Gold Coast Meeting

14th January 2000

Hi Scott,

I attended Pauline Hansons meeting on the Gold Coast last evening It was rather sad to see a woman, who once had the unswerving loyalty of so many and the opportunity to be a real catalist for change in this country reduced to what we witnessed.

Direct answers to questions of accountability were avoided until persistentence by attendees required such.

Most questions were swerved and used as an opportunity to blame, defame, or simply bag former loyal supporters.

Much time was alloted to boasting of the people she had 'Sacked' and threatening the 'Sack' to others who expressed their basic right of freedom of speech and political comment.

We have all seen the same change in many people who are short term successful in business. It is always short term for these people who forget that the ladder to the top has 'rungs'.

My belief that I witnessed the collapse of the Gold Coast 'rung' last evening was confirmed by the after function comments.

Thanks for keeping us informed.

Kind regards,
Phil Connolly.

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