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Tuesday 17th September 1996


The Prime Minister, John Howard, met with the President of Indonesia, Mr Suharto, in Jakarta yesterday keeping the issue of human rights firmly off the agenda. In a move which I believe to be cow-tailing to the man who has allowed so many human rights atrocities to occur in his country Howard made it clear that all he was interested in doing was earning browny points so that he could retain the close relationship that Suharto had shared with ex-Prime Minister Paul Keating.

The Prime Minister said that he would take the first opportunity he had with Suharto to reassure him that Australia saw the relationship with Indonesia "of very great sifgnificance" and that the relationship could bring "substantial benefits to the whole region".

Can you believe that the biggest and most damaging brown nose move by Howard was to say that he agreed with Suharto that Australia was not part of Asia.... good move mister now they have every excuse to exclude Australia from ASEAN... I don't trust Suharto as far as you can throw the man and I will be very surprised if Howard doesa not regret that remark in the near future.

The Chinese started throwing their weight at Australia yesterday warning of retaliation if the Dalai Lama went ahead and met with Foreign Minister "little boy" Alexander Downer.. Beijing also expressed disapproval of the Tibetan spiritual leader's visit to Australia.

A Chinese spokesman said, "We express our deep regret and strong dissatisfaction and we reserve the right for further response."

Last night the Federal Government noted the reports of Chinese dissatisfaction... which might just be shared by Starfleet Commander, Bill Clinton, and saviour of the human race after what the old man had to say in Sydney yesterday...

The Dalai Lama told a crowd that the Americans should leave Iraq alone and that they were impinging on the sovereignty of that nation... old US allay Kuwait is also wondering what all the excitement is about saying that they don't feel threatened by Iraq - and in fact, it appears they feel more threatened by the Marines, refusing over 3,000 landing rights... case of "beam me up Scotty"...

Have they not heard of the Presidential elections in the US...

On the subject of foreign troops and Marines, we received another misguided email yesterday...

Subject: U.N. troops in australia

I live in arizona, a friend of mine in new mexico said on the phone that the short wave is full of news about u.n. troops going door to door in australia taking guns, any truth to this?

please email me if you have the time, thank you.

If that ultimate corruption of a bureaucratic system, the UN, put one foot in Australia on that basis the outrage and response would be so violent that I think you would see the "world's policemen" ducking and diving for years after the event.

For the last word on gun ownership... another enlightening statement from Global Info-Link's news group....

This justice system sucks!!!! I just watched a segment on the late night news about an antique dealer in Sydney.

He was held up by an armed robber in March last year. The bad guy had a loaded shotgun. The antique dealer somehow managed to get a shot off and got the bad guy in the chest. He subsequently died.

The antique dealer was *charged* and it has taken the justice system this long to acquit him!!! What the hell is wrong with the system?????? The bad guy was obviously out to do no good and would have probably ended up killing someone somewhere along the line. The a/dealer was minding his own business and gets confronted by this turd.

He reacted, and he won.

He was charged and has just been acquited of those charges, but now the cops say that there are other weapons charges to be laid.

The cops suck just as much as the damn system.

It's really pathetic to watch these "fine upstanding members of our community" scrabbling around in the dirt trying to dig up a charge to make themselves look good.........because they are'nt doing jack-shit to stop the crims and they don't want the people to defend themselves.

Which just goes to show, they don't give a rats about our safety or well-being.

I rekon the cops on the street should be disarmed, the same as the rest of Australia (and lets see how much *they* like it). Sure, there should be special squads that are armed for emergencies. And they should only be called out in an emergency (ie, SERT).

Anyway, I've just got a bee in my hat because the shopkeeper saved his own life, and possibly a few other peoples lives, and he is being put thru' the wringer because of a scumbag that is better off dead.

Remember the old guy from Caboulture??

Remember the guy from Rochedale???

I'm damn sure that if it was a cops house that these events happened in...the headlines would say "Crim makes worst mistake of his life. Shot dead by hero cop"...........yeah, right.

