Student Rally - Adelaide

Victoria Square - Adelaide Fri.24 July 98. 2pm.

'Resistance' organized the 'Fight the System' rally in Adelaide, Apparently, the 'System' consists of not only Hanson's One Nation but also Howard, Liberals, Labor & Big Business. Although I think the schoolies were mostly there to fight fascism or something? I overheard this conversation between two young things.

"What is our chant again ?"
"Hanson is a fascist."
"Hanson is a fascist."
"What is a fascist ?"
"What ?"
"Hitler, you know, Adolf Hitler ''

The schoolies congregated into small coloured groups. The colour, depended upon which exclusive expensive school uniform you were wearing. Cabra, Mercedes, Pembroke...of course, these groups were suitably distanced from the other 'non private' schoolies which had between them a few more banners and leaflets. Total attendance was about 150 - 200.

Resistance distributed flyers advertising their future meetings. The group had 3 speakers. The first, a young woman, taught the schoolies how to chant. Later she blew the whistle as a cue for a cheer. The second, a young man, read his speech, and must have said the word 'racist' at least 53 times ! The third, was named as an Aboriginal member of Resistance, she didn't take the stand, so we could not see her, but she spoke sensibly and with compassion and didn't mention the 'word' once.

The schoolies were well behaved and thrilled when any of the numerous media singled their particular little group out for an interview. They then happily marched off down King William St. trying their best to remember the chants.

Rose Thomson

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