Young and Restless: Setting sights on Political sphere

It’s always alarming to wake up and find that you are living in a material world. Where knowledge is most definitely power. The three vital factors: ISP charges, mobile phones, and running shoes. For the impoverished and the affluent alike, it is social suicide not to have the statistics on digital versus analogue, and Nike versus Reebok.

“In the age of Playstations and lip-gloss, a 14-year old without money is barred from the world of consumption most teenagers inhabit.” (The Australian, 1/3/99)

The era of low expectations. We have cross cultures, sub cultures... Ending in cultural confusion. In fact, we have probably reached the extremities - There is no such thing as normal. Except when working on a comparison level - Which develops the then and now mentality, inevitably exposing the gaping generation gap. For some socio-economic areas, plagued with problems, ‘normal’ is stealing a car or vandalism. It all depends on what physical acts and possessions lead to social acceptance. When chances of employment are dismal, the education system is failing, and family breakdown is rampant - ‘symbols of independence’ are artificially manifested. Whether you are a ‘have’ or a ‘have not,’ the very essence of human nature is mirrored.

“Get a group of children in a room with a light fixture hanging just out of their grasp. Then watch what happens: One child will jump to touch it, and before you know it, every kid in the room will be leaping like Michael Jordan. They’re testing their skill, stimulated by the challenge of reaching something beyond their normal grasp. Put the same children in a room where everything is easily in reach, and there will be no jumping, no competition, no challenges.”

The blight on society is - Everything is really within reach. If the light fixture is out of reach, it will not be that way for long. We face economic struggles, but how many loop holes are there for many to escape the hardship? Why waste energy jumping to reach the light fixture? If you are financially able, you pay someone to do that on your behalf. If you are on the lower end of the financial scale.... Vandalise, smash, beg, steal.

The need for ambition has been drained from society. If one had the need, the sense, the drive - They would plan a way to reach the light fixture (ie - goal), and then market the light bulb. But who needs such ambition in this day and age? When you know exactly what the major fast food outlets are offering by way of wages, and exactly how far they will let you climb the corporate ladder before you take a nasty tumble. Eighteen is ancient in the eyes of the ‘Big M.’ When there is no competition on an intellectual level - Just a material one. Why on earth does one have any need or desire to strive?

It’s been said that One Nation is our last chance.

Young Nation is our first and last chance. Never has a political Party provided an advertising campaign directed solely at Young Australians. Young Nation is the latest venture on the block. It promises to provide hope, opportunity for policy input - a chance to have a say and be heard.

The future is ours and it is up to us all, young and old, to make a difference:

This message has to get across to every child.

Think of all the strong negative images that young people are exposed to through the wonders of television and films.

Without realising it, we have been prophets of doom for decades now.

Well......the end of the world has been nigh for a hell of a long time.

It’s time we told our kids that there is a future...... and that the future needs them.

The greatest gift that we can give to Australia is the hopes and dreams of our children.

And the greatest gift we can give our children is a promise of a better Australia.

(Wake up, Shake up, Stand up - S. Anthony et. al.)

Keep reaching for that light bulb....

Any questions or comments, please email me, the Young Nation Web Site Manager and Moderator: at this email address


Hello Shondra,

I like your article on Scott Balson's site. Well done!

I am a health practitioner and come in contact with lots of parents and students. Many are perturbed about the way the governments and health departments have been pushing vaccination at schools. Due to the amount of unbiased information awailable via the net and books, people are now better informed about the side effects vaccines can have, and refuse to be re-vaccinated and /or have their babies vaccinated.

I spoke to a number of One Nation members about this issue. They all agree that the decision to vaccinate or not should rest with the individual and parents after evaluation of all the pros and cons.Several students who were re-vaccinated have reported nasty experiences and poor health. The Vaccination Awareness Network has a database on this. Have you ever investigated this important issue? After all it amounts to freedom of choice.

I am interested in your and the party's view on this.

Dr. Veronica Griffin, Ph.D.

Thank you for the compliment Veronica :-)

The issue you have raised is an important one.

Without demeaning your position as a Doctor, I have a great deal of skepticism when it comes to orthodox medicine. Based on personal experience, I probably have just cause. When I was a child, I suffered greatly with bronchitis. My doctor at the time, prescribed six months of antibiotics. My mother, in a state of anxiety (who wants to see their child in pain?), agreed. Dad was not so eager, and threw the prescription away. Just as well he did too. One of my friends went through exactly the same antibiotic treatment as a child, and now has a destroyed immune system because of it. Over the years I've been misdiagnosed for various illnesses, thanks to the medical profession. Fortunately, I am seeking alternatives, which I believe are a far better long term solution. Used in conjunction with medicine at the necessary times.

Anyway, I must digress. Vaccinations. I, personally, agree with you wholeheartedly. It comes down to freedom of choice. Unfortunately, something that we are sadly losing in this Country. In my situation, I had violent reactions to a few vaccinations. The second course could've killed me, so I had no option but to avoid at least some of them.

As for an official One Nation Party line, I do not know. My feeling is that it would not have been looked at in great depth at this stage. Like I said, it's an important issue. So I'm prepared to present the findings of subsequent investigation to One Nation. Information is vitally important. We can espouse as many theories as we wish, but if we don't have the evidence, it is fruitless. I am curious to find out more about the Vaccination Awareness Network. What exactly is there role and could you supply me with some more information?

You seem to be a lady who has maintained perspective and a level head. Well done. I welcome your input into this matter.

Keep in touch.

Kind regards,
Shondra Briton

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