people same as the White people you get good and bad in all races but when I hear them putting Pauline Down for her views it makes me mad because I think she is the most miss quoted person in Australia today because when I was young I was told if you wanted some thing you had to work for it (I started work at 10 years old soon as I finished at 3 o'clock I worked till 9 PM and the weekend from 6AM til 9PM and I had to finished school at the age of 12 years old) and when you see people not working and getting the same money or more then you you start thinking but Pauline Hanson has said instead of thinking and that is her crime I say good on you Pauline give it to them

You got my Vote
Ken Smith

Good on you Ken... Pauline Hanson's One Nation web site.

And then this in the letters page of today's Courier Mail:

"I would like to thank all the anonymous people who phoned my husband and me on April 16.

"Their phone calls were in response to my husband's letter published that day.

"I would like to respond to these callers because they did not have the courtesy to stay on the phone long enough for us to respond.

"My husband's letter related to the media coverage of Pauline Hanson's launch of her new party. My husband and I - and 20 other people who were seated at the same table at the launch - were there to listen to Hanson's policies and ideas instead of believing everything the media report. We all know about "cutting and editing".

Perhaps Hanson can come up with some policy to deal with people who "presume" and make anonymous phone calls. Then I might join her party.

Writer from Wynnum West.


Royal Darwin Hospital paediatricians have found that in a survey of 157 Aboriginal children aged under two years that nearly half of them were excessively thin, 23% were stunted and 24% had microcephaly or small head size. Microcephaly affects only 2% of the general community.

Alan Walker, dean of the hospital's clinical school, said head circumference was a reflection of the size of the brain and it was reasonable to presume reduced size indicated poor growth.

The blame is being directed at malnutrition amongst the rural Aboriginal community.

"What we hope it (the study) will do is focus attention even more on the consequences of poor nutrition in childhood," Dr Walker said.

"The relationship between microcephaly and reduced intelligence quotient (IQ) scores is well known," Dr Walker said.

"It is also recognised that growth failure associated with microcephaly is related to sub-normal mental function.

"The earlier the malnutrition, the more severe the effect on the brain, and the less likely the recovery."

The researchers also found measuring intellectual ability in Aborigines difficult because of a contining lack of access to education, poor school attendance, poor levels of parental education and disadvantaged socio-economic circumstances.

According to a book written by a former British headmaster, Can Boys Do Better?, teenage boys can only concentrate for four minutes at a time compared to teenage girls thirteen minutes.

Queensland University of Technology (QUT) Education Faculty head, Gillian Boulton-Lewis, said girls wanted to please more in class.

"I don't know how that fits with attention span unless they feel obliged to do tasks that they've been asked to do," she said.

Personal trivia, from the global office:

Another magnificent day in paradise...

Have a good one.

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