Getting out of this place

A photographer under heavy protection

I had prepared a couple of sticky ones for the press conference but the security chief turned me away despite my media pass. So I left the building again but found myself on my own behind the police cordon with 500 angry demonstrators in front of me. The crowd started to throw all sorts of things at me. I was the only one they could belt up and it didn’t matter who I was. Between the horse manure and the protesters, I had my work cut out. From that point onward, much of my flagging energy was devoted to finding a way out of that place. 500 protesters are not easy to fool but eventually I followed a couple of police and ended up at the road block where I stayed until I was picked up. At around the same time, Stephen Jolly came around and called his troops to the waiting buses. Another day at the office for them, a day in hell for me.