One Nation press release from Dorothy Pratt, endorsed candidate for the state seat of Barambah

Pratt, “Does Perrett have a secret?”

Trevor Perrett, the Minister for Primary Industries and member for Barambah must move immediately move to dispel the allegation he has something to hide. He owes this to his electorate and Queenslanders everywhere.

Mr Perrett cannot expect the people of Barambah to continue to support him while he is under a dark cloud of suspicion when he could so easily dismiss any allegation of wrongdoing by simply disclosing his expenses.

It is most important for those who represent us to be open and accountable to all reasonable scrutiny, especially where the expenditure of taxpayers money is concerned.

If this practice of making Ministerial expense records secret for 30 years is interpreted by the public as a way for the government to help Mr Perrett cover something up, then it would be understandable for the people who elected Mr Perrett to be concerned.

Suspicion is the natural consequence of withholding information which is clearly public property. Mr Perrett must surely see that if this unjustifiable 30 year rule is used to hide his expenses from public view, people will have no choice but to conclude he has a secret.

Mr Perrett must immediately disclose the details of his expenses or suffer the inevitable backlash that will result from the rumours that will naturally flow from the secrecy attached to this issue. Mr Perrett can prove his innocence simply and easily, and should do so forthwith.

Statement issued by Dorothy Pratt, One Nation candidate for Barambah

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