Finally - I know what's wrong with Pauline Hanson!

Commentary by Chris Fitzgerald

On hearing the media coverage of her maiden speech more than two years ago, I wasn't sure what she was on about. After being sent a copy of her speech, I saw what she REALLY DID SAY!

Since then, it's been easy to see how politicians and the media have derided her at every opportunity. It was easier with the politicians -their lips were moving! Seriously, for these Federal and State Leaders to misinterpret what Pauline Hanson said, they are either seriously lacking in comprehension, or have chosen to protect their own political necks!

I attended the One Nation meeting at Penrith (NSW) on Saturday night (6-3-99) and got to hear her speak without the usual media interpreter. There was nothing hateful, racist or nasty in what she had to say. She often fumbled her words, but it was a relief to hear a someone speaking the truth to the voters. Truth expressed in terms similar to so many conversations I've had with my friends and workmates. Truth from someone who felt the same as many Aussies and is concerned for Australia's future.

She didn't have many kind words for Politicians, the Media or Big Business. She knew what it was to battle for a living under the burden of ever-increasing taxes. The man in the street and his family are being run into the ground while the aforementioned high-fliers pay minimal tax!

Yes! I know what's wrong with Pauline Hanson - she's an ORDINARY AUSTRALIAN and ordinary Australians aren't respected by politicians. We're only the people the politicians are supposed to REpresent! We just do the work and pay the taxes that keep this country going! Surely we can't be entitled to representation in our parliaments?

Yes! I know what's wrong with Pauline Hanson! Which end of the world was it that the wonderful Mr Keating placed Australia?

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