Naturally we are disappointed that Charlie Rappolt has seen the need to resign. The tragedy of it is that a concerted campaign by some sections of the media have deprived the electors of Mulgrave of a good representative in the Parliament - a representative that 54% of the people of Mulgrave wanted to represent them.

The Murdoch press have been absolutely ruthless in their vindictive campaign against Charlie. They have destroyed his family life in their biased and unswerving agenda to destroy Charlie and to denigrate One Nation.

The freedom of the press is a noble institution, but with that freedom comes a major responsibility, to remain independent and unbiased. Unfortunately, the Courier Mail, and its northern subsidiary, The Cairns Post, through its links to, and dependence upon, its mates in big business and the longer established political parties has prostituted its independence and has pursued its vindictive and destructive agenda with relentless arrogance.

The Courier Mail and The Cairns Post, are so paranoid about the enormous support for One Nation, that it was prepared to ignore a Supreme Court injunction, place itself in contempt of court, and be prepared to pay any fine which might be forthcoming, just to achieve their character assassination of this quiet and dedicated man. The Murdoch press have no regard for the law and will simply use their endless financial resources to overcome any court decision.

This is a clear example of the monied interests of big business being above the law and in this case the interests are those of a foreigner clearly with an agenda against One Nation.

Charlie is the first to admit that, on reflection, he lacks the thick hide necessary in politics, but his commitment to achieving progress for his electorate prompted him to stand up and be counted. Charlie has soldiered on despite warnings from his doctor that his health was at risk, determined to do his bit for his community.

He was prepared to absorb the personal attacks, but he places a very high value on his family life, and ultimately, it has been this aspect of the vicious attacks which has led him to take this course of action.

If we needed confirmation of the real reason for Charlie's decision it has been provided in private correspondence to us containing a plaintive plea to "Please keep the media off my back" and a specific acknowledgment of the personal damage done by Murdoch press.

We hope the editor and the journalists (to use the term loosely) are proud of their achievement. We doubt that any fair-minded Queenslander would be. We also suspect that the more professional journalists would be very concerned that the reputation of their noble profession has been tarnished by this irresponsible element.

We apologise to the people of Mulgrave for the fact that their chosen representative has been forced out, but assure them that we will be fielding a very good candidate in the upcoming by-election. The new One Nation candidate will have a strong commitment to continue with, and to build upon the achievements of One Nation, and to work very hard to provide first class representation for the people of Mulgrave.

We wish Charlie and his family well for the future. We hope they can put this media thuggery behind them, and get on with their lives.

We also hope that the responsible members of the press that have not been bought and paid for by the foreign interests of Murdoch will appreciate the unfair damage done to this family by the vicious vendetta waged over an issue that was unfortunate but strictly family and privately related, and of no real public interest or concern.

Charles Rappolt and his family have been victims of the Murdoch Press. They have been casualties in a political war waged by foreign interests.

The responsible press in this state and this country will chase the real issues and pursue the real truth, and steer clear of bias and politically personalised agenda.

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