Making my stand against "racism".

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18th August 1998

Multiculturalism is a recipe for racial conflict

Divisive and racist policies by the major political parties over the last twenty years have allowed Australia to become a melting pot of racial division.

Worst among these policies is multiculturalism which, as it currently practised, encourages different people to retain their cultural ties and foreign languages despite the facts that they have immigrated to a country where English is the mother tongue and, because of our small population, any concentration of any racial group in an area results in a recipe for race based conflict.

I believe that all people are welcome to immigrate to Australia and enjoy all that the country has to offer, irrespective of race, as long as they meet strict immigration guidelines and they agree to assimilate within the mainstream population as soon as possible.

Scott Balson

Date: Tue, 18 Aug 1998 09:32:41 +1000 (EST)
Subject: outed by Racewatch?

In an interview with Scott Balson, Vicki Horne said: 'Community Aid Abroad are of the view that "assimilation is racist". If someone says that they could be referred to RaceWatch and outed'.

I can't wait to be outed. I would regard it as an honour bestowed in recognition of my humble attempts to restore Australia to its true character of the land of the 'fair go'.

Calling all Racewatchers! I believe that the policy of assimilation produces far better outcomes in terms of social harmony and cohesion than does the policy of multiculturalism which has led to corruption and division. Poll after poll shows that the un-euphonious, polysyllabic monstrosity of a word itself - 'multiculturalism' - is on the nose for most Australians. And that's apart from its meaning.

Owzat? Good enough for a mention?

Antonia Feitz

Date: Tue, 18 Aug 1998 10:35:40 +1000 (EST)
Subject: Racewatch

Dear Scott

As you know by now that I am a Private Investigator. I not up with the laws in other States but in NSW for me to Spy as Vicki Horne puts it, requires me to be duly licensed by the courts of this State.

As Written in the the front cover of my license.


A licensed private inquiry agent may:-

Now it may be that if we let these people go on with their intended plan of action and try and get a list of the people that they recruit, it may be possible to bring charges against all involved on the grounds that they are operating in a manner that requires a person to be licensed to do so.

Food for thought anyway.

Duane La

Date: Tue, 18 Aug 1998 11:05:40 +0800

Of course multiculturalism is a recipe for disaster. We the Australian people where never asked if we wanted it the Labour Party just thought it would be a good idea and gave it to us.

Brett Morrison

Date: Tue, 18 Aug 1998 17:07:56 +1000

Dear Scott,

The disturbing revelation that an Organisation calling itself "Racewatch" has now formed, is probably the most frightening thing i have seen come out the One Nation victimisation.

the fact that a group of individuals arrogantly consider themselves divine enough to dictate morality and decide what is racism , decide who should be vilified and who should be anointed has all the ingredients of the worst of Hitlerian Germany and Stalinist Russia. The cries for John Howard to stamp on ON pale into insignificance compared to the beast that is now forming.

at no time have i heard any anti semetic comments raised , yet it would appear that the majority of this Inquisition are Jewish. Why? It appears to me that in order to be anti racist , you must endeavour to grab the high moral ground, thereby entrenching ones own version of racism first..

This group along with Liebler have done a great disservice to the Jewish people in Australia.

this is a bad time for this country, and i fear this will only create real racism , what started as a simple expression of concern by a lot of australians that the system was going off the rails , the vendettas, harassment, media beat ups and now finally, "The Panel of Inquisitors" are escalating the issues.

Now i do know how deep racism, witch hunts and concentration camps are created.

Be prepared to be denounced to these *Racewatch Commissars* and the* Education Cadres* by your own kids for having differing opinions..

I have included some interesting websites which appear to differ with their philosophy.

Interesting comment under theory, regarding assimilation , *racism*?

And the assistance to other races , not on colour but on need!! sound familiar?

Also appears there is work for them to do in Israel.!!

Ross Spark.

Date: Tue, 18 Aug 1998 17:38:08 +1000
Subject: my stand against racism

We are a land mass that contains a population made up of 149 different cultures. (I was taught this in the Welfare course subject "Society & Culture").

Some cultures receive benefits and special treatment that the other cultures do not. These benefits are based on the type of culture and NOT on the needs of individuals.

If we are to survive as a nation then we must be ONE PEOPLE under ONE FLAG and stand together as ONE NATION.

The alternative is 149 little nations with different laws and constitutions. One culture has already started the push for this. They want their own sovereignty, laws and land. If they achieve this then why shouldn't the other 148 be allowed the same right.

