The Year that Was -
One Nation

by Geoff Kay

This is part of a series of articles covering the previous year. A year when One Nation went to sleep. I hope to be able show you; issues and opportunities that One Nation let slip by, opportunities for positive publicity and opportunities for building a more inclusive and positive rapport with the public.


A Word on Preferences

After the Federal election, we had a lot of politicians coming down on Pauline Hanson for her comments on preferential voting.

Well personally, I happen to like the idea of preferential voting, but I would like to see it be "optional preferential". That is; that people have their votes passed on, only if the wish it, not just as a default of some party room decision. That's unrepresentative of an individual's choice and as such undemocratic.

Because it was Pauline who commented, of course we had the pollies immediately jump in with; "but she only polled 37% therefore 63% voted against her" argument.

This is spurious and as Kipling said; "a trap for fools". I don't know what the other major parties polled but let's say it was 25% for Labor and 27% for Liberal. Because of preferences, the Liberals get in with 53%. But, using the same argument that the pollies and their "blind" followers used against Pauline. That means that 75% didn't vote Labor and 73% didn't vote Liberal.

"Optional Preferential," where we only number the squares for who we wish to vote for is the best way to go.

In the coming State election, "optional preferential" will be in force. What people in the wider community need to understand is that because the major parties are swapping preferences. That a vote for Liberal is a vote Labor, and a vote for Labor is a vote for Liberal.

Well... Did One Nation take up the debate...? NO.

Did they form a policy to take to the people and help correct the problem...? NO

Media Watch...

For those of you who don't know, here is a list of media personalities who are anti-One Nation;

TV - Ray Martin, Maxine McKew, Kerry O'Brien

RADIO - John Stanley, Mike Carlton, Ray Hadley, Terry Willesee, Mark Collier, John Kerr, Frank Crook.

PRESS - Greg Sheridan, Peter Ruehl, Mark Day, Robert Manne, Phillip Adams, Maralyn Lake, Les Hollings, Alex Mitchell.

Those with a patently more balanced view are;

TV -

RADIO - Alan Jones

PRESS - Michael Duffy, Nicolas Rothwell, Paddy McGuinness

If you can think of any more, please let us all know.

Here are some comments on an article titled; "Asian values no excuse for abuses", from the Daily Telegraph. Nowhere in the entire article, was there a reference to One Nation or the hypocrisy of Alexander Downer or the Coalition Government.

Both Tim Fischer and Alexander Downer have been two of the most outspoken opponents to One Nation from within the Coalition. Both have bordered on the completely irrational in their behaviour and attitude towards One Nation and its supporters. Downer's stance, that of labelling ON "racist", and his public outpourings being amongst the worst. (How he or anyone would expect preferences from One Nation, especially since they put ON last, is beyond me).

Well it seems that Mr Downer has once again managed to put both feet in his mouth. Speaking at a human rights conference in Sydney he has attacked... "Asian Values" as an inappropriate excuse for social and political behaviour in their countries. How intolerant of you Mr Downer... how un-multicultural...! This is the same man that berates and belittles One Nation for its stance on multiculturalism. This is the same man whom wants to see One Nation vanish from Australian politics. Here he is, telling the Asians that "Asian values" are inappropriate for use in their own countries, but preaching to us that we must tolerate them (due to multiculturalism), here in Australia. Ah, the sweet smell of hypocrisy.

The following is part of what Mr. Downer said;

" For too long there have been people in Asia and elsewhere who have clung to the misguided notion of 'Asian values' as a justification for clamping down on democratic movements or the natural inclination of people to participate in the democratic process."

Perhaps this is why they look to the Australian government to silence groups such as One Nation.

" They have also used so-called 'Asian values' as an excuse for not allowing for an appropriate evolution of an open civil society. It is only an open civil society which can be inclusive, tolerant and truly outward looking."

Perhaps this is why they are intolerant towards One Nation, (what Downer's excuse is, heaven only knows).

" by erecting barriers to civil society such as suppressing dissent, hobbling the judicial system, cracking down on the media... they are weighing the scales unfairly and undermining democracy."

Perhaps Mr Downer should try taking his own advice, (I doubt though, that he even wrote the speech, let alone understands it.)

Well... Was this News item ever addressed by One Nation...? NO

Was Downer ever put on the spot...? NO


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