Globalisation by one clenched fist

(c) Copyright 1999: Graham L. Strachan

In a previous article (‘Will Globalism be Imposed by Force?’), readers were reminded how Russian defector, Anatoly Golitsyn, in a 1984 book called ‘New Lies for Old’, revealed that the Soviet Union and China had been manufacturing ‘disinformation’ about the state of affairs within the communist bloc since at least 1957. The exercise extended to creating a false picture of relationships within the communist bloc, including between Russia and China. The object was to fool the West into lowering its guard against the communist threat, and adopting policies which furthered, or at least did not hinder, communism’s long range plans for world government. With the West off guard, the communist regimes could lay the groundwork for a ‘major shift in communist tactics’ in the ‘final phase of policy’ during the 1980s.

This ‘major shift in tactics’ involved daring new disinformation initiatives, including the false liberalisation of the Soviet Union and the demolition of the Berlin Wall, and economic reforms which appeared to introduce ‘capitalism’ and democracy. Despite the ‘reforms’, however, the reality of communism and its commitment to world government would continue unaffected.

Deceived by the apparent end of the Cold War, America would wind back its armed forces, thus rendering itself vulnerable. Then in the final stage of the ‘major shift in tactics’ there would be a ‘Sino-Soviet reconciliation’, in which the apparent policy disagreements between China and the Soviet Union would dissolve, giving way to the ‘strategy of one clenched fist’. The US and the West, confronted with the reality of ‘the overwhelming strength of communism’ which would be ‘virtually unanswerable’, would have no option but to join in a ‘supranational economic and political communist federation’: submit to world communist government, in other words.

What Golitsyn did not predict, however, was that with the so-called ‘collapse’ of the Soviet Union, communism would be renamed ‘globalism’, and world government headquarters would be moved from the Kremlin to Washington DC. Preposterous? Observers have continually warned that globalists within the American government were working behind the scenes to change things within the USA to enable it to be merged comfortably with the communist bloc, thus bringing about world government. With world government (gobalist) headquarters relocated in Washington, the scene could be set for the Clinton administration to assist the communist bloc to give effect to the strategy of one clenched fist. Only in these terms does the present behaviour of the Clinton White House in relation to China, Yugoslavia and indeed America itself, make any sense.

If there was any substance to Golitsyn’s claim about the ‘strategy of one clenched fist’, the world would expect to see China and Russia arming themselves, and commencing talks to ‘resolve’ imaginary differences. This has indeed been happening. Russia and China recently entered into an alliance for the specified purpose of challenging the dominance of the United States. Both countries have been moving troops off their shared borders, as military cooperation has been stepped up. Chinese Premier Zhu Rongji recently flew to Moscow for his first official trip to ‘boost flagging trade’ [The Australian, 23/2/1999]. Beijing has held talks with Russia on the US plan to create a theatre missile defence (TMD) system to protect its troops and allies in Asia [The South China Post, 13/2/1999].

In the meantime, president Clinton has not only been winding back his own country’s defences but has actually helped the Chinese build up theirs by allowing American big business to sell them vital military technology. The Clinton administration has slashed defense spending and reduced America’s military readiness. It has destroyed two-thirds of America’s nuclear arsenal, leaving Russia with the largest nuclear arsenal in the world. According to Senator James Inhofe (R-OK), a member of the Senate Armed Service Committee, “[America is] in a more threatened position than we have probably been in the history of this country....We’re at one-half the defense force we had in 1991. We don’t have a national defense system!”

At the same time Clinton has signed waiver after waiver, circumventing Congress and the law, to export satellites, super computers, radars, secure communications and bombing navigation equipment to China. China has 18 intercontinental ballistic missiles trained on American cities, capable of far greater accuracy now, thanks to the new technology. It has the third largest military in the world after Russia’s and America’s. Chinese companies with close ties to the Chinese government now control the ports at both ends of the Panama Canal. If Clinton had had his way, COSCO, the Chinese government overseas shipping line, would have been given the old naval base in Long Beach, California.

According to Colonel Lunev, a recent defector from the main intelligence directorate of the Russian General Staff, Russia has been preparing for a war it considers inevitable. Though supposedly bankrupt, Russia has been stockpiling food and fuel, building vast underground nuclear war bunkers, developing and stockpiling new biological and chemical weapons as well as road and rail-mobile intercontinental ballistic missiles. The Russian Navy continues to improve its surface and submarine forces, deploying the largest ballistic missile cruiser of its kind, Peter the Great. The Washington Times reported recently that Russia’s strategic bomber forces carried out simulated nuclear bombing raids against the United States in exercises that included test firings of long-range cruise missiles. All that was needed now was some pretext upon which to start shaking the ‘one clenched fist’.

