NSW Policy Forum for One Nation - Lithgow Workmen’s Club

Sunday, 17th January 1999.

I arrived at Lithgow a little after 9am, in time to register as a delegate. Adorning my ‘ID tag,’ I was immediately hit by the atmosphere. There was a certain amount of uncertainty - Unknown expectations. My goal was to attend with an open mind.

David Ettridge approached me, and we exchanged pleasantries. He spoke in excited tones about the launch of Murder by Media (which is to take place this Friday), and joked about my impending exposure to the ‘media’ as Scott Balson’s book launch co-ordinator. However, he seemed confident that I was the ‘right woman for the job.’

David Oldfield buzzed by, and stopped to say a quick hello. We spoke briefly about the progress of Young Nation.

There were approximately 130 - 150 delegates and observers in attendance.

Settled in our seats, and confronted by a stage consisting of: NSW State Executive (minus Lex Stewart who was ill), David Oldfield and David Ettridge.

Jim Millar, State President - NSW, welcomed delegates and observers and thanked us for our effort to attend. He gave a brief history of the Lithgow area and the club we were sitting in.

David Oldfield introduced a new employee to the Manly office, Joanne, who’s role it is to keep in touch with the membership base. David spoke about the Law and Order Policy, which is an existing State (Queensland) based document. Interestingly, plagiarism by the majors is happening once again. Identifying convicted juvenile criminals.... Isn’t that a One Nation policy?

The voting procedure for the day was explained. Only delegates (2 from each branch) would be permitted to vote on proposals. As Oldfield stated, “We are a democratic Party.” The Law and Order, Crime and Punishment booklets were then disseminated. Upon doing a quick page count, I knew we all had our work cut out for us. 22 pages of information to absorb and critically analyse.

Dorothy Hutton, NSW State Executive Acting Secretary and Convener for the One Nation Women’s Council, took to the stage. She discussed the importance of a womens viewpoint and a positive attitude.

The room fell silent, as we began our reading of the policy documents. I could foresee a potential problem with asking us to digest and fully comprehend a 22 page document in 30 minutes. My concerns were echoed by another delegate. There was a request to have the information out earlier in future, so it can be taken back to the members for discussion.

Our focus was on Policy recommendations for NSW. These included (discussion and voting on all the following issues ensued):

12.30pm - Break for lunch, during the break, delegates were asked to present to the Chairman any State based issues they want to discuss. The meeting reconvened at 1.20pm. Discussions and voting resumed:

2.20pm - Prime and WIN Television joined the meeting. Oldfield had previously asked us for our permission for them to pan the crowd. Motion passed, no opposition to this.

Other ideas raised by Oldfield:

Due to the nature of the meeting, it is difficult to divulge the exact results (as they have not been officially finalised.) However, there was a fair amount of resistance to point number 6, ‘Revoking of Citizenship..’ and point number 16, ‘A form of review for the performance of judges..’ ‘Removal of access to Legal aid..’, point number 8, was amended. ‘Support the call for 2500 extra police’ was carried unanimously. There was also a call to review Politician performance. This was met by a round of applause.

3pm - Delegates were divided into groups to discuss issues raised during the break:
Education, Health, Rural Issues, Regional Issues, Transport, Emergency Services, Unemployment and Environment.

I headed for the Education round table discussion. It was pleasing to see that a few teachers were present. They were able to relate their own experiences with the education system.

4.20pm - Spokesman from each discussion group was called to present the groups ideas. There were some in depth, solid contributions which were enlightening.

Motion - That the State Executive select a committee with responsibility for finalising policy statements based on today’s discussion. Adopted.

5.15pm - Address from National Adviser, David Oldfield. State campaign update. More communication will be evident when the State Campaign office is operational. General discussion followed over HTV’s etc. The State Campaign will be action packed - With comprehensive advertising being planned.

5.55pm - Meeting closed by Jim Millar.

I left the meeting, satisfied that the ‘rank and file’ had made a significant contribution. As Oldfield mentioned, we had no reason to feel like sheep. Viewpoints were varied, and many people had the opportunity to have their say.

To all Sydney siders.... I look forward to meeting you on Friday at the Launch of Murder by Media. It promises to be an exciting event.

Shondra Briton (aka Shon)

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