Money is the life blood of an economy. It permits the exchange of wealth with a speed and flexibility that a barter system cannot begin to approach. According to our Constitution, the federal government may "coin money" and "regulate the value thereof" (Article 1, Sec. 8) and states are forbidden to "make anything but gold and silver coin a tender (i.e.money like dollar bills can be repeatedly used, unlike checks) in payment of debts" (Article 1 Sec. 10). According to the records of the Constitutional Convention, someone there, suggested that the federal government be given the power to "emit bills of credit" (paper money). The idea was angrily denounced and voted down. This may have been because it had already became customary for banks to issue more gold certificates than the gold they had on hand, a basically fraudulent practice that continues to this day. One of the speakers that paper money was the skin to "the mark of the beast of Revelation"

The economic "experts" who preside over our present crippled economy often condescendingly say or imply that the old fogies that wrote the Constitution lived in an 18th century agrarian society and therefore knew nothing about modern day economic principals such as inflation, deflation, and money not based on gold. In fact, the opposite was true. The founders had watched from 1776 to 1789 (thirteen years from the declaration of independence to the implementation of the Constitution) as state governments had printed money, and inflation, wild spending and borrowing occurred creating economic chaos, crime, and poverty. (Sound familiar?) All this abruptly ended when the Constitution and its gold standard went into effect in 1789.

Two years later, President Washington wrote two letters in which he said that if anyone two years earlier had predicted the stunningly fast and enormous improvements. brought about by the Constitution, "It would have been considered a species of madness."

However certain bankers (not surprisingly) wanted the United States to borrow money from them at interest, and, through Alexander Hamilton, they persuaded Congress to grant a charter to a for-profit corporation called the "Bank of the United States" on the excuse that it would stabilize the money supply. Why was there any instability in the money supply when we were on a gold standard, and the supply of gold standard money increases gradually with the discovery and mining of gold and can't just be printed up on a press? Because private banks were allowed by various states to print paper money that was not redeemable in gold. (People liked paper money because gold coins were not practical for small transactions and gold coin wore out with repeated use)

The solutions to this problem would have been to require gold backing for all paper money. Instead, Congress chartered the United States Bank that produced paper money partially backed with gold. (They would not authorize the Treasury Department of the government to print paper money since the Constitution forbade this.)

With this charter, the bankers of the United States Bank had a monopoly on printing federally endorsed paper money. As the population and economy of the nation grew, more money was needed. The government then had to borrow it from the bankers instead of having the Treasury print the money for the tiny cost of the paper. printing, and ink. Therefore, each dollar that was created by the United States Bank put the taxpayers a dollar in debt.

The next step for the bankers of the "United States Bank" was to encourage the government to spend all of its revenues as they came in so the government would have no savings for emergencies. This spending was furthered by the fact that the government had to pay interest to the bankers (for the "debt" It had incurred by giving them a monopoly on printing money). If the government had no savings, any emergency such as war would force the government to borrow more money and the banker's wealth and power would increase. Some might say that the writers of the Constitution made a mistake in simply forbidding the Treasury Dept. from printing any paper money, and that they instead should have prohibited it from printing money that is not redeemable in gold.

The monopoly bankers, the Federalist Party, and our second president John Adams pushed for a looser interpretation of the Constitution to allow increases in federal spending. The more the government spent, the more the taxpayers would owe the banking monopoly. Congress thwarted their attempts and Adams was defeated in his bid to win a second term. The next three presidents were strict Constitutionalists who strictly limited spending. Despite the War of 1812 and the debt that it incurred, most of this period was known as the "Era of Good Feelings."

The dept incurred by the War of 1812 added to the remains of the huge debt from the War of Independence. In 1825, John Adams son, John Quincy Adam's became President and tried to do what his father did. Congress also thwarted his efforts, and he also lost his bid for a second term.

In 1829, Andrew Jackson was elected president. During his presidency the charter of the bank of the United States expired, and the bank asked Congress to renew the charter. Jackson let it be known that that he would veto the renewal bill. Some of the bankers and their advocates, came out of the Oval Office only to be told by Jackson, "You are a den of vipers and thieves. I have determined to rout you out, and by the Eternal God, I will rout you out!" He did so, and entirely eradicated the federal debt and created a large federal surplus of money before his presidency ended.

Later, during the Civil War, the government used up its savings. Bankers offered to lend the government money at interest rates ranging between 24 and 36%. Lincoln knew that if he agreed to this the bankers would own the government by the end of the war, Instead, he commanded the Treasury to print paper money which became known, as "Lincoln Greenbacks". These cost the taxpayers only the cost of paper, ink, and printing. Greenbacks did not put the taxpayers in debt. Within months Lincoln was dead, and the greenbacks were soon replaced by banker's money and more public debt.