Then around 25 March, NATO forces at the behest of the Clinton administration, launched an attack on civilian and military targets in Serbia, allegedly to stop the Serbs killing Albanians in Kosovar. The action was not approved by the UN Security Council, and it was in direct contravention of NATO’s own charter. NATO was formed as a purely defensive alliance during the Cold War solely to defend Western Europe from an attack by the now defunct Soviet Union and its Warsaw Pact allies, many of whom are now members. Serbia was never a member of the Warsaw Pact, nor has it ever attacked, threatened, or invaded any member of NATO. Even Clinton is not denying that Serbia holds a clear title to its Kosovo province.

It makes no sense that NATO should think that a few weeks of bombing could end political and religious warfare that has consumed the Balkans for centuries, especially since similar tactics have failed previously in Afghanistan and Vietnam. Nor has the alleged principle behind the action been applied consistently. In 1995, the world stood by while the Croatian Army evicted 350,000 Serbs from lands that they had lived in since the fourth century. Why were the Serbs of Krajina less deserving of protection than the Albanians of Kosovo?

Nor has the war against Serbia been approved by the US congress. It has been declared by executive order, in direct contravention of the US Constitution. Clinton claims the war is ‘moral’ and ‘the right thing to do’, yet the dishonesty of that argument is revealed by the fact that Clinton’s own bombing, not the actions of the Serbs, has caused the tragic refugee problem. It has killed innocent people, destroyed civilian property to no purpose, and united the Serbs behind Milosevic to defend their homeland.

While the real reason for the assault remains unclear, it is definitely furthering the strategy of ‘one clenched fist’, first of all by providing Russia and China with an excuse to clench it. Both countries’ leaders are expressing anger about the NATO attack on Serbia, claiming to feel betrayed by the assurances of this ‘defensive’ alliance that it would never use its military might in an offensive way, and try to impose its will on neighbors.

Secondly, the action is further depleting America’s defence capabilities. After less than a month of bombing the US is almost out of cruise missiles, has no carriers in Asian waters, and has so depleted its military that it will have to call up reserves just to continue bombing. Now there is a call for 200,000 American ground troups to be sent, leaving the home soil that much more vulnerable. The US is already heavily committed to defending South Korea from an always threatening Pyongyang and conducting nearly daily bombing runs in Iraq.

Some analysts are surmising that with a strategic alliance forged between Beijing and Moscow, the Chinese might take advantage of the crisis to pursue their territorial claims to Taiwan or the Spratly Islands, while the US has been forced to move its last aircraft carrier battle group from Asia to the Persian Gulf. The US military would have a very difficult time, analysts say, fighting on two fronts. Fighting on three would be impossible. Thirdly, the bombing of Serbia, a Christian nation and former Western ally, is drastically reducing the morale of the US Armed Services.

On the other hand Russia has no military distractions other than the current events in the Balkans, and the attack on Serbia has united Russians against America. “Today, there is virtual unanimity among Russians that the United States and its NATO allies represent an aggressive, imperialist threat. Russians are demonstrating in the streets, volunteering for military service on behalf of Belgrade and mobilizing their military in a way not witnessed since the height of the Cold War” [Joseph Farah, WorldNetDaily, 16/4/1999].

According to Turkish intelligence sources, Russia is sending another nine-vessel naval battle group to the Mediterranean. Moscow is beginning to draft young men into military service with a preliminary target of 169,000 recruits. These events are largely being concealed by the Western establishment press whose journalists appear to have been taken in by the disinformation that Russia is destitute. But even in its so-called fallen state, Moscow boasts military forces at least triple the size of Washington’s. The new recruits will make it four times larger than the US military.

As Joe Farah of WorldNetDaily points out, not only has the NATO mission failed miserably in its primary stated objective of humanitarian relief, it has moved the entire world precipitously closer to Armageddon. “Is it all a big blunder,” asks Farah, “or is there globalist calculation behind this apparent madness”?

Whatever else it is doing, the Kosovo attack appears to be establishing some sort of precedent for a world government to intervene in sovereign states to ‘protect’ allegedly persecuted minorities. Perhaps the Serbs have been singled out as an example because of their fierce nationalism, and nationalism has to be crushed and obliterated permanently in the new global order. The Clinton administration is acting increasingly like a dictatorial world government, claiming some inherent right to act as the ‘world’s policeman’, while NATO is obviously going to be the world police (‘peacekeeping’) force. Australians should be asking how long it will be before they too have the ‘one clenched fist’ thrust in their faces and are told to kneel before their new world order bosses.

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