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Thursday 15th May 1997

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Pauline Hanson's One Nation Official home page.


The Queensland Liberals were yesterday forced to deny that they had "done a deal" to exchange preferences with Ms Hanson ahead of Labor in her seat of Oxley at the next Federal Election.

The Queensland President Bob Tucker said it is not helful "if we have a branch chairman speculating in the media". This after Steve Wilson, chairman of the Bremer branch said that the Liberals would direct their preferences behind Hanson.

Mr Wilson subsequently said that he had been misquoted in the Sydney Morning Herald saying, "I can't direct preferences.

"My desire is to put Labor last but that will be decided by state headquarters."

Labor has promised to direct its preferences to the Liberal party ahead of Ms Hanson.

Yesterday Ms Hanson said she "appreciates John Howard's recognition of what a grubby little deal it would be if Labor and the Liberals got together against her".

She also denied that she had made any deals with either the Liberal or Labor parties saying, "There is a long time between now and the next election and we look forward to those discussions when they become necessary".

Speaking about the recent Morgan poll of Oxley voting preferences Ms Hanson said, "I am proud to represent the people of Ipswich - the only true poll is the one on the day. And I am sure the people of Ipswich will support me when it is time to vote.

"It is my fervent desire to improve the lot of the people in my electorate and the best opportunity for that is the success of One Nation on a national basis at the next poll."

Con man Peter Foster was released from jail yesterday... He told the media that he had been on a milk run of prisons in England, America and Australia over the last few years (ten in all).

His prison life was a far cry from his high-roller days with Samantha Fox in tow. He served his time as a kitchen hand.

Schoolchildren at the Glen Eira College in Melbourne yesterday picketed outside the school gates and refused to go into classes after it was revealed that the school principle had allowed hidden cameras to be placed on the wash basins in the boy's toilet room.

The hidden cameras were used to check out claims that drugs were being sold and used in the toilets. The hidden cameras did their work resulting in 17 boys being expelled after they were caught smoking and dealing in marijuana and even injecting heroin.


The Prime Minister John Howard got himself into all sorts of strife yesterday when he tried to defend the budget against an attack by the Leader of the Opposition, Kim Beazley.

When questioned in Parliament by Beazley about the fairmess of the Au$450 tax saving to people who had savings of Au$60,000 or contributed Au$3,000 or more to their superannuation each year. Howard said that he would not personally claim the savings while rejecting Beazley's comment that the savings should be means tested to ensure that it only benefited the poor and not the well-off.

Later Beazley painted a graphic picture to the assembled media of how much the rebate would save the average Aussie. He pulled out a 20 cent piece and said that to an Australian with Au$1,000 saved the benefit would be worth 14 cents a week or less than the value of the, now, worthless coin that he held in his hand.

email the editor

You say:

Subject: Launch of Pauline Hanson`s ONE NATION PARTY

Listening to Pauline outline the ONE NATION PARTY left me feeling I was present at a turning point in history. Maybe the beginning of some future genesis that would read like this:


And although Australians had fought valiantly in two world wars they lacked statesmen and were overcome by expediency and greed. And patriotism had given way to political correctness. And migrants were encouraged to embrace multiculturalism until the whole nation was little more than a tower of Babel. And once proud and fiercely patriotic Australians were now told they were little more than an appendage to Asia and must not offend their neighbors by speaking their minds. And little by little Australia was dying of shame.

And out of the desperate need for a saviour Pauline was born. And,like Joan of Arc, the Maid of Oxley was completely without fear and should have been hailed as a heroine - but she was not.

For the media was controlled by capitalists and when Pauline spoke of restricting foreign investment panic spread throughout the ranks of the tycoons and they ran screaming to their editors. And wherever the fair maid spoke those who relied on the media for their opinions reviled and spat upon the only one who could save them from slavery. And though Pauline spoke only of Australians being proud to be Australians, regardless of their country of origin, and uttered not a word that put one race above another, still politicians and media alike screamed 'racist'.

And though a growing number of Australians are eager to turn back the clock and are gathering about Pauline and all she stands for, the media has done its foul work and the legions of avarice have formed a solid phalanx against her.

And even now The Maid of Oxley is in grave danger of being burnt at some stake or other unless some valiant knights can be summoned to protect her.

Declare for Pauline you waverers and timid of heart for only under the banner of the MAID OF OXLEY

Subject: Media Bias

Further to your information on journalistic ethics, you may want to publicise the following information that was hidden away in an inconspicuous place on page 8 of Monday's "The Australian" newspaper.

