(c) Copyright 1998: Graham Strachan

To justify their hate for political opponents enviers concoct what is called an ideology, a kind of story about the world which portrays their opponents as evil. The story can even be a lie but that is no disqualification, since its purpose is not to explain the world in any objective sense, but to stir up hate. An ideology invariably selects some facts and ignores others. If it runs counter to historical record, history must be re-written to fit. If it is contradicted by scientific evidence, that evidence will be ignored or suppressed, or an alternative researcher found who will bring to light more convincing politically correct evidence. Because of this, an ideology can run quite contrary to reality, and the movement driven by it can end up living in a world largely of its own imaginings. Such is the case with the political Left.

In Leftist ideology the story goes like this. Once upon a time man lived in a state of blissful communism where there was no hate, no crime, no violence or war, only universal love. This was possible because there was no private ownership of property. Everything was shared by all and allocated according to the principle ‘from each according to their ability, to each according to their need’. In fact nobody laid personal claim to anything, not even their own body. There were no moral rules or restrictions because there didn’t need to be any, everybody could copulate with everybody else regardless of age or sex. The society was a matriarchy, ruled by women, and there were no such things as nations or national borders which might ‘cause wars’. This was the human race in its original state, and because it was the original state (so the story goes) it must be the ‘natural’ state, the way it would still be, if it weren’t for an awful thing that happened.

One day white men conspired together and invented private property, the institution of marriage to enslave women, nations and borders which caused wars, and turned the society into a heterosexual patriarchy using moral rules as a form of social control. Ever since then the world has been fraught with evil, guilt, crime, war and social injustice. What needs to be done is for the middle-class Left, the historically determined revolutionary class, to overthrow the partiarchal oppressors along with their private property, marriage, moral rules, individualism, rule of law, heterosexuality, nations and national borders, and let the human race revert to its natural communist state again. Then and only then will the people be ‘free’.

Factually, it is pure fabrication. The idea that man was originally communist and matriarchal was proposed by Karl Marx’s collaborator, Friedrich Engels. (1) Engels used as his model an ancient people called ‘the Gentes’, but as German jurist Hans Kelsen has pointed out, Engels’ sources (Morgan’s ‘Ancient Society’ and Bachofen’s ‘Mutterrecht’.... mother state) were disputed even in their own time and have since been proven wrong by scientific research. There is no doubt, said Kelsen, that the societies Engels referred to had laws, punishment, collective property in land and individual property in personal possessions. (2) So why does the Left continue to believe otherwise? Well when facts conflict with ideology, it is facts that are ignored. Once that happens, detachment from reality is not far off.

Nor is there any evidence that property was deliberately invented by capitalistic men. Anthropologist Margaret Mead wrote in 1961: “ spite of the widespread notions of primitive communism, there is no known culture without some institution of private property”. Misinterpretations of archeological evidence, she says, “Have misled some observers into thinking that no private property was held by individuals....[But] experience with attempts to impose...collective ideologies upon ‘communistic ’ primitive people very rapidly exposes the error of this assumption”. (3)

Nobel Prize-winning economist and jurist, Professor F.A.Hayek pointed out that the concept of private property has been recognised and accepted since the earliest recorded writings and has been challenged “only in comparatively recent times by....socialism (and the) erroneous idea that property had at some late stage been ‘invented’, and that before that there had existed an earlier state of primitive communism. This myth has been completely refuted by anthropological research.” (4)

He quotes Hallowell as saying, “ rights are universal [and]....a basic factor in the structuralisation of the role of individuals in relation to the basic economic processes.” (5) According to Hayek, “There can be no question now that the recognition of property preceded the rise of even the most primitive cultures, and that....civilisation had grown up on the basis of that spontaneous order of actions which made it possible,by the delimitation of the domains of individuals or groups [i.e. property rights]”. (6) Ask the Left, “So what about that?”, and they will respond, “So what about it?”, and they will go on believing what they believe. The purpose of the ideology is not to explain the world but to justify hate, and they turn a practiced blind eye to inconvenient facts.

Factual evidence aside however, even if communism did happen to be the ‘original’ state of man, it simply does not follow that it is therefore the ‘natural’ state of man, or that it was necessarily ‘good’, justifying an engineered return to it. If human society is evolving and it was originally communist, then it it highly unlikely that it should ever be communist again. There is no evidence that evolution, biological or social, goes backwards, or round in circles. But again, facts and logic cannot be allowed to get in the way of a good hate-generating ideology.

Leftist ideology has picked up and absorbed useful bits and pieces along the way. When Sigmund Freud expounded his theory that humans were ruled not by reason, but by repressed memories in their subconscious minds of infantile urges to copulate with the parent of the opposite sex, it was inevitable that the Left would pick that up and adapt it to its own purposes. Obviously civilisation was at fault here, for making children suppress their urges in the first place. The urges were natural and therefore ‘good’ (ignoring the fact that the ‘natural being the good’ is the ‘naturalistic fallacy’, the oldest logical fallacy in the book). It was civilisation that was unnatural and therefore bad, and had to be overthrown. The destructive urges of the Left were thus vindicated ‘scientifically’ [even though Freud arrived at his theory by self-analysis, recalling his own lust for his mother at the age of 2, and imposing it on the rest of the world]. (7)

When Leftist ideology has been found to be obviously at odds with reality, attempts have been made to bend reality to fit the ideology. Thus Alfred Kinsey carefully selected biased samples (prison inmates for the men’s study, and female academics for the women’s) and manipulated his data to ‘prove’ that 10% of people were homosexual. In truth the figure was closer to 1-2%, but nevertheless his fraudulent findings have been used to justify the Left getting into the education system and promoting homosexuality and promiscuity under the guise of ‘sex education’ in schools. (8)

Bit by bit the fabric of Western society has been deliberately eroded by Leftist ‘useful idiots’ in the belief that they are preparing the way for a return to the promised land of a propertyless society with no moral restrictions. The wreckage along the way is becoming a major embarrassment, especially the results of their deliberate destruction of morals, which are dismissed by the Left as artificial rules erected by the ‘capitalist’ system for the purpose social control. In place of moral rules they advocate ‘situational relativism’: people, including children, should make up their own morals, situation by situation.

