Greenway, New South Wales:

Candidate: William E Nixon

Personal Details: Born in Argentina in 1941. Married, with two sons, one stepson and two grandchildren. Has lived in the Blacktown area since 1979.

Contact details: Phone: (02) 9674 2771. Fax: (02) 9838 4170
Address: P.O. Box 370, Blacktown, NSW, 2148

Background: Migrated to Australia in 1972. Became an Australian citizen in 1975. Bill is an industrial chemist by profession and came to Australia with more than ten years experience in the chemical industry.

He started work in Australia as a Technical Sales Representative selling chemical raw materials for a large French chemical group. He then worked for Australian businesses involved in the import and export of chemicals and minerals moving up to a management position in some of Australia's leading companies.

He has gained an indepth knowledge of Australia's manufacturing and mining industries over this time and travelled widely both in Australia and overseas.

He has witnessed first hand the decline in Australia's industrial strength through damage caused by the policies of successive Labor and Coalition governments favouring tariff reduction and the sale of Australian businesses to foreign companies.

In 1996, after the business he was employed by was sold to a large European corporation, Bill resigned and started his own chemical business supplying raw materials to the mining and manufacturing industries.

Community work and interest: Bill is actively involved with his local church and is a past president of the Merrylands branch of the FGBMFI, a world wide association of Christian Businessmen. He is director of the Southern Cross Gliding Club Inc one of the largest gliding clubs in Australia where he enjoys flying gliders.

In his spare time he is writing a book.

Reason for supporting Pauline Hanson's One Nation: Bill says Australia is being betrayed by the people we elected to govern our nation. Both the Labor and Coalition Party leaders are arrogant and obsessed with globalisation issues. They have forgotten their primary allegiance should be to the Australian people and our National Sovereignty.

The people's freedom of speech is threatened by political correctness guidelines. Pauline Hanson courageously spoke out for millions of concerned patriotic Australian citizens, who helplessly watched with dismay the slow disintegration of our once great country. She was attacked and vilified for her honesty. Bill realises that Pauline Hanson needs committed workers to help her save our nation. Just voting for One Nation would not be sufficient.

After Bill checked for himself that One Nation was not the racist or extremist organisation depicted by the press, he joined the party and offered his services in whatever capacity would help it achieve its objectives.

He is committed to seeing Australia grow prosperous, strong and independent again, providing a secure future for all the nation's peoples and coming generations.

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