The following contains the contents of a "classified" type advertisement for the Australian Press Council, entitled: Any Complaints?

Any complaints about newspaper content must first be raised with the editor.

If the complaint is not resolved to your satisfaction, you can write to the Australian Press Council, an independant body established to uphold a statement of ethical principles for the press.

A booklet setting out the aims, principles and procedures of the Council is available free from the office.

Complaints to the Press Council must be in writing, refer to a specific item, be accompanied by a copy of that item and be lodged within three months of publication.

Australian Press Council

Address complaints or inquiries to:
The Executive Secretary,
Australian Press Council
Suite 303,
149 Castlereagh Street,
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Phone: (02) 9261 1930 or (008) 02 5712
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Subject: support song

i heard john farnham`s song today `your the voice' and thought it tailor made for pauline and her supporters.and its sung by a previous australian of the year who is as true blue as u can get.

your the voice pauline and we understand it!

rgds paul

Subject: One nation party

Dear Sir

First of all I do not want my message to be considered as a hate email (I wish if you could change this term) and of course not as a support email. I am writing this email while I am 10,000 mile away from home trying to push Australia name up high in my field and I am aware of the current debate about the One nation's party. I have read Pauline Hanson maiden speech. It is great but it is based on hate and I would be appreciated if you can deliver it to Pauline may she can prove I am wrong in my thoughts. Pauline, why have not you used a much direct approach for your hate to any colored person (I am colored my self and I am proud to be one) not just native Australians or Asians, as it appeared to me from your maiden speech you are in support of this Calwell (I cannot even recall his name). I acknowledge the way he dealt with expressing his views regardless whether they are right or wrong. I think you should do the same be straight forward and make clear that you want to implement the unfamous White policy back into force. Nothing wrong with that it is your personal view we are leaving in a democracy (I think so!!). I think in this case you will be able to gather more people who share the same attitude, but be warnned you are fishing in a mercury water and you will only get mud and dirt, just have a look at your supporters if you can show me that at least 10% of them are well educated I will be the first to support your party (if you have survived till the election). Pauline, history do not honor people create hate and I am sorry to say that this is what you are doing now. I am with you that there is a need to reduce or even stop immigration (although I am a migrant my self) until Australia can move back into the right track, but for sure not because of the risk being swamped by Asians (I am not Asians by the way). Your views on native Australians from the point of view of leadership etc are correct but what is wrong is that they arise not from your concerns of their wellbeing but from your hate to their color, it is a fact Pauline and whatever you say won't change it, the damage has been already done. I hope you will review your policy based on respect to others not by initiating hate may be in this case you can get more respectfull supporters from the real mainstrain Australian not just scumbags. To end up I am Australian, whether your white supportes like it or not and I believe if we really love this country we should be one hand regardless of our colors believes etc. Our target is Australia's future. Please Pauline you are doing more harm than benefit to the country, may be you are the best politician Australia could have but you need to be fair. One important thing we should not forget, we are human we can mistakes but we need to be fair to ourselves so we can be fair to others.

One who share love to Australia equally like you

Editor's comment - yes it's a shame that Pauline's message has been so badly distorted by the mainstream media in Australia. Have a look at the first letter above under "You Say" Hanie and you will see what a growing number of Australians are thinking.

Subject: Comments on Australian News of the Day

Remember that Cab driver who was bashed?
Apparently his two attackers were large aboriginals armed with beer bottles bashing him from the side and behind, whilst trying to rob him.They later absconded.

During it all, the driver almost bit off one of their fingers...

And who do you suppose turns up at the hospital an hour later while police are there attending to the victim. (HA HA - Sweet justice!)

Lets see if the tough new laws in Queensland apply to Aboriginals too, by my reckoning...agravated assault at night with robbery should earn at least 7 years!

Come on Pauline, keep an eye on this one...lets see true equality and justice prevail.

They're probably on the dole and will get all of their legals paid for by the taxpayers anyway.

Last time that happened to me the guy only got 6 months!



News Corp shares fell over 3% yesterday dropping 21 cents to hit Au$5.72 as investors worried about the company's new acquisitions such as US pay television EchoStar and the latest - the Los Angeles Dodgers for an estimated US$400 million... not a bad price to pay for a US Major League Baseball team..... Prudential Bache analyst Mike Mangan said, "There's confusion about the Echo Star deal, which seems to have fallen over. And there's a lot of confusion out there about what's going on and the perception Rupert's buying everything that moves".

Kind of reminds me of comments made about Alan Bond at one time...

Personal trivia, from the global office:

Another magnificent day in paradise... sun shining and the birds singing.

Have a great day.

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