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Friday 5th January 1996

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The former RSL chief, Sir William Keys called on the Federal Government to ban trade with the "criminal" military run Burmese Government. He also urged Australia to remove its trade representative from Burma. Sir William spoke to about 80 demonstrators stationed outside the Burmese embassy in Canberra.


Displaced Mundingburra MP Ken Davies said that Premier Wane Goss would have to go and suggested that Health Minister Peter Beattie should replace him. Since his sacking by the ruling state Labor party Davies has attacked the party in a number of ways in what is seen as an attempt to undermine Labor's chances at the by election to be held in Mundingburra in February.


Well Dreamworld has gone to Singapore. The courts supported the Ernst and Young decision and overruled the complaint by the Australian businessman who wanted to acquire this prime asset..


US based Australian golfer Greg Norman has threatened to stop playing golf in Australia after continually falling foul of a strange and self-defeating quality that often raises its ugly head in Australia. Called "the tall poppy syndrome" it is this strange desire to bring someone who is successful down a peg. Norman said: "It's this tall poppy syndrome in Australia, I don't understand it, but that's the way it is. It gets difficult to deal with. You have a couple of people who want to cut the legs out from underneath you for being successful."


The discovery of two Charles Darwin preserved birds in a Victorian Museum has caused a stir in certain circles. The specimens, a finch and a tapaculo, were preserved by Darwin during his voyage around South America in HMS Beagle during the 1830s. The tag on the finch's leg states: C Darwin Esq. 4 Jan 1837. The birds would have formed part of Darwin's famous publication THE ORIGIN OF SPECIES published in 1859.

Personal trivia:

Rained all day yesterday and the weather reports suggest that this will continue well into the weekend. Right now at 6am it is overcast and cool. The ground is very wet but the Brisbane river, despite all the good rain, has not risen at all.

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