In 1913 the Federal Reserve Act and the 16th Amendment (income tax) were passed. The "Federal Reserve" was and is another for-profit corporation with a monopoly to print money. It has never been audited by the General Accounting Office; its proceedings are secret even from Congress and the President; and each dollar it has created as our economy and money supply has grown has been another dollar of taxpayer debt to the Federal Reserve bankers and owners. As spending increases the Treasury pay for its "borrowings" with government bonds (that the Fed can then sell or keep as one of the three ways that they have to manipulate the money supply). The Fed gets continuous and enormous interest payments (from the taxpayer) through these bonds. No wonder President Wilson, who signed the Federal Reserve Act, said on his death bed that he had betrayed his nation by the signing of that ACT!

Once it had been organized, The Federal Reserve used its power to inflate the money supply to encourage spending (when inflation occurs, money loses value over time and saving becomes a losing proposition). Within three years, we were involved in World War I. We've been told that enormous bloodbath happened because an Yugoslavian duke was assassinated, and as a result the entire industrialized world went to War. The history books don't point out that the money monopolists made another killing by lending huge sums of paper money at hight interest to all sides of the conflict.

After W.W.1 the Fed lowered interest rates to encourage borrowing and further encourage spending. This created the "Roaring Twenties" when many businesses. and persons got into debt, rather than saving up for what they wanted. During the 1930's a congressional committee demanded the impeachment of the Federal Reserve Governors. They said that the Fed had caused the stock market crash in 1929 by suddenly pulling about one third of the money supply out of the economy. Vast numbers of indebted Americans and small banks were forclosed on by the central bankers. (This same pattern of inflation, crash and foreclosure would be repeated whenever useful as with midwestern farmers in the 1980's).

This money pull-out was a violent attack upon the very life of the free enterprise system and the largest grab of wealth in the history of humanity. F. D. Roosevelt became president, and, instead of acting upon congressional committee's findings, he proceeded to blame the brutally injured free enterprise system for the crime perpetrated against it. F.D.R. said that "the free enterprise system needs to be protected form itself" (not from the Federal Reserve monopoly bankers).

The stunned, frightened, and confused people hailed this demagogue as a hero as he increased federal spending enormously, rapidly increasing the total strangle hold on our economy held by his fellow monopolists in the Fed. He created the Departments of Labor, Commerce and Agriculture even though these three parts of our economy had functioned well for centuries without federal supervision.

His efforts did not end the depression because they were not designed to do that, Roosevelt himself said, "In politics, nothing happens by accident." F.D.R's efforts were designed to continue to increase the enormous wealth and power of the money monopolists over the American people. As Jesus said, "By their fruits, ye shall know them."

The great depression ended when the monopolists succeeded, after years of investing in Imperial Japanese War Bonds and in Hitler's bonds, in a much more profitable venture World War II.


Both world wars caused enormous human suffering , but the money monopolists gained mind -boggling riches and power, as they had from the depression and would later from the intentionally prolonged Viet Nam War. When you see an unbroken pattern, extending to the present, of the same powerful special special interest group benefiting from almost every significant political event, it is a naive exercise in self-deception to write it off as just chance accident, F.D.R. himself said, "In politics, nothing happens by accident."

Roosevelt and his followers used that war to enormously expand the income tax in this country. He called it a "victory tax" but after the victory was won the tax continued and grew. His work has been carried on by later Republicrat (Republican and Democratic) socialists who have caused billions to be spent year after year on huge boondoggles such as the such as the Dept. of Energy that was supposed to find new sources of energy (But hasn't), the Dept. of Transportation that was suppose to develop new energy-saving, pollution cutting forms of transportation (but hasn't), and the Dept. of Education that was really suppose to improve the quality of education in America (but hasn't).

We must ask, then, who benefited from these departments, and what they succeeded in doing? Only one thing. They have increased enormously the debt of the American people to the banking monopoly.

According to the Grace Commission, a presidential commission formed in the early 80's to find ways to cut federal spending, not one dollar of personal income tax collected by the IRS goes to pay government services. Almost all of the income tax goes to pay the interest on our "debt" to the Federal Reserve. And after we've paid all of our taxes, we've only paid part of the interest of the debt it multiplies geometrically in size every year. In short even with all our income taxes we can never pay off this debt or even control its size.

Does this surprise you? It shouldn't For most of our nations history (up to 1913) the federal government functioned better than it does now with no income tax. Even after 1913, very few Americans paid any income tax (and only 2% of their income) until World War II. Most of the government's income is actually from excise and import taxes, which have sustained the federal government without the "help" of income tax, for most of our nation's history.

John F. Kennedy issued executive order #11.110 on June 4, 1963, and the Treasury started it issue United States notes our familiar Federal Reserve notes but that cost taxpayers only the cost of the paper, ink and printing. Within months he was dead. Then Lyndon Johnson rescinded the executive order and U.S. notes were withdrawn and replaced once again by Federal Reserve notes.

