Lindsay, New South Wales

Candidate : Rick Putra

Personal Details : Born in Cologne, Germany 1947. Migrated to Australia in 1950. Married to a wonderful person, Gail, and have three great children (Michelle, Cindy and Daniel)

Contact Details : Mobile phone 0414 821 257.
Home Phone 02 47 332112.
Address : P.O. Box 106, Penrith. N.S.W. 2751

Background : Rick has experience in a wide variety of industries including ; Banking, Motor Vehicle Sales, Real Estate Sales, Production Planning in the Metal Fabrication Industry and General Industry.

He is a Production Engineer by training and is currently employed in Distribution Services.

Community Work : He is Deputy Director of a Telephone Crisis Service called “Samaritans” which is a registered charity that operates in the Sydney and Blue Mountains districts and provides support to people in Crisis 24 hours a day 7 days a week.

Reasons for Supporting Pauline Hanson’s One Nation :

Rick believed that our elected representatives were genuinely looking after Australians, until he experienced the “Recession we had to have”, saw the Destruction of Australian Industry and the export of Australian jobs overseas by these modern day vandals. It was then that he began to closely examine the activity of the Government and discovered that the Australian people were being betrayed by those we trusted. He was powerless to do anything until Pauline Hanson made her Ground shaking speech in Parliament and formed the One Nation Party shortly after. It was from this moment that he worked tirelessly to promote the philosophy and goals of ONE NATION.

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