It's time that common sense returns to Australia.


S.E. Wagger

Date: Tue, 18 Aug 1998 19:39:41 +0800
Subject: When in Rome

You might ask B'nai B'rith why there are no women Rabbis too.

As for me, if I was to move to Rome, I reckon I would learn the local lingo, stack an 'o' on the end of my surname, and get to like garlic. If the Romans were kind enough to accept me into THEIR way of life, and I then called them a bunch of racists (perhaps to ward of any investigations into any dodgy deals I got involved in to secretly rob them and send the Lira back to Australia, or the fact that I was a racist), I should not be surprised if I got my phizog rearranged by some irate racist Roman that reckoned it was his country, and his race that I had cynically used to line my own pockets.

orm(a) Girvan(o)

Date: Wed, 19 Aug 1998 07:50:54 +1000
Subject: Multiculturalism and Racewatch

Multiculturalism is an abomination and "Racewatch" is it's bastard child.

Multiculturalism is, by it's own definition, devisive and racist, assimilation is not.

If we allow ethnically diverse migrants into Australia then they should undertake to assimilate.

I would consider it an honour to be included on any "list" that opposes it.

Anthony William Mare

Date: Wed, 19 Aug 1998 10:08:51 +1000
Subject: Re: Racism & multiculturalism

Racism is the 'politically correct' word for the hidden agenda of the one world government 'scum' to drive a wedge between people that might otherwise live harmoniously, as did the people of Australia for decades.

When you get the likes of Judge Einfeld hiding behind his judicial 'skirts' in favour of the B'nai B'rith ADL driven patriotic suppression campaign then it is blatantly obvious that the judge himself is racist, as are those pushing this agenda.

One only has to go to the Constitution to see who the racists are and to uphold the stand taken by those who would expose this foul 'cultist' group pushing the anti-racist wheelbarrow. A realistic appraisal would be to use their own wheelbarrow for the purpose that wheelbarrow's are usually used for, they surely fit the category.

Yours faithfully

Ray Platt.

Date: Wed, 19 Aug 1998 14:09:05 +1000
Subject: Race watch

One of these days in the not too far future, the intelligent ones amongst us will look back on these "Politically Correct" and 'Multiculturist Times' and remember things like the 'Racist Watch Group' and the other absolutely ridiculous actions of the few that have lost all touch with reality and we will put it all in the same basket as other stupid things of the past such as 'Cod Pieces, Chastity Belts, Bustles,and Bound Feet.

I find it somewhat frightening that supposedly highly educated persons such as Judges, who are supposed to be completely A-Politic,and whose career demands complete neutrality in their decisions, can commit themselves to the common judgement of anyone being a racist when they do not know them,and have not heard their side of the story. A Judge who still maintains they are entitled to carry out their duties and draw their salaries when they freely admit their bias towards different groups in society, namely anyone that doesn't aggree with them.

Also, regarding the Jewish element. I, personally grew up close to a jewish family,who in fact helped me a lot in my childhood and youth. I still hold contact and imagine I always will. That family and the other families who were connected to them were nothing like the sort of people Leibler and Einfeld seem to be. I think the' Race Watch ' type of Jew is a bit on the fanatic side of Judaism.

Any way, I am AGAINST Multiculturism, and Asianisation of Australia. But I am FOR reasonable immigratian from anywhere providing those migrants are prepared to assimilate into the Australian way of life and become truely Australian.

Also, I will continue to express my opinions and views as I choose,

BECAUSE that is my RIGHT.

SIGNED: Dan Stuart.

Date: Wed, 19 Aug 1998 16:18:33 +1000
Subject: Assimilation and RaceWatch Committee

Dear Scott,

Like Antonia I can't wait to be outed. I positively stand up to be counted as I support assimilation. I require all racial groupings to accept the Australian way of life and not to demand special treatment for their own racial group. I require all migrants who come to Australia to speak English, to accept the Australian way of life and not to request that we change our ways to suit them. When migrants come to Australia they do so to change their way of life because they want the better life that we can offer them: the way of life that our forefathers have built with their sweat and toil. In return migrants must leave their old country and ways behind them. By all means they may keep their culture but they may not try to force it on others in this country.

Having worked and lived overseas I subscribe to the "When in Rome, do as the Romans do" policy. I require that from migrants as well.

