IMF Hosts International Seminar
on Capital Account Liberalization

News Brief No. 98/6 March 4, 1998

International Monetary Fund
700 19th Street, NW
Washington, D.C. 20431 USA

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) will host an international seminar on capital account liberalization and related issues at IMF Headquarters in Washington, D.C. on March 9-10, 1998.

The IMF is working on an amendment to its Articles of Agreement to bring the promotion of liberalization of capital movements within its mandate. The seminar is intended to contribute to the IMF Executive Board's consideration of the issues surrounding capital account liberalization ahead of the meeting of the Interim Committee on April 16, 1998. It also comes at a time of heightened interest in capital account liberalization because of the recent crisis in Asia.

Participants in the seminar include high-level government officials, academicians, and banking and investment officials from advanced and developing economies; representatives of international organizations; and senior staff, management and members of the Executive Board of the IMF.



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