It should come as no surprise then that in January in Britain a mob of schoolboys raped a 9 year-old schoolgirl at school during the lunch hour, pulling her into a lavatory, stripping her and taking turns holding her down and doing it. In July two middle class New Jersey students killed a newborn baby. The girl gave birth to it in a motel room, then she and her boyfriend put it in a garbag and threw it in the rubbish bin out back where it froze to death. In September in America a woman gave birth to a baby in a moving car and somebody threw it out of the window onto the freeway. It was found later lying on the median strip almost dead, umbilical cord still attached. Another schoolgirl gave birth in the toilet during a high school prom, strangled the baby, threw it in a rubbish tin and went back to the dance. In August in America two boys aged 7 and 8 murdered an 11 year-old girl by knocking her unconscious with a rock and suffocating her by stuffing grass and leaves in her mouth and nose. Then they hid her bike. A state appeals court in New Jersey ruled that the Boy Scouts’ ban on gay members violated state anti-discrimination laws. The three-judge panel ordered the Boy Scouts of America to reinstate an expelled gay scout master, who could then sue for monetary damages. In September the curtain went up on an off-Broadway play about a gay Jesus character who has sex with his apostles. In 1992, a woman in D.C. murdered her six-week-old daughter. A judge gave her three years of weekends in jail and the custody of her other child, a two year-old. Considering these sorts of goings on, the tip of an amoral iceberg, and it is no use trying to make out things are not much different from what they were in grandma’s day.

As a rough guide, believing the ‘capitalist’ system to be all wrong, the Left work towards reversing all the present values and ‘standing them on their head’, as Marx reputedly did with Hegel. Thus Jay Severin could write (WorldNetDaily 24/11/98) that in what he describes as “the O.J.-Clinton era, right is wrong; wrong is right; wisdom is worthless; law is denounced, duty desecrated, honor mocked; an honest man is vilified for enforcing the law; the cop is the villain, the criminal the hero. Thus, the president of the United States lies under oath, obstructs justice, abuses his office (and, maybe, sells our enemies our secrets for campaign cash). But we don’t care.”

One of the most useful ideological devices has been to make out that what is ‘true’ is relative to different classes, and that the revolutionary class (the Left) has a monopoly on the ‘true truth’. It follows that anything said or done to further the Leftist agenda, or by anyone committed to furthering the Leftist agenda (such as Democrat president Clinton) is ‘true’ by definition. It’s a higher sort of truth. That is why Clinton can engage in workplace sexual harrassment and lie under oath, and still not be impeached. He’s one of the Left’s chosen, and the Left control the American government.

Geoff Metcalf, writing in WorldNetDaily (24/11/98) predicted that Clinton will not be impeached because “58 Democrats in Congress are members of a policy group that is working with, and being promoted by the Democratic Socialists of America, the domestic branch of the Socialist International Party.” According to the web site of the Democratic Socialists, “DSA is working with the Congressional Progressive Caucus, a network of more than 50 progressive members of the U.S. House of Representatives....working to affect a political agenda which includes....economic redistribution and social and environmental justice....DSA’s members are building progressive movements for social change while establishing an openly socialist presence in American communities and politics....”

If they’re there, they’re here. And people still think it’s all ‘just happening’, that Western society is ‘calling for’ its own destruction.

  1. Friedrich Engels, ‘The Origin of Family, Private Property and the State’ (1891).
  2. Hans Kelsen, ‘The Communist Theory of Law’.
  3. Margaret Mead, quoted in Lord LLoyd of Hampstead, "Introduction to Jurisprudence", 4th Edition, pp.155-6. See also the article by John Hirst, ‘Five Fallacies of Aboriginal Policy’ in Quadrant magazine, July/Aug. 1994, p.14: contrary to popular belief Australian Aborigines are not communist, but have a social system built on the extended family.
  4. F. A. Hayek, ‘Law Legislation and Liberty’ (1973), Vol. I.
  5. A. I. Hallowell, ‘Nature and function of property as a social institution”, J. Leg. & Pol. Sociology (1943), quoted in Hayek, ibid., p. 172 n.
  6. F. A. Hayek, at pp.107-8.
  7. Hans Eysenck, ‘Decline and Fall of the Freudian Empire’ (1985); Ernest Jones, ‘The Life and Work of Sigmund Freud’ (1953-7); Jonathan Miller (Ed.), ‘Freud the Man, His World, His influence’ (1972); Michael Schneider, ‘Neurosis and Civilisation: a Marxist/Freudian Synthesis’ (1975).
  8. Judith A. Reisman, ‘Kinsey Sex and Fraud: the Indoctrination of a People’ (1990).

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