As to the Racewatch committee, I propose that One Nation supporters set up a SlanderWatch committee. Such a committee would keep watch over the Racewatch committee and media commentators. Any time that they try to infringe our constitutional rights such as freedom of speech, freedom of assembly or to accuse a One Nation member or supporter of being racist, they will be invited to explain to a judge why they think that that person is a racist. When they fail to be able to do so they will be invited to make a very large donation to support One Nation's activities.

The Slander Watch committee will require ordinary 1N members and supporters to scan the media and attend public meetings to report on slanderous statements from the media and "Race Watch". We also need legal people with knowledge and experience in constitutional matters and the law of slander, defamation and libel in all states.

Gordon Briggs

Date: Wed, 19 Aug 1998 16:39:15 -0500
Subject: race watch

Hallo Scot,

This is my first E-mail to GWB. Thank you for all the info you are supplying us with. I am in a way surprised by the methods minority groups are using to attack PHON. Now this"Race Watch" committy. PHON must realy be worrying them but it also shows who are the real enemies of our way of life. But to me there is also a disturbing sign in all this.

I grew up in Nazi occupied Holland and have seen from close by what has been done to the Jews.

I remember the Nazi propoganda where Adolf Hitler said something like "the Jews are poisoning our society and we have to get rid of them". What disturbs me now is that I start thinking "is there any truth in this." I never thought to reach this state of mind.

In 1953, at the invitation of the Australian Government, I came here as a 26 year old migrant and was offered a future in a multy racial society, with a European culture. The first 25 years, when something like 2 million people came here from all over Europe, we "Assimilated" (am I now a racist) very well. I was proud when I became an Australian, but now I am very disappointed. Why did all this have to change. Where in the world is multi-culturism a success? Sorry Scot for this lenghty epistel.

Best wishes,
Kees Viset.

Date: Wed, 19 Aug 1998 18:51:08 +1000
Subject: racism

I do not agree with Racewatch, and feel it should be disbanded. Who gives this group the right to point the finger, it is highly probable that this group is as racist as any group or nationality in Australia.

Personally I think Pauline Hanson is far from being a racist, and I object to this group's attitude to her and One Nation.

Bette Schulz

Date: Thu, 20 Aug 1998 01:13:15 +0930
Subject: Racewatch, anti-hansonism and the protocols of Zion

I'll probably end up on the racewatch list for this but what the hell.

This nasty racewatch business got me wondering why Jews were worried about One Nation. In the course of my research I read the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, a work the Jews are keen to write off as an antisemitic hoax. Please explain.....

PROTOCOL NO. 8 explains the redefinition of the word racism and the jewish gunboat "anti-semite", and her tender craft "jews are not a race".

"We must arm ourselves with all the weapons which our opponents might employ against us. We must search out in the very finest shades of expression and the knotty points of the lexicon of law justification for those cases where we shall have to pronounce judgments that might appear abnormally audacious and unjust, for it is important that these resolutions should be set forth in expressions that shall seem to be the most exalted moral principles cast into legal form."

PROTOCOL NO. 9 - more on the race card

"The words of the liberal, which are in effect the words of our masonic watchword, namely, "Liberty, Equality, Fraternity," will, when we come into our kingdom, be changed by us into words no longer of a watchword, but only an expression of idealism, namely, into: "The right of liberty, the duty of equality, the ideal of brotherhood." That is how we shall put it, -- and so we shall catch the bull by the horns. .... De facto we have already wiped out every kind of rule except our own, although de jure there still remain a good many of them. Nowadays, if any States raise a protest against us it is only pro forma at our discretion and by our direction, for their anti-Semitism is indispensable to us for the management of our lesser brethren. I will not enter into further explanations, for this matter has formed the subject of repeated discussions amongst us."

PROTOCOL NO. 10 - rent-a-crowd & welfare dependence

....."To secure this we must have everybody vote without distinction of classes and qualifications, in order to establish an absolute majority, which cannot be got from the educated propertied classes. In this way, by inculcating in all a sense of self-importance, we shall destroy among the goyim the importance of the family and its educational value and remove the possibility of individual minds splitting off, for the mob, handled by us, will not let them come to the front nor even give them a hearing; it is accustomed to listen to us only who pay it for obedience and attention, In this way we shall create a blind, mighty force which will never be in a position to move in any' direction without the guidance of our agents set at its head by us as leaders of the mob. The people will submit to this regime because it will know that upon these leaders will depend its earnings, gratifications and the receipt of all kinds of benefits."


I don't care who wrote the protocols. I'm more concerned about who is implementing them.


Tony Hancock

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