What have the Federal Reserve owners done with their vast wealth? They have bought the best government money can buy. Our federal governments now exemplifies the principles of government of, by and for the big money. The power elite chooses and finances the "major" candidates so that, no matter who wins the election, the taxpayers lose and the owners of the Fed win. You are probably one of the many voters who are frustrated that nothing really changes, election after election. Both wings of the republican party never fail to protect the Federal Reserve and the income tax. They only disagree on matters that are of no concern to the money monopolists, such as abortion and welfare versus workfare and the relative size of the Defences Dept. (not caring as long an they spend the taxpayers money on something).

The power elite also controls the five big T. V. networks (including CNN and PBS). How else can you explain why "independent" Ross Perot, who wants to strengthen the I. R. S. to squeeze another $100 billion out of the taxpayers and who never criticizes the existence of the Federal Reserve, is given lavish coverage, while James "Bo" Gritz, a war hero who is running for president and who, at the times of this writing, is on far more states ballots than Perot is, is absolutely blacked out from the news? (The same is true of the major magazines, papers, and wire services.) Could it be because he advocates eliminating the Fed and the income tax? You guess.

Do I think that he will always be blacked out? Possibly, but be prepared for a change of tactics by the power elite. If he begins to acquire more notice, they may decide to conduct a smear campaign with accusations that he is a fascist, a criminal, a racist. If this happens, watch carefully. You'll see that they never allow him even a minute to present his views or defend himself. You'll hear only fragments of his sentences, carefully selected and taken out of context by the media.

If you have any doubts about this statement, listen to what one of the media's most respected professionals, John Swinden, head of the New York Times, said in 1953 when he was asked by his peers to toast the independent press in a gathering at the National Press Club. He said, "There is no such thing at the date of the world's history in America as an independent press. You know it, and I know it. There is not one of you who dares to write your honest opinion, and if you did, you know beforehand it would never appear in print. I am paid weekly for keeping any honest opinion out of the paper. Others of you who would be so foolish as to write honest opinions to appear in one issue of my paper, before 24 hours, my occupation would be gone. The business of the journalist is to destroy the truth, to lie outright, to pervert, to vilify, to fawn at the feet of Mammon and to sell his country and his rave for his daily bread. You know it, and I know it, and what folly is this, toasting an independent press? We are the tools and the vassals of rich men behind the scenes. We are the Jumping Jacks. They pull the strings, and we dance. Your talents, our possibilities and our lives are all the property of other men. We are intellectual prostitutes."

Can you imagine what would happen to our economy if all of us no longer lost almost a third of out income to the IRS and the Federal Reserve, and we could spend, invest or save it? Purchases would increase, jobs multiply, interest rates fall, businesses (other than money monopolies) flourish, and the federal government's income would increase. The government could quickly pay off its remaining debts without cutting any necessary programs. HAve you noticed how, when politicians are confronted about their pathological spending habits, they say something like, "What do you want me to cut? Social Security, welfare, unemployment insurance?" They always name the few programs that help those who have been made needy by the money monopoly, and never name the real source of the deficit, waste and the Fed.

What then would happen we cut waste and unnecessary government programs in addition to ending the Fed and The income tax? WE would go from being the world's biggest debtor nation to the worlds most solvent and prosperous industrial nation. Welfare, unemployment insurance, and food stamps programs would cease to be needed as small businesses stopped failing and jobs multiplied.

As this short essay and the following quotes indicate, we are in economic bondage. Let us throw off the shackles of the money monopoly in a second Declaration of Independence and buy back the fraudulent Federal Reserve, forgive our debt to ourselves, eliminate the income tax and get this country on its feet again.

Thomas Jefferson

"If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation and then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all property until their children will wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered."

"We are completely saddles and bridled and the bank (the privately owned Bank of the United States) is so firmly mounted on us that we must go where they ill guide." (From Jefferson's letter to James Monroe.)

John Adams

"All the perplexities, confusion and distress in America arise, not from defects in their Constitution or Confederation, not from want of honor or virtue, so much as from downright ignorance of the nature of coin, credit and circulation." (In a letter to Thomas Jefferson in 1787.)

The Rothschild Brothers

(Who quote approvingly Mr. John Sherman, their protege, regarding the passage of the National Banking Act) "The few who can understand the system will either be so interested in its profits, or so dependent on its favors, that there will be no opposition from that class, while on the other hand, the great body of the people, mentally incapable of comprehending the tremendous advantages {that} capital derives from the system, will bear its burdens without complaint and perhaps without even suspecting that the system is inimical to their interests." (From a letter to Ikleheimer, Morton and Vandergould, New York Bankers, 1863, emphasis added.)

Woodrow Wilson

"A great industrial nation is controlled by its system of credit. Our System of credit is concentrated. The growth of the nation, therefore, and all our activities are in the hands of a few men.... We have come to be one of the wort ruled, one of the most completely controlled and dominated Governments in the civilized world-no longer a Government by conviction and the vote of the majority, but a Government by the opinion and duress of the small groups of dominant men."

"There is a power somewhere so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so persuasive, that they better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it."

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