Who we trust - who we don't

Posted 25th May 1998

Morgan Poll on ethics and honesty as judged by people - 1998
Trade (LEAST TRUSTED) Trust Trade (MOST TRUSTED) Trust
Car salesman Only 2% Lawyers 26%
Federal MPs 7% Public Opinion Pollsters 30%
State MPs 7% Bank Managers 36%
Advertising People 7% Accountants 43%
Estate Agents 8% Ministers of Religion 56%
Newspaper Journalists 9% Engineers 57%
Insurance Brokers 11% University Lecturers 57%
TV Reporters 12% Police 60%
Union Leaders 13% Dentists 61%
Stock Brokers 15% Doctors 69%
Directors of Public Companies 17% School Teachers 71%
Business Executives 18% Pharmacists 80%
Source: Morgan Poll, 1998
Nurses 88%

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