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Monday 14th April 1997

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Issues - timed calls for Internet use.
See which Senators voted timed calls in.
Tell Communications Minister, Senator Alston how you feel about timed calls.

Extracts from the book "The Truth" by Pauline Hanson:


Extract from a report by Media Watch about the launch of Pauline Hanson's One Nation Party:

"Why then the silence from the Melbourne Age? The launch of the new political party took place on Friday evening and was reported that day on television on the late news (10:30pm). It did not feature in neither the Saturday nor the Sunday editions of "The Age".

In fact the silence from the News Limited media is deafening. Since last year's continued written abuse of Ms Hanson by News Limited - refering to her as a racist and blaming her for any racist incident that happened in the country.... there seems to have been a total media ban on covering anything that she does.

Today's Courier Mail does not even refer to her or the launch.... even though it is a major political event in this country.

This is exactly the reason why Fairfax Limited cannot be allowed to fall into the hands of either Murdoch or Packer... our view of Australian news is that it is already so unbalanced to be unhealthy.

One can only conclude that the media barons lobby groups in Canberra are feeling threatened that their control over the Australian decision making process in Federal Parliament is being threatened by Pauline Hanson and that a media blanket on her is the best way to keep the public in the dark.

Her opponents in politics said that Ms Hanson was wheeling out the same old message following the launch with State Labor politician, David Hamill saying, "To me it sounded like the same issues and the same simplistic view being spoken by the same person."

National Federal MP Bill O'Chee said, "Some of the views are rather simplistic. I think if the party's going to get off the ground it's going to be at the expense of everybody up here in Queensland, because it's important that we get balanced decision making and I don't think we have had that from Ms Hanson to date."

Democrats leader Cheryl Kernot challenged Ms Hanson to test the popularity of her new party by running candidates in the upcoming South Australian election.

What are your views?

The future of Tim Fischer as Deputy Prime Minister will be questioned by fellow Nationals if he fails to ensure that Native Title claims on pastoral leases are extinguished. Fischer responded by saying that he would "argue strongly for an effective extinguishment" which would survive a High Court challenge.

Fischer addressed the National's central council meeting at Goondiwindi in Queensland saying, "Canberra must get the message very clearly - that the nation is at a turning point.

"We must get the outcome of the Wik decision right and I'm in there batting for you in that regard and there can be no soft options.

"I stand in support of effective extinguishment which validates pastoral leases.... no ifs, no buts."

Despite his commitment very few people resonded by standing to clap at the end of his speech - compared to the standing ovation received by Queensland State Premier (National) Mr Rob Borbidge after his speech.


President of the Australian Senate Margaret Reid has cut her holiday to the US short and returned to act on the latest developments in the rorting allegations against Independent Senator Mal Colston. Colston continues to resist calls for his resignation while Ms Reid claimed he might have "grievously misled" the Senate.

Reid said she would ask Colston to resign as Deputy President saying, "If he hasn't resigned when the Senate resumes sitting, I would expect there to be a move within the Senate for him to be removed from the position of Deputy President.

"I'm very disappointed at what's happened (the Colston affair). I think it's a great pity," she said.

Colston remains in the private Wesley Hospital with a lung infection caused by influenza.

The media hounds will not leave him or his family alone despite his request for his family to stop being harassed.

His wife Dawn accused a News Limited reporter of conducting a "vendetta" against her family and accused television crews of invading their privacy.

Once again I say it is strange... extremely strange... if we didn't know how the media was manipulated by the media barons that Colston has been treated like this yet, despite the ABC Four Corners allegations against one Kerry Packer niether a negative statement has appeared against him in the News Limited press or television nor has any Australian reporter been game enough to go knocking on his door.

Could it be that Packer and Ms Hanson are both being given the silent treatment but for different reasons?

Extensive political commentary and links can be found on Palmer's Australian Politics page.

You say:

Subject: OneNation

Congrats on your coverage of the One Nation Launch.

Just a quick note that for the page youve won the Australian Conservative Politics Site of the Week.

The board found that you were the most deserving site of the award, not only of the week, but of the history of the award. Your non-emotional coverage of the truth was brillant. We only ask that you inform us of all future work. Keep up the excellent work.

Duncan Riley
on behalf of the ACP Site of the Week Board

Subject: Pauline Hanson

It was good to see your coverage on the new partie's launch last Friday night.

Up here in Townsville we have just had a "consultative reconciliation" group suggest that we should:

Obviously the mayor says these suggestions are "inflamatory" and will not be considered.

but ..... I wonder if this sort of "suggestion" is just another thin edge of the wedge.

Harry Loudon, CMC CPEng BE BCom


Australia's largest insurance company AMP is set to post an Au$2 billion profit this financial year.

AMP managing director Graham Turnbull said he did not see "the acquisition of a major bank in Australia as making strategic sense for AMP at this point in time". This despite earlier reports that AMP would be looking around the market for a target following the release of the Wallis report on banking.


South Africa beat Australia in the seventh and final one day series by over one hundred runs. Australia won the series 4-3. In their 50 overs South Africa ammassed 310 runs in just 50 overs with Australia being bundled all out on 209 runs.

Personal trivia, from the global office:

Magnificent day in paradise.

Have a great day... one to be enjoyed in the global office.

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