No mention of UN troops there...


The fish and chip shop lady, Pauline Hanson, served it right up to Aboriginal leader and former deputy chairman of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Commission (ATSIC), Charlie Perkins, on live national television yesterday on Channel 9's Midday Show.

Hanson, the Oxley Member of Parliament, whose views on Aboriginal funding are highly controversial, made old political war horse Perkins look like some rookie straight out of the starting blocks. With her soft voice, which breaks-up when she gets emotional, she laid some home truths down the line - the telling blows soon had the live audience cheering her. Perkins reverted to the old tack of calling the audience "the blue rinse set" a comment which had the mediator calling on him to apologise... something he refused to do.

Hanson talked facts supported by documentation which Perkins threw right back at her - refusing to view it, saying "She is telling a lot of bullshit. She doesn't know what she is talking about.

"You should be ashamed of yourself... you're giving Australia a bad name, lady.

"You can't go around venting your spleen on everybody because you have the privilege of Parliament behind you."

Mrs Hanson retorted that Perkins (in his time with ATSIC) had done nothing for his people.

"Where has the money gone," she said, "You have had a position as commissioner of the ATSIC board. Well what have you done for your people?

"It's about time we brought this out into the open. It is like a festering sore and people have to talk about it."

After the debate Perkins said that if the racism shown by the audience was shared by young people, there was little hope for the future.

Now that word racism comes up whenever an Aboriginal is on the back foot, perhaps Perkins should read the revealing letter by an Australian in the know...

Pauline Hanson's electorate - 68% of respondents claiming to support her views in a random survey of 400 people.

Last word from the Oxley (Global Info-Links) news group:

-->What I find quite painful with politicians is all the bull**** they
-->drum out about looking after their electorate when in reality all they
-->ever do is have long lunches, sink big salaries and feed off the
-->advice of their power-hungry senior bureaucrats like chooks in a chook

-->Global Web Builders

And it's not just the pollies. If you saw the segment today on the Midday show you would know that it is also the so-called Aboriginal activists like Perkins that are full of shit.

All he wanted to do was sling insults and talk loudly while she was trying to state the facts. And he never did answer the question on where all the money is going. And he also got rather upset when she started quoting how much these ATSIC wankers are raking out of the coffers.

The one great point that she bought up was that she was not a racist, she cared about all Australians. Perkins was a racist because he only cared about "his" people.

But do you see him giving up his rather large salary to help out "his" friggin way!!!!!! All he wanted to say was that they didn't have enough money. Give ATSIC more money....and I bet the first thing on the agenda is a pay rise for the parasites who run it.

Perkins has lost all credibility and can be seen for what he truly is, a parasite scared of losing his free lunch.



Irish media magnate Tony O'Rielly has launched a takeover bid of New Zealand publisher Wilson and Horton sparking specualtion about his company, Independent Newspapers' (INP), wider Australasian interests.

O'Reilly and INP already hold 48% of Australian Provincial Newspapers and an option to buy out a further 23%.


Crushers, the embattled Australian Rugby League (ARL) team, are set to sack twenty eight of their players as the club begins a long rebuilding process.

This amounts to one third of the 93 strong squad the remainder playing under a total Au$1.5 million salary cap. The majority of the sacked players will be from the reserve squad. Already twelve players have been told that the Crushers cannot afford to keep them on next season.

Sorry state of affairs for one of the few clubs to support the financially embattled ARL when Super League was trying to take the game over.


Women who give birth after they turn 30 are likely to have better behaved children a new study has found.

The study of more than 4,300 children found that children with older mothers fought less with other children and performed better in educational and behavioural tests.

The study, by John Pollock of the College of Paediatric and Child Health in London, found that older mothers tended to have smaller families and could devote more time to them, were more experienced in life and were likely to be married.

Personal trivia, from the global office:

Another glorious day outside... one to be enjoyed from the global office. Have a good one.

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